Page 120 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 120

n"ported  speech (questions)
         today                     that day
                                                                 Wil; *.  change  direct questions  to reported questions,  the
         ton ight                  that night                    verb form often goes back one tense, pronouns change,  and
         next week                 the next weel<                time expressions often change.
                                                                 'Did   *,.0 thr {ooibali maicrr
         yesterday                 the day before                   1*u                  lurlardal?'
                                                                *tn,, tsir,6  mo r{ t had **on \|rc {ootbzll match  ihr aa1 ba{cr"r
         last month  /  year       the month  /  year  before
                                                                 We usually use the reporting verb osl< when reporting
        1  Comptete  the reported  speech  with the correct  verb forms.  questions.  ln yes  no questions,  we use the structure
                                                                 '(somebodl) asked  (me  him / them, etc.) if ...'
           1 'lt's cotd outside,' Helen said.
                                                                 'llid  qau  uo out?'
             Helen said it       coLd outside.
                                                                ths ask*i rna ii I had  gone oui
           2 'l'm wearing a coat,'Jock  said.
                                                                 ln [1/h- questions,  we use the structure  (somebody)  osked  (me  /
             Jock said he       a coat.
           3 'You're  not wearing a hat,' Helen said.            him / them, etc.) + question  word  lwhere,  what, how, etc.) ...
             Helen said he        a hat.                        'Wh+m  did  1cu  qo?'
                                                                tho. a*re.d mr ,rhoro  I had gcn*.
           4 'l teft it at home,'  said  ,|ock.
             Jocksaid  he        it at home.                     ln reported questions  the subject comes  before  the verb,
           5 'You can'tgo out without a hat,' said Helen.        and auxiliary verbs such as do or did are not used.
             Helen said he        without a hat.                 'ylhz.t   dr  tcr.r  iif*?'
           5 'l won't be outside  for Iong,' Jock said.         tha a-"tr{ mr r,rha"l I lilod
             Jock said he       outside  for long.
                                                                 1  Comptete  the reported  questions with the correct pronouns.
        2  Rewrite  the sentences in reported  speech, using the correct
                                                                    1 'What did you eat?' we asked  our mum.
           time expressions.                                             v'le  asked har  what  ahr  had eaten.
           1 'l was itt last week.' Agatha  said   .               2 'Why  have you got my taptop?' Dad asked  Sophie.
           2 'l'm buying a new computer next weekend.'John  said               asked-why-had
                                                                      hts taptop.
           3 'l can't  go out for Iunch today.' Anna  said         3 'Did you forget about the barbecue?'we  asked
           4 'l'm not doing anything at the moment.'  Tom said        our fiiends.
                                                                               asked         if         had forgotten
           5 'lt wilt probably rain tomorrow.'  I said                about the barbecue.
           6 'We went to France for our hotiday last year.' My        'Where  have you been?'  our friends asked us.
             grandparents  said _     .                                        asked         where         had been.
                                                                      What time did you arrive home?'the poticeman
           Write these sentences in reported  speech.
                                                                      asked me.
           1 'l'm making pancakes  for breakfast,'  said Dad.                  asked         what time        had
           2 'l can't find my umbrella,'  my sister said.             arrived home.  --
           3 'We're moving  to London,'  my cousins said.          6 'Did you finish  your homeworl<?'  I asl<ed  Jack.
           4 'l've seen Botman Returns five times!' said my brother.           asl<ed if       had finished his
           5  'Chelsea played  welt, but lost,' said Ricl<.           homework.
           6 'l'm taller than my brother,'  said Maria.
                                                                   Rewrite  the sentences  as reported  questions.
           Comptete  the sentences  with said or tald,                               -
                                                                    1 'Are you [istening?'the teacher asked her students.
           1 He          his girtfriend  that he had rented a DVD.  2 'Why  are you taughing?' I asked my sister.
           2 She          him that she didn't  lil<e horror  films.  3 'What did you do last night?' my best friend  asl<ed me.
           3 He          that it wasn't  a horror  fitm, it was a thriller.  4 'Can you speak ltalian?'  I asked  my aunt.
           4 She          that some thritters were very violent.    5 'When  witt you get home?' my dad asl<ed me.
           5 He          her that violent  films were often exciting.  6 'ls it raining?' my grandma asl<ed.
           5 She          him that she didn't agree.               7 'What's the time?'  I asked my mum.
           7 He          her that he would  change  it.            8 'How much  money  have we spent?' my friend  asked me.

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