Page 93 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 93
,. m Worl<in pairs. Saywhetheryou agree or Read the exam strategy. ln which paragraph is the
disagree with each of these statements. Give reasons. opposing view and the counter-argument?
1 Worries about money are a cause of unhappiness.
2 Rich people are not always happy.
3 Love and friendship bring more happiness than money. ln an essay which requires you to present your opinion,
first write what your opinion is and then justify it.
Then present the opposing view and explain why
you disagree.
Add the highlighted expressions in the essay to the Leorn
thisl box.
Giving an opinion (2)
ln mv ooinion. ... 1.
Ithinkthat... '_
As I see it, ...
lntroducing an additionaI point
Furthermore, ... Moreover, ...
Not only thot, but ... r
Read the conclusion of the essay. What does the writer do?
Read the opinion essay. What is the writer's opinion on the 1 Rephrases the question in the titte, and restates his / her
topic? own opinion.
2 Summarises all of his / her opinions.
Do you agree that 3 Mentions the opposingview, and restates his / her own
tnoneg cafi bu:! hoppiness? opinion.
In rnost parts of the developed world' peopJ"e are You are going to write an essay answering this question:
toOuy than they were fifty years ago' Do you agree thot the best things in life are freeT Decide if
", made them haPPier? rhis is t'he you agree or disagree, then think of two or three arguments
question we need to answer' in support ofyour opinions, and one argument against.
i;ir-i, beleve that monev is not the most Thinl< of supporting statements and / or examples for each.
i*portl"t thing in most people's lives' They,
;;;;;;;;i.;os ramilv as more important' Write the essay (200-250 words) following this plan. Use
foi .*u*pfu, if you are feeling miserable about the phrases in exercise 4 and in exercise 4 on page 71 to
u f"i.rrOtnip tha,t has ended, money cannot help help you.
You. . lntroduction lntroduce the topic. Show thatyou understand
imnrt i. more, it seems to me that rich peop Ie
;;;;fi." the unhappiest' If money rea11y could the titte ofthe essay, and what the essay needs to cover.
ilrw iruppi".ss, the rich would be the happiest . Middle paragraphs Give your own opinions, with
;;;rb in tne worto. JudSinS bv the stories supporting statements and / or examptes.
Ito-"utir"* in magazines and on TV' they . Penultimate paragraph Give an opposing view, with a
clearly are not' supporting statement and / or example, followed by a
o" tnl other.hand, money is obviously-.^^. counter-argum ent.
i..tttury in today's world' It is very difficult' . Final paragraph Conclusion. Mention the opposing view,
io U. n"ppy if you do not have enough money and restate your own opinion.
i"" iirr"sJ iix. t otiouvt' Elowevet' !o 1ov. 11na it
lr tiiii possible to be happy and relat'ively poor'
* torrg ut you have enough to buy food and
In summary, I would say that money can
lmil;* tne tives of people who do not ha19
enough t,o live comfortably' However' money
-it"" it not enou$h to bdng happiness; love and
friend.ship are far more important"
Unit 9 Money, money, money! I 91