Page 70 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 70

1   ffiffi   Discuss these guestions  with the class.
            1 Can you fa[[ in [ove with somebody without meeting
              them face to face?
            2 ln what ways can online  relationships  be dangerous?
           3 Do you know anybody  who has used an ontine dating
              agency or started a retationship  ontine?                                              "#
             Be aware of what type of text you are reading and what              '0u     to lind loue?
             kind of information  you expect  to find in it. This witt                                         4      -.-i:
             make it easier to understand the text.

            Read the reading strategy. Then  [ool< quickty through  the                                         H
           text and decide what type oftext it is. Choose a, b, c or d.                                         E
            a a btog                  c  an online  article
            b an email                d  a Wikipedia  entry
           ,6*,eitZ'  Read the text. Which sentence best summarises
            the writer's opinion?
            1 Science  can definitely  help you to find a partner.
            2 Science  definitety  can't help because  it doesn't take
              account of personaI  attraction.
            3 Science  may hetp some  peopte, but not all.
            Are the sentences  true or false? Correct the false sentences.
                                                                      ln our busy, stress-filled modern times, how do people meet
            1 Over 50o/" of adults who aren't in a relationship  think
              that lnternet dating sites are a good  way of meeting a Iife  their life portner?  ln Briioin, over 50% of single odults think thot
                                                                      online  doting provides the onswer.  lnternet doting  sites hove
            2 A psychometric test consists of a personality  profite, and  become the most populor  woy to meet  people.
              a hobbies and interests questionnaire.
                                                                   5  But is the lnternet the ideol woy to find true love?'The  doting
            3 Psychometric  tests were first used about  L00 years  ago.
            4 Cathy tiked David the moment she saw him.               ogencies think so. They ore using science in on ottempt  to  .
            5 Simon had a lot in common  with the women he met        motch people  more closely  with suitoble  portners.  ln the post,
              through  online dating.
                                                                      doiing ogencies  iusi  used o simple  personoliiy  profile, ond o
            6 Dr Kenton thinks  that psychometric testing witt hetp you
              find someone  with the opposite  personatity to you.    hobbies ond interests queslionnoire  to put people  together.
                                                                   l0 Now however, more ond more of them ore using psychometric
            lllililEIlf'M  Find and complete the noun + preposition
                                                                      tests.  These  detoiled psychologicol  questionnoires  were
            combinations.  Look in the text between lines 20 and 45.
                                                                      developed  by scientists ot the beginning  of the twentieth
            7  a chance          4  an interest
                                                                      cenlury to recruit good  spies  for the  First World Wor.  Loter they
            2  an attitude       5 take account
                                                                      were  used in business to find the righl people  for the right
            3  a date            6  an attraction
                                                                   15  iobs.  And now online doting  ogencies  ore using the some
            ffi      Read the comments about online  dating. Work     techniques.  lf you logged  on to o doling ogency todoy, you
            in pairs. Discuss which  are advantages and which  are    might  hove  to onswer  over 200 questions  obout  yourself  ond
            disadvantages of online  dating.
                                                                      the kind o{ person you  would like io meet. lt would  toke o very
            1 lt's impossible  to know if you are reaIty attracted to the
                                                                      long time!
              person until you actualty meet them.
            2  You can find out a lot about a person  before you meet.  20 But does it work?'Yes,'soys Dr Jon Fellowes,  o senior  reseorch
            3  You can meet lots of potentia[  partners  without leaving  scientist ol one of lhe most populor  ogencies.  'lt  ollows  us to
              your home.
                                                                      motch people  for more closely  with compotible  portners,  so thot
            4  You have to fitt in a long psychological questionnaire.
              'You                                                    there is o greoter  chonce of success.'
            5    can meet  peopte  from other countries.
            6  You can't be sure if the other  person  is te[[ing the truth
              about their sex, age or appearance.
      6a  UnitT  Realrelationships
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