Page 104 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 104

{"lcrit I                                               EJmit  3CI
         I  Complete  each sentence with a noun and a preposition  5  Read the definitions and write the correct words.
            from the lists below.
                                                                    1 Someone  who ptays music in the street.
            n@uirs: bargain  receipt sate stoek titI                2 Someone  who plays music in a club for peopte  to dance.
            preoositiens;  around bact< in  of*  up
            1 lfyou keep the     you can take those  jeans          3  A large group of people  who sing together.
              to the shop.                                          4  Four peop[e playing stringed instruments  together.
            2 lt tool< ages to save _   for that  jacket  and now
              they're  out of_   |                                  5 A large group  of musicians with a variety of instruments
            3 There's  f.25       dressl lt's an absolute             playing  together.
            4 You can save a lot of money  if you shop  and buy                                          rr  lrk:   l\
              things  in the -this
            5 I wanted to pay    cash, but the shop assistant
                               --                                   Rewrite  the sentences using participte  clauses.
              couldn't open the
                           -                                        1 That's my neighbour who is wall<ing his dog.
                                                Mark:  15           2 This watch,  which betonged to my father, is worth
                                                                      a lot of money.
         2  tvtatch  the sentence halves and complete them with the
                                                                    3 Listen to this song which  was written by my teacher.
            correct verb.
                                                                    4 The bride, who wore white, watked down  the aiste.
            1 She's going  to the  a to have his car                5 This is the DVD which  was given to me for my birthday.
              hairdresser's         b to have herwatch
                                   d i; ;;;; ;;;;;", _
            2 He went to the garage  c to have her hair-                                                 Mark:  15
            3 She's  been to the
                                                                    Correct the determiners  in the sentences.
              optician's            e to have their photo
              They're at the                                        1 The fitm was terrible,  so littte people came to see it.
              photographer's                                        2 Hurry upl We've only  got a few time leftl
                                                                    3 Most teenagers  don't play  many sport.
              She went to the  lewetler's
                                                                    4 Don't ask me. I have any idea where he is.
                                                Mark:  lS
                                                                    5 No ofthe exam questions were  easy.
            Choose the correct tenses.
                                                                                                         Mark:  lS
            1 lf you have  got  had got up earlierthis  morning, you
              wouldn't have missed  the bus.                     8  Complete  the diatogue with the phrases below.
            2 We wouldn't  come  /  wouldn't  have  come to the cinema if
              we'd known  this fitm was on.                         doesn't appeat liind of thing particularly  interested
                                                                    rea[[y love sounds
            3 lf I would have /'d  had your phone number, l'd have
              catled  you.                                          Boy So, which  acts do you want to see at the music
            4 They'd have stayed  /  would  stay at the beach  if it     festivat?  What about that new foll< group?  I love that
              hadn't rained.
            5 She wouldn't have got into trouble  if she'd have     Girt  No, thanks. lt just 2__   to me. What about that  jazz
              forgotten  t  hadn't forgotten  her homework.              funk group?  That    more fun.
                                                                    Boy  l'm not      in that sort of thing. There must be
                                                Mark:  lS
                                                                         something  we both  til<e!
                                                                    Girl  What about that singer-songwriter  Bruno Mars? l'd
         4  Comptete  the diatogue with the words betow.
                                                                         '     to see him.
            can't he  could be  doubt gLies:  loolis
                                                                    Boy  0K. As long as you come  to that rocl< group Sirius
            Debbie Look! What do you think that man is doing?            with me.
            Jake  Well,  I     sure, but l2-he's   forjotten  his
                   house  keys. l3-that   he's  a burglar, Debbiel                                       Markr  lS
            Debbie Hmm.  He certainty'  -   lil<e a burgtar  to me!
            Jal<e  Or it '   --  that he's checl<ing  the house for his
            Debbie l'm not so sure!             Mark:  lS

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