Page 107 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 107

Listening                                                  Cutture  shock has been officialty  '_   (identify)  as a form
        5 ffi?&WEWX  when you visit museums, do you ever           of long-term psychologicaI stress.  u__   (typicat),  it can
          go on guided  tours or use an audio guide?  Why?  I  Why not?  be split into a number of phases. The first is catted  the tourist
                                                                   or honeymoon  stage, when  the  _   (visit) is fascinated
       6   S'd  a.l:  Do the exam task.                            by their new home and it feels like a great  adventure. The
                                                                   next stage  is the  8_   (reject) phase,  when  you feel
                                                                   homesick and can feel a sense  of   (isolate).  After
          Listen and marl< the sentences  true or false.           that comes the conformist  stage,  when you accept  the
                                                                   culture, and finalty, there is the total assimitation  stage.
                                                                   Now you can speal<the [anguage,  have friends, and feel at
                                                                   home. Living in a foreign culture is a fascinating experience.
            1 The toul guide says Stonehenge is  light                                      10____
            ,  ,llext to them, on the [eft.   ]                    Don't be afraid to try it.  Just be   (prepare)!
            2 ,The fina[ structure,wasrfinished  almosla        Writing
            ,.        years ag :,' .  , ,'  .  .
           .,.  ,lhousand                                       8 3WItffiWXf{  Putthe  expressions into the
            3 The group  has already  paid for the                 correct group.
                        , .                                        atthough as because besides but for example
           :,4  The car park  and tieket offic.e  are across       for instance  furthermore  however in conctusion
                                                                   rnoreover  or"l the one  /  other hand since so
           ' , the,road from the monument.
                                                                   to eonclude to surn uB what is more whereas
            5 Visitors are allowed to walk around as
              they wish.                                            Contrasting

        Use of English                                              Giving an example
        7  oo the exam task.                                        Conclu.ding.   ,..."....   .,'.,.'.,   'r''   r"   '
                                                                    Giving a reason
          Complete  the text with the correct form of the
          words given.                                             Choose the correct  words.
          Living  in a foreign country can be an exciting andl     1 Travetling  abroad is fun however  /  atthough  it can
          (reward)  experience. It can also be a very challenging one.  be expensive.
          Many  people are unprepared for the  '_   (reat) of      2 lf you live in a foreign country, it's sometimes difficutt
          tiving futt-time in a different  environment.              to make yourself understood.  Besides,  /  Whereas,
                                                                     you have to spend  time tearning a new language.
          lf you are ptanning  to move to another country on a [ong-  3 You can sometimes earn more by moving  abroad. What is
          term basis, find out about the cutture  and religions and  more,  /  On the other hand, it can be difficutt to finci worl<.
          how much they ptay a part in everyday  tife. This type of  4 You can make  new friends  if you tive in another country.
          research  is particularty  important  in cultures where certain  Although  /  Moreover,  you can learn about a new culture.
          '_      (behave), habits or gestures  have different     5 You may be lonely at first, for exampte  / but you'tt soon
           meanings. For example, in many  Eastern countries, you    make new friends.
           mustn't  touch  people's  heads,  not even patting  the  6 You can't claim it's too expensive  to travel as / whereas
           heads  of smatl  children. These are very  o_   (offend)  you can easily  get a student traveI  card.
          gestures, but easity done if you are not aware of this.
                                                                   7 On the other  hand  /  To conclude,  I betieve  that spending
                                                                     time abroad is a good idea.
                                                               10  Do the exam task.

                                                                   Write an essay  (200-250  words) with the foltowing  title.
                                                                   Do you agree thatyou learn more about a foreign country if
                                                                   you travel atone, rather  than with other people?

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