Page 71 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 71
7 .,$.l!:P,a Listen and complete the song with the words below.
cruel cried lost man mess remember scared tired
I $.}ffi Listen again and choose the best summary of the song.
1 You were very unfair to me and you left me. I hope I never see
you again.
2 You left me and now I feel terribte. But l'll soon be strong again.
3 You left me and now lfeel terrible. lf you don'tcome backto me,
l'[[ never be strong again.
So how does this work in reol life? Here ore two people's
25 stories.
Cothy is on ottroctive fitness instructor. 'l wos working long hours
ond wosn't meeting men thot I wos interested in, so I ioined o doting
ogency,'soys Cothy. 'l wos motched wiih severol men ond one of
them wos Dovid. When I first met him lwosn't impressed. Bul os we
30 storted tolking, I discovered thot we hod o huge omounl in common.
I liked his oititude to life ond the woy he tolked, ond I reolised lhot I
reolly liked him. So, os o filness instruclor, I told him he hod to get in
shope!'Seven months loter, Cothy ond Dovid got morried. And now I
think he is the mosl gorgeous mon in the world!'she soys.
35 Simon's experience wos different. 'l wonted o serious relotionship
ond o friend suggested online doling. I hod some very pleosont dotes
with some very nice women ond hod o good lime. All of ihem shored
my interest in films ond trovel, so we were compotible, but there iust
wosn't ihot spork of otlroction. lt wos stronge.'
40 Dr Soroh Kenlon ogrees. She is the outhor of How to meet your
Soulmote. She soys. 'Psychometrlc testing is useful. bul con't toke
occouni of otlroction. And sometimes you con feel ottroction for
someone becouse lhey hove something you hoven't got. As the old
soying goes, "Opposites otlroct".'
45 5o, perhops science con help you find your perfect porlner, but
somelimes il s iusl down lo chemistry.
UnitT Realrelationships 69