Page 91 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 91

goetn'i         mea    n   enylhing

       "                                                   ,  drearn of being a millionaire,
    , i i-+s',*  ,
   ti   '   ..  .,:r.!1..r.l':.                                      Without  a care,
                                                                     But ii I'm seeing my dreams.
                                                                     And you aren'tlheie   'cause  it's over,
                                                                     That just won't be fair.
                                                                     Darling, rather be a poor woman
                                                                     iiving on  the  street, no food to eat,
                                                                     iCausq I don't want nobody if I have to cry,
                                                                     :Cause   itt over when'you  said goodbye.

                                                                       All at once,  I had it all.
        Accident number  six was caused  by transport                  But it doesn't mean anything,  now that you're gone.
        again, but this time Selak was on foot. He was                 'Frqm  above;  seertrs I had it all,
        walking in Zagneb,  when a bus hit him. Amazingly,             But it doesn't mean anything  since you're gone.
        he wasn't too badly  hur"t. Was thene no safe
                                                                     Now I see myself through different eyes,
        way for him to tnavel? His seventh  accident
                                                                     lt's no surprise.
        happened  the following year. He was driving  in
                                                                     Being alone will make  you realise
        the mountains.  He came nound a bend and saw  a
                                                                     When  it's over that all in love  is fair.
        huge lonry coming towards  him. 6E Miraculously,
                                                                     I shoulda been there, I shoulda been there,
        he managed to jump out of the can. He watched
        as car number thr"ee  nolled down the mountain
        and exploded.                                                  Chorus
        Selak said,  'l  neven thought  I was lucky to sur-vive      I know I pushed you away.
        all my disasters.  I thought  I was unlucky to be in         WhaI can I do that would  save our love?
                                                                     Take these  material  things  -
        them in the first place.' ln the end, howeven, Selak
                                                                     They don't mean nothing.
        did feel lucky  -  not when  he won the lottery,  but
                                                                     It's you Ihat I want.
        when he met his fifth wife, Katenina. ln fact,  he
        has sold his luxury home and given  away most of
                                                                       Chorus                                lir::,1:ll
        his lotteny money. He said, All I need at my age is
        my Katerina. Money wouldn't  change anything.'
        But thene was one thing that he did spend some
        of his money on. 7E Now, even if he never
        travels by car , bus or plane again, he can still
        keep walking!

          fl:ffr:.{;S:ilii;!i  lmagine that  you had €1 million and wanted to
          give it away. Who would you give it to and why?

       &   6b Listen  to the song and choose  the best
          summary (t-4).

             I used to have lots of money.  I lost it att, but it doesn't
             matter, because  l've got you.                     I
             l'd love to be rich, but it doesn't  matter if I never am  Find colloquiaI  equivalents  in the song for the fo[lowing:
             because  l've got you.                                1 I used to
             l'm very rich, but money  means  nothing to me now    2 I'd rather
             because  l've lost you.                               3 I don't want anybody
             Let's throw away at[ our money  and possessions and  just  4 should  have
             be together.                                          5 they don't mean anything

                                                                                         t";nit 9  Money, rnoney,  mcneyl  Sg
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