Page 27 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 27
i nead the text. Who does Tommy Lynch worl< for? ,; ffi Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.
1 Which job woutd you like better, Tommy Lynch's or Ben
SouthaIt's? Give reasons.
IHE BISI JOB IN IHT IilOilB? 2 Canyou think of any other dream jobs?
This is TommY LYnch, a man
whose job is to test water- Complete the defining relative clauses with who, where,
slides. lt's a iob which almost which and whose. Then write the words they are defining.
every Young Person would
for.. f-f . travels to holiday resorts which have 1 ctothing r^rhich nurses, potice officers, soldiers, etc.
ri,aierstioes, has a go on them and reports wear: uniform
Ou.X to the travel company where he works 2 a person job is to look after the passengers on
who would like a plane:
il;t.';;; a lot of PeoPle
ro**;l:t job, so his company can expect a 3 a place a surgeon works:
lot of applications when he leaves! 4 a person is in charge of a shop or an office:
5 the money you receive for a iob:
Underline the words who, whose, where and which in the text 6 a person ptace of work is a laboratory:
in exercise 1. Then complete the rules in the Learn fhisJ box. -
7 a ptace workers answer phones and give out
Retative pronouns: who, whose, where and which information:
1 We use for things and animats. 8 a job you do onty for part of the time:
2 We use for peopte.
3 We use for ptaces. {s Read the Look out! box. ln which sentences in exercise 5
4 We use to indicate possession. could you use thot?
$ i.l'rl:r{d ,f?$ }1i'9
&,li&Wat Sgq$ * I
3 Complete the text with who, whose, where and which. We often use thot instead of which.ln informal Engtish, we
can also use that instead of who.
A DITEAM JOB 3 Read the Learn this! box. Look at exercises 1 and 3. Where
r==- do we place the relative clauses in the sentences?
It's ajob artracted over34,000 applications
- -
from around the world. Everyone z applied
, Definin g relative clauses
had to send in a 60-second video _ _- expia'ined
A defining relative ctause comes immediately after a
why they wanred the job and what skilJs they had to
noun and tetts us which person, thing or ptace we are
offer. And what was this amazing job) Caretaker of
Hamilton Island, in the Great nuri.'. R."il;;;;;; tatking about. lt can be in the middte or at the end of a
sentence. We do not put a comma before the clause.
t_=- it's sunny and warm all yearco,rnd, ,nd She's the nurse who looked after my mother.
probably has the most beautiful coral reefs
in the world. The person _- :!:: v::: ! *.ui:: ::::: ::i_* _ i
got the job had to 1 "'.!:!:::v::::
explore the isiands nearby, and report-back to the world *
about their experiences. fh. ,i*t".r, p"rpi. , ., 't)ut
videos most impressed the employers'.u*. ,o A,r*ruliu e ffi
for an interview. The lucky man =_- *r; fi;;ii; Worl< in pairs. Take turns to define the words
below, or choose other words relating to the world of worl<.
chosen for the job was Ben Southall from the UIi.
Your partner has to guess what you are defining.
Unfortunately for him the job was only fo. ,i* *orrthri
I : -C t1 : : .!i'*3,]l{.,- -r lrr.l*r*a.
i . r. iiin:rlllrll l1lllr l\
| !t's a per son who I whose ...
. lt's a place where ...
It's something which ...
Unit3 Agood job 25