Page 108 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 108
Reading Naomi
t Worl< in pairs. Ask and answer A saited from France to New Zealand.
the questions. B wanted her name to appear in magazines.
C thought about travelling round the world when she
1 Have you ever.been sailing? , ,
2 ,Would you tike !o go on g sea voyage around the wor[d? met Rob.
Why? / Why not? D had no sailing experience before her trip to Europe.
Before Naomi ftew to Engtand in 1976, she
) Do the exam task. A made some decisions about her persona[ [ife.
B thought her idea was comptetely unreatistic.
C consulted Rob about a[[ her ptans.
Read the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D. D contacted some famous sailors.
3 When Naomi told Rob about her plan, he was
Naomi Power had just returned to New Zealand from a trip to
A amused.
Europe. During her time abroad, she'd had many interesting
B irritated.
adventures, but had also met experienced racing sailor, Rob
C supportive.
James. They had spent a lot of time together and devetoped
a close bond. Rob had also invited Naomi on board his yacht D frightened.
4 When ptanning the voyage, Naomi
and, as she'd never been on a yacht before, she happity
A didn't let any obstactes discourage her.
accepted and Rob taught her to sai[. lt was the beginning
B refused to listen to warnings about possibte dangers.
of two special retationships - with Rob and with sailing.
C got tots of encouragement from people.
Back in New Zealand, she was reading a magazine in'her D had no trouble finding a sponsor.
parents' living room, when she saw a headlin e: French 5 Naomi received sponsorship
womon plons single-handed voyage around the world. A from the owner of Spirit of Cutty Sark.
Naomi was immediatety interested. She began to dream - B to refit Chay's boat.
what an adventure that would bel C to cover all the traveI expenses.
D to buy a new boat.
Naomi started reading books such as Chay Blyth's lhe
lmpossible Voyage and became certain about two things:
Speaking , '
she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Rob, and she ',' ' 1'
wanted to sail single-handed around the wortd.
3 Do the exam tasl<.
Naomi flew back to England in March 1.916, and she and
Rob were married at the end of May. However, Naomi was
a little worried about telting Rob that she wanted to sait
Compare and contrast the photos. Answer the questions.
around the world. To her surprise, Rob was very enthusiastic,
though he tried to warn her about the dangers. They
discussed the problems and risks, and thought of ways to
prevent them. Then they began to thinl< about where they
coutd find a boat. They would also need a sponsor. 'you'[[
need at least f60,000 to buy and refit a boat,' Rob totd her.
'Chay Btyth may help. He's got a lot of experience in finding
sponsors.' But it was more difficult than they expected.
Many people thought that Naomi was crazy to try to sail
alone in the wortd's most difficult seas. However, Naomi did
not lose hope. She knew that she had to be confident ifshe
wanted other peopte to have confidence in her.
Then, one evening her luck changed. They were at Chay's
house for dinnerwhen one ofthe guests began to talk about
sponsorship. He suggested it would be much easier to get a
sponsor if Naomi took Chay's boat Spirit of Cutty Sark; she
7 What chattenges are the peopte undertaking?
would only need about f10,000 to adapt the boat for single-
2 What physical and emotionaI quatities woutd you need
handed sailing. Then a man named Quentin Waltop, who
to comptete these types of challenges?
owned a yacht himself, agreed to sponsor her for f10,000 -
3 Why do you think people take on challenges lil<e these?
and the challenge was on!
4 Would you [il<e to take on a chattenge? Give reasons.
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