Page 21 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 21
Which of these things do you sornetirres forget? ffi f .ZO !-isten and cornplete the song with the words
What happens as a resultt? betow. W[ric[T are noums and which are adjectives?
.,,1 ::' r
n where you've put something (phone, etc.) :',.,,'
u the name of a singei' 0r actor
' an imporiant birthday
o !oUi- homewcrl< !.1 - ^^ , "
bd t.Z0 Listeir agarn. What dc yuu think the somg is
o the name of somebooy you've mei (e.g" a friend of a
saying? ehoose a, b 0r c.
o )r0ut own rnobile nun']ber a People useci to say tlad things about me, but i didn't
. a word, when you're speai<ing in your ovrrn language believe tiiern.
[: ln the past, people made me feei bad, but nolv l'm
Discuss your ideas frorn exercise 5 with your confir.lent"
partner. Which of you is more forgetful? e Peopie used to caLl me ugly, but only because they were
ugLier than me.
They said i was
I noticed that my eyes and hair lveren,t the same
I asked my parents if I was 0K
They said you're rnore ?
And that's ihe way theJr show that they wish
That they had your smlle
So my 3_ was up for a vrhile
T i^! ---r real '
1 80tr with my ovln style
I knew that they were only o _ cos
ri:i.1:',':l:-:l'.i,,'i, :
People are aIl the same
.1 B
*: And we only get judged by vrhat we do
' :.,:,:,:. j:::..,,Atir';!ri!:i1]tl reflects name
:,i.-ri,::'itt:iii:ia.l::il:ii:, . 7
- -.- -_ _ then
r..-:r::-fij::::iii::jlf .. . ., And if I'm
.:ii:dr.9::i:r: - ::r.
r':4. i,lsi.i.:-,::l.':l
So are you
. :;:i:;::i p: i : -. ir .'; .. So are you
'&,::+i:r....r1.:rt .r . ,l:r:
t, .
There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than erreryone there
-,,",:,,-., -,.', ., , n?fr?-,liff,iTlJ*XlJ'#-l'__
Cos I didn't knaw my body lvouid change
I grew ialier ihan ihem in more ways
But there rlrili atways be ihe one who wili say
Something bad to make them feei great
Charus (x 2)
Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realises how ii affects somebody
And you bet it wcn't be forgoiten
- is ihe only thing it could be
Chorus (x 2)
,'l L.llllir-:; Le;ir 3&