Page 136 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 136

         L_l  Travel and transport                               2  Comptete  the sentences  with phrasalverbs  from exercise 1.
                                                                    Use a suitable  tense.
         1 Comptete the mind  map with the words below Some of the  1 Are we nearly there yet? We     hours  agol
           words can be used  more than  once.
                                                                    2 l'm sure we        some interesting  peopte  when we
           nou43; aistre eabin captair: earrixge driver               travel around Mexico  next month.
           fiight attemdar:t tuggage racl< c,verhead leelcers       3 We planned to camp, butwe        staying in a hotet
            platforrn runway traclEs tiei<at  inspcct*r  turbulence   because the weather was so bad.
           verbs arrive bcard disernhari<  [as:d set sa![ ta!<e aff  4 Some parts of this house     the fifteenth century.
                                                                    5 ln rural areas, it's often difficutt to ==_=*-  without a
                                                                    6 After waiting two hours for the bus,  we   and
                                                                      went home.
                                                                    7 I really       peopte  who atways go on
                                                                      environ  mentally friend ty hotidays.

                                                                 1  Sd 3.07  pRoNuNoATroN  Read the Leorn  this! box. Listen
            Comptete the sentences  with words from exercise  1.    and repeat atl the acronyms. Do you know any more?
            1 You need to put your bags in the _-   before  the
              plane   -                                                Acronyms  are formed from the first letter of each
            2 The ship        at 1,1 p.m.                              word in a phrase.
            3 Passengers who        a train at a smat[ station          USA (United  States  of America)  U/( (United  l(ingdom)
              often need to buy their ticket from the                   CD (compact disc) GAzl (geneticatty  modified)
            4 The         told the passengers  he was going  to fty     UFO  (unidentified  flying object)
              higher to avoid some       .                              Usua[[y, you pronounce an acronym  by naming  the
            5 lt's very dangerous  to watk  across the   to the         letters. However, some  acronyms  are pronounced  aS
              opposite        to get onto your  train.  -               words:
            6 I asked the      -  if I coutd move to a seat next to    A/DS  (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
              the                                                       NAIO (North  Atlantic Treaty  Organisation)
                                                                        NA54  (National  Aeronautics and Space
               Phrasal verbs: review                                    Administration)
                                                                        RAM (random  access memory)
         1  finO the phrasat  verbs from the chart below in the text on  A few acronyms  are pronounced as a mixture of
            page  76. Then complete the chart by writing a) or b) in each
                                                                        letters and words:
            column. lf necessary,  checl< the sections on phrasalverbs
                                                                       IPEG  CD-ROM
            on pages 729,730,133  and 134 oftheVocabulary  Buitder.
                                                                 2  Complete  the sentences  with acronyms  from the Learn  thisl
                                                                    box. Read the sentences aloud.
                                                                    1 Some peopte refuse to buy food that contains
         date back
         (tine  1)                                                    crops.
                                                                    2 l've got 500 photos stored on my phone as _   files.
         set off (line  2)
                                                                    3 We crossed  the border from Mexico  to the   near
         look up to                                                                                     -
         (tine  3)
                                                                      My uncle ctaims  that  a   tanded in his garden  one
         get about                                                    n ight.
         (tine  7)
                                                                    5 Scientists hope to develop new drugs  to fight
         come  qcross                                               6       is planning to send a manned spacecraft  to Mars
         (tine  15)
                                                                      before 2030.
         s ve qp                                                    7 My taptop onty has 512 MB of   .
         (r ne 19)                                                  8 Ben Nevis,  in Scottand, is the highest mountain  in the
         end up                                                                                -
         (tine 28)

     134 VocabularV  Builder
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