Page 26 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 26

            'fi"good'iob                                       Vocabulary r jobs  and gender r  activities atwork  r  describingwork  r  expressing
                                                               an opinion  r  agreeingand disagreeing r  agent nouns r phrasalverbs
                                                               Grammar  r defining relative  clauses r  non-defining relative  clauses
                                                               Speaking r  discussing  work  abroad r  discussing  work  and gender r  a  iob  interview
                                                               Writing r  aformal  letter

         1  Mal<e a list of  iobs.  How many  can you thinl< of in two
                                                                    i&,i.,fi.?*  Listen  to four radio adverts for  jobs.  Match each
                                                                    advert 1-4 with a sentence a-e. There  is one sentence that
         2  !!![f[[f,[   Read the  job adverts.  Use the words in red to  you do not need.
                                                                    7_  2_  3_  4
            complete the vocabulary tables.
                                                                    a You witl be given  training.
                                                                    b The employer hasn't decided the pay yet.
    Telesoles  operotor                                             c You can earn more than the advertised  pay.
                                  Conslruction  workers
    Working  in our busy coll centre,                               d This job  is suitable for a young person.
                                  Skilled ond  unskilled
                                                                    e This job involves shift work.
    you will onswer  lhe phone  ond
                                  workers  required:  plosterers,
    deol wilh the public.  Ihe work  electricions,  corpenlers,  ,.'  4
                                                             i'     ffiffirW  Describe  the jobs  in the photos. Tatk about: the
    ls chollenging, but rewording.
                                  lobourers.  Work porttime  or     name of the  job,  the activities, the hours, the pay, whether
    Shift work: either  07.00-15.00                                 you'd like to do the jobs  and why.
    or 15.00-23.00.              {lri:lll3 lli l?Ytyee!)     :
   Bonk clerk                                                .: i'
                                 Fruit-pickers  needed for form
   Well-poid  job  for on experienced
                                 in Norfolk.  Working in o teom
   clerk. Working  mosfly on your  of ten people.  you  con eorn up
   own, you will be in chorge  of
                                 to S9.50 on hour.
   the reception  desk ond serve  i\,iji!],l:  -..,-ar..  ..,.',!:!',  r.i.:..r.:   ,ir!::  .Ji
   customers.  Solory negotioble.
  !jj,,,,-lJ:r.   iid:,.,,!.+   -ia,-.ii

             answer the  1           dealwith  the   2
             use a computer         work on your  _
             do paperwork           work in a  a
             do manual  work         be in  5-    of

             work nine-to-five      work a 35-  e-    week

                       (money)       f6 an  12
                                                                    ffiffi   lf you could choose  any job  in the world,
                                                                    what would  it be? Why?  Think about hours of worl<, pay,
                                                                    responsibilities, etc.

            D  VOCRSULARYBUILDER3.I: PAGE129 G                      D  VOCRBULARY  BUIIDER  3.2:  PAGE 129 <

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