Page 25 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 25

Lead-in                                                 3  Are these sentences  true or false?
        1  Oo you thinl<  you would  mal<e  a good housemate in a  1 Anna doesn't til<e her course  because  it's too difficutt.
          shared house? Why?  /  Why  not? Tetlyour partner.       2 Anna shares  a house with five other people.
                                                                   3 Anna  l<nows that somebody in her house stole her socl<s.
                                                                   4 Anna doesn't want to tive with her housemates any
                                                                   5 Mike and Anna  see each other quite a lot.
                                                                   6 Anna woutd tike to see Libby.

                                                                4  Work in pairs. Take turns to be A and B.
                                                                   A: You are Anna.  Tell a friend what happened in your shared
                                                                     house  and explain why you are [eaving.
                                                                   B: You are Anna's friend.  Listen to her narrative and react
                                                                     using phrases  from the speaking strategy on page  20.
                                                                5  (d Listen and answer  the questions.
        Reading                                                    1 Why is Anna tatking  loZara?
                                                                   2 Where are they?
        2  Read the letter from Anna  Porucznil<, an exchange  student,  3 When  are they planning to tatk to each other again?
          and choose  the best ending:  a, b or c. Exptain your choice.
                                                                6  S'd Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
          a Yours faithfulty
          b Yours sincerely                                        7  Zara is
          c Love                                                     a the owner of the ftat.
                                                                     b one of the peopte  who rents the ftat.
                                                                     c the only person  who rents the ftat.
           Dedr Libby                                                d the  person  who is leaving  the ftat.
           How ore you? l'm halfway  through  the  firsl  term at  2 When Anna tells Zara what happened in her house,
           Liverpool Univorsily. My oconomici courie  is really      Zara says
                                                                     a she is sure one of the housemates is a thief.
           hard, but l'm eqjoying  it so  far.
                                                                     b the same thing happened to her.
             The bad nows is, I naod to  find  o new place lo live.  c Anna  probabty
           Al lhe momenl,  l'vo gol d room in a sharod houso,                      iust  tost her things.
                                                                     d she l<nows who took them.
           but thoro dra six of us and only one bathroom!  Also, t
                                                                   3 What l<ind of person  does Anna  say she is?
           lost a CD last weeK and t thinr somebody  in the house    a Very ctean and tidy, but not quiet.
           tooK il. I noticed  a  few  olher thingo had disappeared  b Quite  friendty and easy-going,  but not very tidy.
           too - nolhing  big, jusl d mdgazino  or lwo and  somo     c Very tidy and quite  easy-going  and friendty.
           socKs.  Whon I realisod what  wos happening,  I was       d Quiet  and friendly,  easy-going  and quite tidy.
           really  ehocKed and upsel. I decided  nol to talK to my  4 How much rentwillAnna haveto  paya month?
                                                                     a f900 b f500 c f400 d f1 50
           housemales aboul it because I wasn't completely sure.
           hul I definitely don't wanl lo live here  now!          5 What must  Anna do before she moves  into the ftat?
                                                                     a She has to write Zara an email.
             l'm sura I lold you about my  friend  MiKe. We used
                                                                     b She has to phone Zara.
           lo worK together  al Golden Hills holida! camp. Now he
                                                                     c She has to pay a month's rent.
           worKs   for  an lT company in Livarpool, but I don't saa  d She has to sign some  papers.
           him very often.  We're both really busy.
           Thal's all  for  now. When ore you going lo visil me?  Writing
                                                                7  lmagine you are Anna. Write a short  informal letter to your
                                                                   friend, Libby.  Telt her about Zara  and your new flat.

                                                                                                   5l<ills  Round-up l*z  23
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