Page 31 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 31
ToddlerWorld Nursery wos delighled to employ o -
tweniy-lwo-yeor-old Jonothon Brown - os their first mole
nursery schoolteocher. He wos olso the only rncn who opplied
for the iob, bul, insists lViorgery Bowmon. heod teocher of
ToddlerWorld, by for the best opplicont. 'Both boys ond girls
will benefit from the experience of hovinE o rnole role modei
in the nursery,' soys mother of two, Morgery.
E ...,.e {ii Jonothon hos olwoys been interesied in chiidcore. His own
mother is o childnninder ond his fother is a leocher. 'l've
olwoys helped Mum with looking ofler ollthe chiidren.'he r4.. .":
.t, q..:l
soys. 'l'm used to chonging noppies. feeding bobies, reoding
stories ond ploying with LeEo.'
But Jonolhon is o rore mole in o fernole world. Only 2% of
nursery teochers ore men ond this hosn't chcnged for ten
yeors. Roger Olsen of the Noiionol Nursery Trust soid, 'Men
ore often viewed with onxiety ond suspicion in c chiidren's
environment. Or they ore expected to do thinEs the wcy
women would do them. But men bring different things into
childcqre ond this hos lo be recognised.'Jonolhon oErees. He
is o quolified under-7s footboil cor:ch, ond plons to introduce
footboll lessons to the nursery for boys ond girls.
Whot do Jonothon's friends think of his choice of coreer?
Aciuolly. most of them ore pretty cooi obout it now,' he soys,
obout noppies" And l've found
'though they do moke iokes
thot girls ore ocluolly quite impressed - so thot's good!'
Ten yeors ogo there were very few femole ., ' well-prepored for my coreer. Whot I wosn't prepored for wos
It wos seen os o mon's world. But now 25"k of the reociion of some of the men. especiolly ihe older ones.'
oir-troffic controllers in the UK ore women ond the number The new women controllers were viewed wilh suspicion ond
rs rncreosrng. they hod to work lwice os hord to be occepled by their mole
Coroline Beck is one of them. She soys, 'l've olwoys been colleogues. Nowodoys ihings ore beiter, but women ore still
interesled in plones becouse of my dod. He knew c lot in o minority. 'l'm the only womon in my teom, but I gei on
oboul them. For o while we lived neor Heothrow oirport wellwith my colleogues. There ore still plenty of lokes obout
ond we used io wotch oll the plones toking off ond londing.' women - the men soy thot we con't reod mops. which isn't
She wos determined to be on cir-troffic controller. 'The true - but I generolly don't mind. My iob is highly responsible
lwelve monlhs of troining. the exoms and the oir-crosh ond stressful. but I know l'm good ot it.'
simulotion exercises were lough,' soys Coroline, 'but I wos