Page 23 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 23
:. Read Liam's narrative. What is it about? Choose the best Read the writing strategy about time expressions in a
summary (a-c). narrative. Which expressions are in Liam's narrative?
a a shocking experience
b a terribte holiday
c a speciaI occasion Narrative time expressions
. We often start a narrative with a non-specific time
One day last, summer, 1 decided io spend a day by the
a few weeks ago about a month or so ogo
sea wilh some friends. We don't live on lhe coasl, so w€ one day last summer one Sundoy last yeor :
mel in town al, nine o'clock in lhe morning and gol on a .Toshowhowasituationchangeswithtime,WeUSe:
bus. We arrlved at aboulr t,en. We found a good place, took at first ..., (but) then ...
oll o:r I sr jr's 'r,^d sa. oown on rhe sano. Suodenly, . To tatk about an unexpected event, we use:
wo heard a lo ol noise. We s-ood -p and looked uro-',t. Suddenly, ...
. We use these expressions to move the narrative
A few people were shouting ancl waving near the edge ,
'i'sr,, forward in time:
olthe wal"r. AL 1 thoughr Lne"e was a shank. Bur
lhe'. l.feaiispd Lhau somebody'ad go' inr,o di"lic-lly in later a few minutes later ofter a while later on
10 lhe qea. Two men weni inlo the wa[er and carried a girl . To bring the narrative to an end, we use: in the end ... l
Orto emphasise that a lot of time has passed,
out. Shp wasn'L 'noving al al I she was u conscioub.
They puL r er down on rhp sancl anci l"i.,d ro wa(e h.r
finally at last
up. A few mln:Les aL^r, an ambulance anr ved ano
h ree paranod jcs jumoed our. They sLa'Ltro rhe
!!![f,t!l[f,l| Complete these phrasalverbs from Liam's
15 girl erergoncy troaLIrelL. Jusr t hen L,he girl's mothpr
a"riveo. S^e lool,ed sho"ked and sca ced. Tf en e girl narrative in exercise 1. Then choose the correct meaning for
this context, a-e.
sa up and looked arotnd. Her rolhpr was so relieveri.
7 get _ a become very upset
she broke down and straried crying. In ihe end, the
2 take b leave
pa'amedics lofl and rhe glrlwenu ol[ wiLh her mor-er. put _
3 ptace somebody or something on
20 She wes fjr". Bur we all a biL s rarge espogi*|],
4 break the ground
5 go_ d remove (an item of ctothing)
whpn we were swimn ing in he spa. ll was a cray 1'll
never forge . e enter (a vehicle)
Plan a narrative about an interesting experience, real or
invented. Use this paragraph ptan to help you.
Paragraph 1: Set the scene. Where were you? When? Who
were you with?
Paragraph 2: Lead-up. What happened just before? What
did you see / think?
Paragraph 3: Main event. What happened? How did you feel?
Paragraph 4: The ending. What happened in the end? How
did you fee[ afterwards? How did people react?
Write a narrative using your plan from exercise 5. Write
220-250 words and try to include some time expressions.
Read Liam's paragraph plan. Decide where the paragraph
breaks should be in his narrative.
Paragraph 1: Set the scene - we go to the beach.
Paragraph 2: Lead-up - shouting. Somebody in difficutty.
Paragraph 3: Main event - gir[ is rescued. Paramedics and
mother arrive.
Paragraph 4: The ending - the girt and her mother leave,
but we feel strange.
Unit2 " Lookingback i 21