Page 76 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 76
Vocabulary r travel-related compound nouns r travel and transport adjectives
r phrasal verbs r acronyms r accommodation problems r tourist attractions
Grammar r the passive r indefinite pronouns: some-, ony-, no- r introductory if
Speaking r discussing different modes oftravel r pla.nning an ideat holiday
r complaining and dealing with complaints
Writing r a description of a place
1 Gffi'tifl Work in pairs. What are some of the advantages
3 i. jgii$'ei':F$*&i. ii Listen and checl<your answers to
and disadvantages oftravetling by bike, car, train, bus,
exercise 2, then repeat. Undertine the word that is stressed
ptane and ship? Use the adjectives below to hetp you.
in each compound noun. ls it usually the first or the second
UsefuI adiectives cheap / expensive word?
comfortable / uncomfortable fast / stow
dangerous / safe reliable / unreliable 4 Put the compound nouns from exercise 2 into the correct
relaxing / stressful convenient / inconvenient group (A, B or C).
arrivats hall
5 Work in pairs. How many other words (nouns or verbs) can
you add to each group from exercise 4?
A a plano. to f11, ...
6 ffit$i.s-+ Listen to eight diatogues and match them to eight
ofthe locations from exercise 2.
I a \Naiting room
qi i.
li 7 :#"i$lsff Listen again. Complete these sentences with the
li words below. Which sentences include compound nounS?
li What are they?
rli bett boarding carriage economy flight luggage
platform unleaded
i 1 lt teft from the other .
i: 2 l't[ have to go back to my _
i 3 Did you have a good _ ? .
i: 4 Can I see your- pass?
ir -
5 Don't forget your seat _ .
6 Can I take it as hand
7 You're in class.
8 How much is the
rqrr 1n?i"r !!ir:f i1r-5i r1.?:te 7
I Work in pairs. Choose one of the twelve locations from
exercise 2. Write a short dialogue for that location.
2 lEtrEEnIM Make compound nouns by matchingwords in You could be:
cotumn 1 with words in column 2. . meeting somebody
arrivals hall o buying something (tickets, food, gifts, petrol, etc)
r waiting to travet
o dealingwith a problem ordetay
r talking to an official
o talking to another traveller.
departure duty-free control shoulder
hard passport 9 ffiffiSmm Act out your dialogue to the class. Can they
identify the location?
petrol taxi office station
ticket waiti room rank D VOCNAULARY BUILDER 8.1: PAGE 134 G
74,i UnitS * Globetrotters