Page 117 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 117

1  Comptete  the second  sentence so that it means the same  4 ga out
           as the first.  Use the present perfect  continuous  form of the  a Ben and Sharon  --  a few times,  but they
           verbs in bracl<ets.                                          didn't get  on very well.
                                                                     b Shane and Karen
           1 I got to the bus stop an hour ago and my bus hasn't                               since the summer and are
                                                                        really  in love.
             arrived  yet.
              l'va bron ilailing {r my bug  for an hour. (wait)
                                                                2  tvtatch 1-8 with repties (a-h).  Then complete the replies
           2 I started guitar  lessons  years  ago.                with the present perfect  continuous  or present perfect
              ,       for years.  (learn)
                                                                   simple form of the verbs in brackets.
           3 The rain started at midday and it hasn't stopped.
                      since midday. (rain)                         1 Sorry I'm [ate.
                                                                   2 Why is dad walking  like that?
           4 We started this phone cat[ an hour ago,
                                                                   3 What's that funny smelt in the kitchen?
                    -  on the phone for an hour. (chat)
           5 I started feeting illon Saturday  and I stillfeelitt.  4 You lool< rea[[y exhausted.
                                                                   5 Why does Mum look so angry?
                      since  Saturday.  (not  leel wett)
                                                                   5 Some of these questions  are very difficult.
           5 My dad fell asleep  two hours ago and he hasn't woken
                                                                   7 Why are you tool<ing  so embarrassed?
             up yet.
                                                                   8 Your sister's  lool<ing  very heatthy.
                      for two hours. (steep)
           -l                                                      a  |        (break)  her taptop.
        ii-   pr"uent   perfect simpte and present                 b  |        (send)  a text message to the wrong person!
                                                                     |         (wait)  for ages!
              perfect continuous                                   C  ---  -
                                                                   d  You  -.-    (do)  the wrong  exercise.
        We use the present perfect continuous to emphasise the     e  |        (ptay) volteybattin the park.
        duration  of an action which  started in the past. For finished  f  She   (eat)  a tot of fruit and vegetables.
        actions we use the present perfect simpte.                    Dad         (cook)  again.
        tlo hava bron living in Lordon {or turolva parr.  (We stilt tive  h  He   (twist)  his anl<te.
        there now.)
        fhi.1'vr.  livod in Mosrolr, &erlin  and Madrid. (They  don't  {&ca*1  -
                                                                il',il  Zero conditional
        necessarity  Iive there any [onger.)
        How long is the most common  time expression used with the  We use the zero conditional  to tatk about a result  which follows
        present perfect continuous.  How often or how mony / much is  a particular  action.
        usuatty  used with the present perfect simpte.          l{ vou rlirk on thai irofi, ii op&fi6  thp r.mail lrf,inaar
        rlol" iong h-.s ,l , brrc sirrp:n3l                     li vcrir hair 6rrjA \^rrr, iou fial rold
        1161^1  rf trit hnv:  lrrt  worn that  surl/            We use the present simpte  to describe the action as welt
        ilow manl i.ngliah lorsonr have.  1ou  had?             as the result.
        When we use verbs  describing a state or situation  {e.g.  have,
        like, love, know),  we do not use the continuous  form.
        t'v,, iad ;r: i?ca ior  '!wo  1,.arr                     lf you don't sleep welt,   you feel tired.
                                                                 (present  simple)
                                                                                          (present  simpte)
        1  Comptete  one sentence in each pair with the present
                                                                 I  Use the prompts to make zero conditionaI  sentences.
           perfect simpte and the other with the present perfect
                                                                   Remember:  the  f-  ctause  can come first or second.
                                                                   1 most phones  /  not break  I  you  I  drop  / them
           1 spend
             a I can't afford that dress. I   a[[ my money.        2 you  lpush / this button  /  the tight / come on
             b We  -*----*   too much money  recently  -  we should  3 my dog / lie down  I  I I  clap / my hands
                save more.                                         4 cheese I  melt  lyou / cook / it
                                                                   5 you  I  turn around / tots of times  /  you  /  feet  /  sick
           2 have
             a Americans         Thanksgiving dinners for          5 the alarm I  ring I everybody  /  have to /  teave
                hundreds ofyears.
             b l'm not hungry.  I     my dinner.                      Sp.culating  and predicting
           3 tolk                                                We use modalverbs: may, might, could + base form to tatk
             a Look at the time! We       for hours!             about events (situations)  which coutd take  ptace  in the future.
             b I don't l<now  Tom well. but we   on the phone    I rniqhl  qo r:r-ri for dinnor lrniqhr.
                once  or twice.
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