Page 65 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 65
*"*md-!p's lx-ucriti*g'
1 Worl< in pairs. Discuss these questions. Then compare your {t lmagine you are Anna. Your boss Julian Lloyd has asl<ed
ideas with the class. you to write an announcement for a local newspaper to
Why are museums important? What can you learn from them? advertise the new exhibition. lnclude this information:
. where the exhibition is and when it opens
ffira=s'n!ns o what the exhibition is about and whai you can see there
2 Look quickty at the text. What I<ind of text is it? (choose information from the text)
Choose a, b, c or d. . how much the ticl<ets are and who can get a reduction
(invent this information)
a A review of a new exhibition.
r what the opening times are and how people can get more
b A formal letter from a museum.
information (invent this information).
c A publicity leaflet about an exhibition.
d An article about a new museum.
"- f !:; i,:i?t
3 Match the headings (1-7) with paragraphs A-E in the text. 5 Read the text message from Anna to her friend Libby. What
There are two extra headings that you do not need. might have happened? Discuss your ideas using could I
1 Artificiat intelligence might have, con't hove and must have,
2 The future of entei'tainment
3 Shopping in the 25th century I,JEIIT TII EFEI{]HL; PHHTT FI]R
4 A multirnedia experience
5 Hatf human, half machine FIII]EHSTEHI 5II III{GET IT TH H]H. HEHT
6 Homes of the future TIHE, I'LL Er:l 0H t1T illrlH! '-{
7 Science fiction films of the future l
E-;e,t**"r aetlf
6 (d z.zz Listen to what happened at the exhibition. Were
any ofyour ideas from exercise 5 correct?
Kwwgw ffi#'ffs,s#ws"ff
trl 7 S'd Z.ZZ Listen again. Complete each sentence with
A new exhibition at the Museum between one and three words.
of Liverpool opens on 1 July. It looks 1 Anna tetts Mike that she in class.
at current trends in four different areas 2 She invites Mike to the party on afternoon.
and asks where they are heading. It 3 They arrange to meet the museum.
includes videos, interactive displays 4 While Anna is talking to lutian, Mike goes to the
Computers are
and virtual reality exhibits. 5 Daisy guesses Anna is not British because of her
becoming more and more 6 Anna tetts Mike that she fett
powerful each year. Will they when he disappeared.
soon be more intelligent than people? If the E
answer is yes, then howwill that change
our relationship with computers? Might What will the kitchen of the future look will watch TV or films at all. Instead, theywill
there be dangers for the human race? This like? \Vill domestic robots finally become put on a headset and find themselves a new
part ofthe exhibition explores this question a reality? In this part ofthe exhibition you world of virtual reality. These technologies
can find out what day-to-day life may be like already exist; come and try them, and get a taste
and other related issues.
fifry years from now. From a fridge that does of the future. The fun has only just started ...
your shopping online, to a wardrobe that
tells you what to wear, it seems certain that
,1t* We all know about superheroes from comic
everything around us will soon be'smart',
notjust our phonesl books and science fiction films. As science
m advances, will some of their'superpowers'be
found in ordinary humans? Perhaps - if we are
At the moment, 3D TV and films are a new prepared to let technology and our bodies mix.
and exciting development. But what will In this part ofthe exhibition, you can rry out a
the next development be) Will TV become bionic hand and let a miad-reading computer
genuinely interactive] Or perhaps nobody explore your thoughts. You'Il be amazedl
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