Page 77 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 77

S Read the text. Are these sentences true or false?        Make these sentences passive. lf appropriate,  write who or
           1 The Vetocipede  was the first bicycle ever buitt.     what  performed the action.
           2 Bicycles with backrests  are slower, but more comfortable.  1 Kirkpatrick MacMiltan buitt the first bicycle in 1839.
           3 China  manufactures about 80 million bicyctes  a year.  Tha fire't  biclc\a  wae built b1 KirKpatricK MacMillan  in t?r7q.
                                                                   2 People ride bicycles all the time in Oxford.
                                                                   3 Do they hotd the Tour de France  every year?
            In the 1860s, a two-i,r'heeled  bicycle  with pedals was built
                                                                   4 They've  banned cars from the centre  of Rome.
            by a Frenchman  called Ernest Michaux.  Other kinds
                                                                   5 Sam Wittingham  set the wortd record  for the fastest
            ofbicycle  had been invented earlier in the century, but
                                                                     speed on a bicycte.
            Ernest Michaux's invention, the Velocipede,  was easier  6 Peopte are designing faster bikes all the time.
            to ride and thousands were soid throughout  Europe from
                                                                   7 Ihey won't a[[ow etectric bikes to compete in races.
            1869. Over the next few decades,  severai improvements
                                                                   fi&F  f;e,&,\ " '.: r'c lt:i ,tr ".-  "r..,1:  : - t*3
            1,,'ere made: tyres were fitted to the wheels and later, a
            chain  v,,'as added to the pedals.                     Complete  the text using the active or passive  form of the
            More recently,  bicycles  have  been invented r,l'ith pedals  at  verbs in bracl<ets.
            the front and a seat with a backrest.  They're  comfortable
            to ride, and they're fast too.                        Tlv Toqr lc  Fra,nu  l-       (hotd) atmost every year
                                                                   in France since 1903. About twenty teams of cyclists
            Bicycles  are more popular  today than                 2-
            ever bef'ore.  About  80 rnillion                               (take part) with nine riders in each team.
                                                                  The race lasts for 21 days and in that time, about 3,200
            new bicycles  are manufactured.                                 t                              a_
                                                                   kilometres         (cover). A few changes
            every year in China alone!                             (make)  to the route every year, but the race always
            In cities around the world,                            5-       (end) on the Champs-Etys6es  in Paris.
            cycle lanes are being built and                        The first Tour de France  6-   (win) by Maurice Garin.
            cycling  is being encouraged  by                       The following year, Garin       (disqualify)  because
            governments. It's possible that                        he          (travel) part of the distance by train. ln fact,
                                                                   in the early days, competitors  often     (cheat)
            in ten or twenty years' time,                                              10-
                                                                   and some competitors           (attack) by fans of their
            cars will be banned from city
            centres  and only cyclists  and                                  ll-
                                                                   Advertising         (allow) since 1930, when organisers
            pedestrians will be allowed.                           t'        (agree) to allow lorries to follow the cyclists  for
                                                                   the first time. Today,  about't1 million free items  13-
                                                                   (give) to spectators  each year during the race.
           Complete  the table with the examples of the passive  in red
           in the text.

            present simpte
             resent continuous                                     ffiffi   ln pairs, complete the sentences  with a passive
            past  simpte                                           form of the verb in bracl<ets.  Then choose  the correct
                                                                   1 The world's first ptane     (fty)  by the Wright
                                                                      brothers in 1803  I  7903 I  7953.
                                                                   2 ln 2000, the Channel Tunnel      (open) between
                                                                      England  and France /  lreland  /  Wales.
           Read the Learn this! box. Match the examples of the       Ticl<ets for spaceftights    (sett) today by Virgin
           passive in exercise  l with a and b below.                 Gatactic for 52,000 / SZO,OOO / SzOO,OOO  each.
                                                       -t             The construction  of Sagrada  Familio  in Barcelona  I  Paris  I
            We use the  passive  when:                                Milan         (not finish) unlil2026.
            a we don't know who or what  performed the action.        Skoda cars        (manufacture)  in Hungary / the
            b we want to focus mainty  on the action itself.          Czech Republic /  Romania.
              We may know who performed it, in which case we          According  to US ptans,  a manned spacecraft
               can add by ... to say who or what the agent is.  i     (send)  to Saturn / Mars  /.lupiter  in around 2030.

                                                                                                  UnitS   ,,  Globetrotters   75
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