Page 22 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 22

Describe  the picture.  How do you think the people are  ,   1,2,f.  Read the speal<ing strategy.  Listen  again. Which
            feeling? Why? Use these words or your own ideas.        phrases  does Hailey  use while  Adam  is tetling the story?
            c*nf*lsed  I rcnfusing  excitEd  I exciting             '$rfi2'1nqtU'ntimi*
            f:ightened  / fright*nlng  sh*e!{,ed  I shmeking                             Listen and repeat allthe phrases
                                                                    in the speaking strategy,  copying the intonation.
            v+nrrieai  / w*rrying
                                                                    ffi& eeAMM.qe  **1Lll}fiffi  3"3r P&Sfi 3*3  {Km

                                                                    ',&.'L  Listen  to Kevin telling  a story about Edward.
                                                                    Complete  the phrases  that he uses to tetl the story.  How
                                                                    does Edward feel at the end ofthe story?
                                                                    1 Guess what _    to ... the other day.
                                                                    2 lt      Saturday  evening,
                                                                    3        they had a great time
                                                                    4 Ten minutes_,
                                                                    5 In the

                                                                    Complete  the box with the phrases  from exercise 5.
            .&t+fi, Listen  to Adam telting Haitey about Alisha, one of
            the girls in the picture.  Choose the correct answers.
                                                                     When we tell a story, we can use the following  phrases
            1 Which of these sentences  is a fact?                   to give the story a structure:
              a Atisha hadn't  arranged  a birthday  party before Friday.  lntroducing the story
              b Atisha didn't feet like having a party.                             haPPened  to mY  friend  ..'?
              c Alisha had a lot of schoolwork to do.
              d Atisha's parents didn't want her to have a party.    Setting the scene
              Why did Alisha announce  the party on Facebook?                  /  Christmos  Doy / her birthdoy  / the  first
              a She didn't  know her friends' emai[  addresses.      day of term, etc.
              b Her friends didn't  answer  her text messages.       We were on holiday  / ot the cinema /  in town,  elc.
              c lt was too late to send invitations.                 Moving the story on
              d She wanted a lot of people  to come to the party.    So that evening  /  a  few  days later / the next day /
              What bad mistake did Atisha make in her announcement?                                   ,etc.
              a She put the wrong address.
              b She put the wrong  time.                                              Eventually, ...
              c She allowed  everyone  to see her Facebook page.
                                                                    W        Work in pairs.  Think of a story  (true or invented)
              d She onty put the announcement on Facebook the day
                before  the party.                                  about a party or special event. Use these questions  to help
                                                                    you make notes.
              How many of her friends  came to the party?
              a About  200.             c About 20.                 .  Who  is the story about? How old were they?
              b About  180.             d None.                     .  When  and where did it happen? What happened?  Why
                                                                      did it happen?
            5 What has happened to Atisha as a result of the incident?
                                                                    .  How did peopte  react? How did they  /  you feet?
              a Her parents have banned parties in the house.
                                                                    .  What happened in the end? How do they  /  you feel about
              b Her parents have banned her from using the computer.
                                                                      it now? Was it a good or bad experience?
              c She has made  a lot of new friends.
              d She has stopped  using Facebook.
                                                                    Prepare a dialogue  usingyour  notes  from exercise  Z.
                                                                    Remember to include  a few phrases  from the speaking
                                                                    strategy  and the Learn  this! box.
             When  listening to a story, you can use these phrases  or
             similar  ones to react:
                                                                    ffi      Act outyour  dialogue  to the class.
             That was lucky! Thot was unlucky! That was a mistake!
                                                                    DD VOCRAULARY  BUITDER 2.2:  PAGE  128 G
             What a laugh! What a nightmare!
             What a terrible  experience!  Whot  o surprise!
             How exciting!  How  funny!  How  frightening!
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