Page 114 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 114
Complete the sentences with / used to or l'm used to,
' liilll::,:]il:llllll:l'lli:liiii:.:
1 I lived in London for ten years, so big who (that) people
cities. where
2 I didn't tike these gtasses at first, but places
them now. which (that) things
3 I can speak Portuguese because _ live in whose possessions
- Wha or which can refer to the subject or object of a sentence.
4 l'm disappointed with this exam resu[t because
better marks. When they refer to the object, it is possibte to omit who or
5 I never go running now, but which.
5 The weather here is terribte. but it. the's ihe girl r*tro worke hara. (subject)
s**$ ihe's ihr girl who I mat. (object)
$_-* Exctamatory senten ces lhe'r tnr girl l",aw on ihe bus (obiect, omittingthe pronoun)
- We often use fhaf instead of which. We can also use fhat
We use exclamatory sentences beginning with What ...
instead of who in informaI Engtish.
or How... to react strongly to something.
Hara's lhe boor lhat 1ou wanted
We use How ...with an adjective. Did 1ou *v tho gu1 that Hie*d Mary?
How atranga! Hovr fr,rnnl!
1 Choose the correct words.
We use What... with a noun or an adiective fotlowed by a noun.
v'lhai a meall What an incrrdible etor1l v.lhat lcvei1 ciothosl 1 He's the potice officer who / whose car was invotved
in an accident.
I Choose the correct words. 2 He works in the department where / which my aunt
1 My dad fell asleep in the middte of an interviewl is in charge of. :
Wilat/ How funnyl 3 That's the woman whose / who works a 60-hour weel<.
2 I got tost in the centre ofTokyo. 4 Jenny is the lT consultant who / whose fixed our
What/Howanightmare! computers.
3 My uncle's house burned down in a fire. 5 She's the woman who / which apptied for the
What / How terrible! cleaning iob.
4 I keep getting text messages from somebody 6 That's the buitding site where / whose my brother worl<s.
I don't know. 7 Unskitted work is work which / who requires no
What / How strangel quatifications.
5 When I got home, there was a burglar in the kitchen. 8 lndia is the ptace which / where a tot of call centres are
What/Howashockl Iocated.
6 I faited all of my exams!
What/Howadisaster! 2 Comptete the sentences with relative clauses. Use the
7 Why don't we have a party at the end of term? information below.
What / How a great ideal
8 My dad is going to buy me a new phone!
What / How wonderfull
Defi ning relative clauses
Defining retative ctauses come immediately after a noun and
give vitaI information about that noun.
He's the doctor. 1 That's the theatre wharr mp,$_Ltr horks .
He'r the docior vrho helped m1 grandmother 2 She's the director .
3 He works in a laboratory
They can go in the middte oratthe end of sentences. We do not
4 That's the buitding site
uSe commas. -
5 Do you know any carpenters ?
Thp man r*ho iold rnc about ihis plata.was old. -
6 Tom works for an lT company
I mat tho young broman uho cLltc lour hair. 7 A translator is a person
Defining relative pronouns are different depending on whether
they refer to peopte, places, things or possessions.