Page 110 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 110
, , Order of adjectives
The correct order of adjectives before a noun depends thinl< You thinl< too much! I tfrinf<' yorr sl<irt is
on their meaning. What are you thinking about? too short'
lilrltii::t ililliliil::i::i:a:,lii:lliill:it::ll,rlillr:,ttr,.,r .:ti:r:ri:, feel
1.r;:i:.rrt ,:,.4:.irii::ir,,.::1r:tr..i:, r, ,:,,:: :r, I r:r:r i.:-. .... How do you feel? I feel that he shoutd
I'm feeting i1t.
[ool< lf you look carefully you can That bed doesn't
iust see the sea. [ool< very
a lovely big old blue French leather bag
a nice tatt young Engtish man What are you looking at? comfortable'
see We see with our eyes. I see what you
1 put the words in the correct order to make sentences. I'm seeing double! mean'
1 leather / at / miniskirt / Look / fabulous / that smetI I often smetl the flowers in This cheese sme[[s
LooK at that fabulou*, lra.lhor mifiiiKiri. the garden. horribtel
2 wearing / an / btouse / etegant / white / She's / tacy
The dog is smeIting its food.
3 shoes / high-heeted / wearing / ridicutous / She's
4 tight/ socks / I hate / nyton taste Taste the pasta and see if it The pizza tastes
needs more satt.
5 sl<irt/ wearing/velvet/ a / She's/ spotty good.
6 stripyl green tike /your/ tracksuit I 1 I baggy He's tasting the wine, not
drinl<ing it.
7 a I that's/ checked / Jacket I scruffy
appear Harry always appears when She appears to be
seffis*! food is ready.
l"- ; Dynamic and state verbs in her mid-teens.
Jennifer Aniston is appearing
Dynamic verbs describe action. They can be used in simpte and
in a play in London next
continuous forms. weel<.
I run tan kilomrtre.r averl da1
l'm running 1n a raLa at lne m0nt0n1 1 Choose the correct tense. Say whether the verb is dynamic
Verbs describing a state or situation are not usuatly used in or state.
continuous tenses. 1 He thinl<s / He's thinking it'll rain tomorrow.
I don'i undsrrlanC pr. (state of mind) 2 Mandy has / Mandy's having breal<fast.
3 He appears / He's appearing to be wearing a hat.
TLr,r book bricngr to rre (possession ) 4 I feet / l'm feeling a bit silly in this suit.
5 We consider / We're considering moving abroad.
Common state verbs: 6 That burger tastes / is tasting disgustingl
2 Comptete the sentences with the correct form of the
dynamic and state verbs below.
Be carefu[. Sometimes state verbs can be used with a 'dynamic'
meaning and therefore we can use continuous tenses.
Th s rherse l/51c5 n;.4. (feature describing the cheese)
i'rn tartinn thor.x. al thr momenl (action) 'Why are you sitting there doing nothing?' 'l
There is i grorp ofverbs that can be used as either state or for a film to start.'
dynamic verbs, These are some of them: 2 you __ when Jason is arriving?
3 I enjoy listening to music, but I __
:,,i.i:,i:arr,.:.r.: dancing to it
very much.
When a verb describes an action we can use either the
I a new computer. The one l've got is reat{y otd
continuous or the simple form. However, when we are
and slow.
describing a state we must use the simple form.
5 l've met her before, but I her name.
6 It - and I haven't got a hat or gloves.
7 --