Page 29 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 29

Read the text about Ted lngram quickty. What is his job  and              U.   'r;'  :        t       lt*|i1lffi
                                                                                                  , .l
          why does he do it?                                                .i.q:qTy.:,,ry      :i:i: ii::i:rl:l1i:ri:lilir'  i;li!  ',-
                                                                                                ,:;.tri,i:.1,:riir:iiititaa!ti:iraritlj:i.l1tij,:t!:i::i.r.:..,-,-;..-,tr-i  r::.rr'j::,r:.
                                                                   Bill Hocking,l_      , 15    i:f::i: lr.l:rl:l:il:l:;.1:lliili::.;:1..;;;,,;;;:;:,.:;  '   ".',illil,,,,
                                 Ted Ingram, who is 91 years       Britain,soldestfisherman.Most.].-....],i']i'.].:.;.:
                                 old this year, could  enter the   mornings  he gets up early and      ,  '..'  ilr,;ri,::ilrlr,..l;:i:l,.1lil';':,   ";.l:,,t:
                                 Guinness  Book of Records as
                                 the world's oldest paperboy.                                              t:llXg;ffiM
                                                                   ,--,       are now only  a few  r,.:',',.,"
                                 He has delivered newspapers
                                 in the village of Winterborn   #   hours  long'  Besides  being verY  ffi
                                 Monckton, where he Iives,  since  E  old for a fisherman'  there are   ffi
                                 he was 23. Ted moved to the     ,i  other  things  that are unusual  ffi
                                 village in 1938  and got a job on  ;   about Bill' First o{ all' he can't  ffi
                                 a farm,  where  he drove a tractor.
                                 He started delivering  papers in  &   :  il'i'1,U:  [i ::I-*  . ;,i' #
          1942 to earn a bit more money.  The 9l-year-old,  whose wife  #,  would  never  try  1
          died twelve years  ago, Ioves his job as it allows him to meet  the
                                                                    boat  in almost  anY weather  to   /
          neighbours  and have a chat. During  his career, which has  lasted
          nearly  seven decades, Ted has delivered over half a million  catch  Iobsters  and  crabs'
          papers.  'l'm  not a paperboy  - I'm more like a paperman!'  joked
          Ted, who  has no plans to retire.                         thing  about Bill is that he
                                                                     doein't  eat fish' He saYs  he
                                                                     prefers  steak!
        ?  Read the text again, ignoring  the relative  clauses  (the
          words in red). Does  the text mal<e  sense without them?

          Read the Learn  this! box and choose  the correct  words
          to complete the rules. Use the relative  clauses in red in  $  Combine  the two sentences  to make one complex sentence.
          exercise 1 to help you.                                  Include the information in the second  sentence as a non-
       &p**ry***'-'                                        'l      defining relative  clause, either  at the end or in the middte
       ffiffi  non-defining retative clauses               i       of the new sentence.
       ffi   ,  O non-defining  relative clause comes immediately   i  1 My sister  wants to be a vet. She loves animals.
       W      before  /  after  a noun and gives us information  about   I  M1 sister, lrho loves animals,  wantrlo  bo a vot.
       ffiS  that noun.                                    i       2 My aunt earns a lot of money.  She's  a lawyer.
       ffi   Z lt adds extra information  to the sentence; the   I  3 l'd tike to go to Africa. I can work in a national  park.
              sentence mal<es sense /  does not make sense   I     4 Her daughter works in a [aboratory. She [ives in France.
          I   without it.                                  i       5 He loves  his  lob.  lt involves deating  with the pubtic.
          i   My uncle lives in London. He's an occountont.   i    6 Last summer lvisited  Thaitand. My cousin Iives there.
          i   nV uncle, who's an accountant, lives in London.      7 Matthewwants to be an interpreter.  His mum is a
            3 lt starts /  ends with a comma  and starts / ends with  translator.
              a comma,  or a full stop.                            rll;$  I  L.llVfj;   ,  iqilli:il;!   "1 .'  il.'";   I  -.   flf{f

          $-ffi#${  *#Y{                                        S Worl<  in pairs or small groups. Add non-defining  relative
           ln non-defining relative clauses, we use who, which, where  clauses  to this story to make it more interesting.
           and whose, but we do not use that.
                                                                 On lst  June,  Dan Smith  went for a job interview with a iarge company
          Complete  the text about  Bitl Hocl<ing with the relative  The interviewer looked at his CV and asked  some questions. Dan told
          clauses (a-f).                                         her about his previous  job. Dan received a letter and showed it to his
                                                                 wife. He got the job, but he wasnt happy with the salary.
          a who worries about  him every time he goes out to sea
           b where he keeps  his boat
          c who is 81 years old this year
                                                                   0n rst fune,  which uar hi6  q5fu  birthdal, Dan tmith  ...
          d which  used to last up to 36 hours
          e which  he sells at the Iocal  market                Y ffi       Read your story to the class. Which is the most
          f  whose boat is called Neptune's Pride                  interesting story?
                                                                                                   Unit 3  Agood  iob | 27
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