Page 24 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 24

Unit 1                                                  Unit 2
         I  Choose the correct  words.                           5  Choose the best adjective to describe each person's
            1 I like your  soft, flufty  I scruffy scarf. ls it fur or wool?  feelings:  a, b or c.
            2 Don't  wear that checked  /  matching shirt with those stripy  1 I wanted to buy that coat, but it was too expensive.
              trousers!  Too many different  patterns don't look goodl  a nervous b confused c disappointed
            3 I prefer toose,  baggy  /  smooth  T-shirts  to tight-fiiting  2 I thought l'd tost my phone, but I found it in my pocket.
              ones.                                                   a confused b relieved c embarrassed
            4 You can't see her shoes. She's  wearing a long-sleeved  /  3 I fancy the girt next door, but she fancies my friend.
              fu[t-length dress.                                      a jeatous  b afraid c guitty
            5 This T'shirt  is made  of natural material. lt's 100% nylon  /  4 My schoot  got the best exam results in the country.
              cotton.                                                 a ashamed b nervous c proud
                                                                    5 l've been abroad for two months and I reatly want to see
                                                Mark  /S  ,
                                                                       my friends and family.
         2  Complete  the postcard.  Use the present simple  or present  a amused b homesick c shocked
            continuous  form ofthe verbs betow.                                                         , Mark:   ,15,

            do go have remember stay                             6  tvtatch the sentence halves.
                                                                    7 Kurt is reatty pleased  a of heights.
                                                                    2 l'm fed up            b of his behaviouryesterday.
         liru',u''  a lovoly  timo  hera in Lanzarolo'  You'ra  right'  3 She's  scared     c with his new mobile  phone.
          't;;          i '-    to tho beach  averl rnorning        4 Kevin and Megan
             , gr*t  Pla'u!             gut  today  we                                      d with  you! You'  rude!
          ;;;"---'   thoro until dinner  timo!   the                  fett guilty           e about the lies they totd.
          T---  ,"r,thing  difforent'   you                            He's ashamed
          ,*r, - ti,  "'ti   oiii'  ioland?  Arontt  they amazing?                                       Marrk  lS
          6ee  '1ou
          SallY                                                  7  Choose the correct past form to complete the sentences.
                                                                    1 'How  did you get  /  were you getting  to schoot this
                                                Mark;    /5           morning?' 'l walked  / was witt<ini.'
                                                      -             2 ldid  /  was doing my homework, when  the computer
         3  Comptete  the conversation  with the infinitive or -ing form  broke  / was breal<ing
            ofthe verbs in brackets.                                3 When  I tived  /  had tived in Rome, I used to eat /  was
            Mark  Do you fancy      (go) to the Spitz concert,        eating pasta  every day.
                  JCSSIC,                                           4 When we came  /  had come  home,  mum already cooked /
            Jessie Not really, Mark. I reatly want   (watch)  that     had atready cool<ed  dinner.
                  new film at the cinema.                           5 Did you use to love /  Were you loving rotler-skating
            Mark You mean True GritT Butyou promised     (see)        when  you were  / had been  younger?
                  that fitm with mel You keep         the
                                                                                                         Mark:  lS
                  things you promise!  l'm getting  fed up with it.
            Jessie  I'm reatty sorry, Mark! I didn't mean   (hur!
                                                                 8  Complete  the dialogue with the phrases below.
                  your feetings.  Lool<, I'tl go to the concert with  you  ...
                                                                    ln the end Guess what it was How excitingl
                                                Mar&r  _  /5
                                                                    You'[[ never
         4  Comptete  the sentences using the words below.          Boy  '-    happened to me the other day?
                                                                    Girl What?
            about lil<e lool<s 0n  with                                      2-
                                                                    Boy We[t,       Saturday night and I was watking  into
            1 Let me think     that for a minute.                       town. This huge car stopped  beside me ...
            2 Can you see the boy=-   the right?                    Girl Who was  it?
            3 That film   -   a bit boring.                         Boy  r-     guess! lt was the lead singer of Psychol
            4 She looks      she's happy.                           Girl Noll  A-What   did he say?
            5 uo you recogntse  that actor   the earring?           Boy He asked me to give him directions  and then we
                                                                        chatted for a bit.  5-   he drove  away.
                                                Mark; ls
                                     -                                                                   Mark:  /5
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