Page 111 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 111
Comptete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or . lfthe verb ends in a consonant + -ewe usually drop the -e
present continuous form of the verbs. and add -ing;
Thel rrnile. trJr'ra smi\ing.
7 see
a I __*-- George tonight. We're going to . lfthe verb ends in a short, accented vowel and a
consonant, we doubte the consonant:
the cinema.
-m + -mming -g + -gging -p + -pping -t + -tting
b I what you're trying to say, but I don't agree.
You stop Thef i"e ttopping
2 toste
a This fish reatty good. ls there any more?
Decide ifthe sentences are correct or not. Correct the
b 'What are you doing?' 'l the sauce to check sentences that are incorrect.
that it's got enough salt.'
1 ls your dad usualty wearing a suit to work?
3 smel! - 2 I tive with a famity in lreland for a month.
a'Putyourshoesbackon.Yourfeet awful!'
b 'The dog my sock. lt must smetl good!' 3 What are you reading at the moment?
4 The train is arriving this evening at six o'clocl<.
4 feel
5 We don't go to the cinema this Friday night.
a 'Your shirt reatty smooth. ls it cotton?'
b Mum my brother's legto make sure it 5 lt's quite cold today. I take a coat.
- 7 She's a surgeon. She works in a hospital.
isn't broken.
8 My brother is always borrowing my mobite! lt's reatty
5 look
- irritating!
a 'That hoody cool. Where did you buy it?'
b Liam is in the clothes shop over there. He Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or
at the Jackets. present continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets.
- 1 a Matthew usually ieans to school. (wear)
Present tense contrast b He trousers today. (wear)
We use the present simple to tatk about: 2 a I can't understand this film. What language
. habits and routines. they ? (speak)
b l'm going to ltaly on hotiday, but I - ltatian.
I rr*ually gai up al righl o'clock. - -
(not speak)
. a permanent situation or fact.
3 a My sister in London at the moment. (tive)
dacY" \ivo* in London. lt'r hi* homr lown.
b My uncte in Spain. He moved there 25
. timetables and schedules.
The lrair \eaves at k.70 to.norro$r m0rning years ago. (tive)
4 a l'm getting fed up with my tittte sister. She I
Spelling: verb + third person singular
(atways interrupt)
. We usually add -s to the verb:
b He when someone etse is speal<ing. (never
t BTAr't li rtarlr
interrupt) -
' lftheverb ends in -ch,-ss, -sh or-o, add -esto the verb: 5 a What time you - l(ate this
Thal 'loach t,ho \vache.s -
evening? (meet)
ule don"i 1rach. Ho dae'*n'1 iaach,
b What time the fitm this evening?
. lfthe verb ends in a consonant -y, we add -esand change
-y to -i: u to work' She usuattv goes bv bus'
Thal rarrl fthe r"arrioa. " H"I,lrTo,
t^lo don't carr1, lle doa*n't carr1. -
b Today the buses are on stril(e, so she (watk)
We use the present continuous to tatk about: to work.
. things that are happening now.
Wr'ra waichirrg a movio rioht riou Lame ove.(|. Verb patterns
. annoying behaviour with always. {.:j -
He'r a\wais 1a\ring about himsell. Some verbs are foltowed by an infinitive.
. for arrangements in the near future. Tohn managed 'to finich hio homar^rork.
ialll an4 {om arc {\ing to laoma nert Fridal Other verbs are fotlowed by the -ing form.
Spetting : verb + -ing form iai\1 iancird ar^ra1 for thr r^eekard
. We add -ing form to most verbs:
I wail ihr'r waitinE