Page 95 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 95

       6 WsKf,&{,ffffi     work in pairs. Ask and answer
          the questions.                                              YouiCanftrappty,ifyoulhave-med'ieal'   r'
          1 Do you like watching  reality  TV shows and tatent shows?
            Why?  / Why not?
                                                                    2 You wiltrmal<e  some moneyi'on,the'show.   ,
          2 Wouldyou tiketotake  part in one? WhV?  lWhynot?
                                                                    3 You have to bring  your pet with  you.
       7  Do the exam tasl<.
                                                                    4 The applicants  have to compete lo appear
                                                                      on,the,Shiow,.,  .,:r,.:. ,i  .  i
          Read the texts. Match the texts  (A-E) to the statements  5lon[llcouRleish,o'..u.'td.aP'PlY1..,.:,.:..'.,..i
          (1-6).  There is one statement  that  you do not need.                                       '.ir '
                                                                   ,,6i  You Wonlt st;r,in  the w shour.  ''   r  '   ,   ,,  ,
        A  It  youR   flourE uNTtDvl                                                                          "
                  ffiAW&  y0g8  &9Y k&&ffiS  #ffi&E  eF SeeNffiB
            Then apply to appear on Tidy Rooms,  the new reality
            TV show! We will tidy your house and sell your unwanted  I reEfffiIffiiE  v-vorr rn parrs. TnrnK aoour  rne praces
            possessions  on eBay.  See how much  profit you can
                                                                   you have stayed when  you have gone on hotiday.  Have you
            make!  Single people  or married couples with no pets  only.
            Sorry, no'apartments.                                  ever been disappointed  with your accommodation? What
                                                                   was wrong?  Write a sentence exptaining  each complaint.

            We are looking  for men and women  of all ages who have  9  oo the exam task.
            extraordinary  collections,  It could  be stamps, Star Wars
            models,  shoes  it doesn't matter, as long you've  got a 1ot
            of theml We'll film you telling us about  your collecrion.  You have been on hotiday to Los Angeles and duringyour
            We also need to speak  to your spouse  or partner  abou!  stay you were very unhappy  with your accommodation.
            how your hobby  affects  your life together,           You are writing  a [etter to complain to the manager  of the
                                                                   hotet.  ln the letter:
            Can  you sing? Have you dreamed  of performing         o  Comptain  about the quality  of the food in the hotel
            live on TV in front of millions of people?               restaurant
            Would  you like to win  a $l million  recording  contract?  .  Complain  about the noise from the disco at night
            We are looking for  just  six tatented  but undiscovered  singers.  .  Explain that your room was not equipped  as advertised
            Auditions  will be hetd in London  from  21-24 July.  The lucky six  in the hotiday brochure
            will appear on the live shows in the autumn.           .  Asl< for compensation  for your inconvenience.

            ftffifl  YSU $$&ffi[{} Sr $ffiS$T$?

            flt*lul$  10u  li*e t* rilelld a uce* in a traunt*d heuss?
            We arc lookingfor  r+lu$etrs  to  !"tvt  nlonr jbr n wade {n a
            Jsaunt':d  bouse, and  Jiln   thtir exyerierce  s. Wt wili prcv;de  ys,,t
            witl: tt ravnccrder. 1'b: onll rub  rs:   1'au  orc::'i rtlloweti,  rc rut
            q:,.,try!  Appik';rttts must  be jit, heaitby  cud over  j.8.

            The producers of 'HERE,  BOYI',  a new talent show, are
            looking  for audience  members.  The show is about trying
            to find Britain's most talented dog. Come and watch!
            The show will be filmed  at Hazelwood  studios in London.
            All appticants must be over 16 years  of age. You wili be
            required for approximately  three hours.  Tickets will be
            awarded  on a'first-come-first-served  basis.

                                                                                              Get Ready for your Exam 5  ,,  93-
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