Page 138 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 138

@     nuirts and artistic activities                           Compound  nouns  (2)

         1 Comptete  the chart with the words below.             I  Comptete  the compound nouns  in the sentences  with the
                                                                    nouns betow.  There are two nouns  that  you do not need.
            does draws fiction  31+6g  mal<es  ptays (verb)
            ptays (noun) poetry role screenplays  sings stages      camp dance goers festivaI headline  [ine mainland
            stars writes                                            lover  shuttle
                                                                    1 We stayed at a great littte    site nearVenice.
                                                                    2 Stevie Wonder  was the      act a_t the Gtastonbury
                           plays an instrument.                       Festival in 2010.
            A musician              a recital / a concert/ a        3 The roads  leading  to Gtastonbury  were  jammed  with
                           pe rfo rm an ce.
                           performs/'z       apiece.                4 The  -..*--   up at the Rock Werchter  festival this year
                                     3                                was amazing.
            A composer     composes /         music.                5 We caught a         bus from the station to the
            A singer       performs  I       a song  /  an aria.      festiva[.
                                                                    6 We're going to take our hotiday on '.'   Europe this
            A conductor    conducts an orchestra.
                                                                      yea r.
                                                                    7 You don't have to be a music     to enioy  a music
            An artist  /  A  paints  a picture  / a painting  / a portrait.  festiva[. There are lots of other things to see and do.
             painter       5-       a picture.
                           6-a                                         Describing  books
                           creates  a work (of  art).            I  Check  the meaning  of the adjectives  below. Then match
                                  ?-                                them with the aspects of a bookwhich they describe.
            A sculptor     creates  I       / scutpts a work /
                           a sculpture  /  a piece  /  a bust.      cotloquiat detaited fast-moving likeabte surprising
            A novetist     writes novels  /  B                      ptot       comptex  l'       / betievabte  /  gripping
            A writer       writes  novels  /  bool<s / short stories.  ending  satisfying  I  puzzling  / moving /  thritting  /
            A poet         writes poems  I '-.
                                10-                                 setting    familiar  / unusual / futuristic I  rural I
            A playwright   writes         / tragedies  /                       ,]
                           com  ed ies.                             descriptions          beautifut  /  fascinating  I dutl
            A scriptwriter  writes        (for fitms).              characters  convlnclng  two-dirnensionaI  I   5
                                                                    dialogue   6         I  realistic  /  funny
            An actor /     acts in / appears in /  performs in /    Choose the correct adiectives.
                           12-               13
             a ctress                in /  has a       in
                                                                    1 I didn't identify  with the characters  because  they were  a[[
                           a ptay  /  a production  a fitm /  a musicat.  so convincing  / two-dimensionat.
            A director     directs a ptay/ a production  I afilm I  a  2 lt was a gripping story, and the end was very fast-moving  /
                           musical.                                   surprising.
                           14-                                      3 I enjoyed reading  the fascinating  I dutl descriptions  of
            A drama                  /  puts on /  performs  a ptay  /
                                                                      ordinary life in the nineteenth  century.
             company       a production  / a musica[.
                                                                    4 The author is in his fifties, and as a resutt, some  of the
                                                                      dialogue  between  teenagers  isn't very realistic  I  funny.
                                                                    5 lt wasn't  ctear at the end whether the hero had died or
                                                                      not. I reatly don't [ike puzzting  thritling endingsl

     136.r; Vocabulary Buitder
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