Page 68 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 68
How many poets can you name: [fiiltltilFM Checl< the meaning of these words in a
1 from your country? dictionary. Then use them to complete the sentences.
2 from other countries?
mysticai patrintic pr*fessir:n*[ reIigior"ts nen*wned
ru rn a mtir:
Try to complete the poems with the verbs below. Remember
that poems often rhyme. 1 Christianity and lslam are beliefs.
2 Watching the sunrise was an almost
rame hy ehq:s* depart get icnew nret 3ra'6 said expe rien ce.
supp*:e tcltd t*ck 3 peopte love their country.
4 Joe is very He's atways buying flowers for his
girtfrie n d.
Love's.Secret 5 Everyone has heard ofShakespeare. He's England's most
Never seek to tell thy love, playwright.
Love that never told can be; 6 My mum's a musician. She plays in a big
For the gentle wind does 1 orchestra in London.
Silently, invisibly.
w & ZrZS Listen to a radio documentary about the life of
12- my love, I told my love, William Blal<e, a famous poet. Which of these things does
I told her all my heart; the speaker talk about?
Tlembling, cold, in ghastly fears,
3 gr*wirrg up reEati**shlps *eh**[ tr*s/*[ writir:g
Ah! She did !
ft,2,2S Listen again and choose the correct answers.
Soon as she was gone from me,
Atraveller4 1 Blake was
Silently, invisibiy -, a a poet. c a poet and a musician.
b an artist and a poet.
He s- her with a sigh.
2 Blake was
Williatn Blake***
a uneducated. c educated at school. '
One Perfect Rose b taught at home.
A single flow'r he sent me, since we 6 3 When Btake was 21, he
Ail tenderly his rnessenger he 7 - a got a job as an engraver. c made his filst engraving.
Deep-hcarted, pure, with scented der,t- still wet - b started to write poems.
One perfect rose.
4 His wife Catherine
i 8 the langrrage of the floweret; a never learned to read or write.
b was taught to read and write by her husband.
'My fragile leaves,' it e , 'his heart enclose.' c taught herself to read and write.
S'.1 5 Btake lived in London
Love long has taken for his amuiet
One perfect rose. a for most of his tife. c for a[[ of his tife.
b during his marriage.
\l/hy is it no one ever sent me yet - l$+ 6 The maiority of his poems are
One perfect limousine, do you 10 ? . .,:::Ui*S
Ah no, it's always just my luck to Ir a romantic love poems.
b mysticaI and retigious poems.
One perfect rose. ",:tsy
- c poems about dead peopte.
ffi ffi Work in pairs. Asl< and answer these questions.
Give reasons.
S S Z,:+ Listen and checkyour answers.
1 Did you like writing poems when you were younger?
e ffi Answer these questions about each poem. Give 2 Do you everwrite poems now?
3 Do you like reading poetry?
reasons for your opinions. ls the poem:
4 Do you agree that the lyrics of rappers like lay-Z or
1 funny or serious?
Kanye West can be described as poetry?
2 old or modern?
3 pessimistic or optimistic? D VOCneuLARY BUILDER 7.2: PAGE 133 (K
4 tikety to be written by a woman or by a man?
5 about lost love or about the poet's present partner?
66 j Unit 7 '" Real relationships