Page 28 - EverybodyUp
P. 28
Charades Everybody Up! Everybody Down!
Divide the class in half or into four groups. Show one Tell students a specific phonics sound to listen for and
member of each group a different Picture Card. That then, slowly and clearly, say a number of sounds. The
student returns to his or her group and acts out the class stands when you say the target sound. Continue
target language without speaking. The group watches saying a variety of sounds. Students remain standing
and tries to guess what is being acted out. until they hear the target sound again. Repeat the
activity with a new target sound. You can also assign
different target sounds to individuals or groups of
Circles students.
Put students in two concentric circles containing the
same number of students. Each student must be facing Find
another student. Designate one circle as the questioners
and one as the answerers. Each facing pair will practice In this activity students will search for pictures or realia
the target question and answer pattern. After pairs have around the classroom. To cue students, you might say It’s
practiced the pattern, have one circle spin to the left and blue to get students to run and touch something blue, or
one to the right. Students practice the pattern again with you might say I can see a hand to get students to run and
their new partners. Switch roles after a while. touch a picture of a hand.
Down the Line Find Your Partner
Set picture cards in a line on the floor. Place a team of Prepare strips of paper with the lines from the Lesson 3
students at each end of the line. A student from each story. Distribute a strip to each student, ensuring that
team goes down the line of cards, saying the words. each student’s strip has a match. Students circulate, find
When the players meet, ask the student who is farthest their partners, and read their lines aloud.
along the line a challenge question. A correct answer
wins that player’s team a point. If players meet in the
middle of the line, have them play Rock, Paper, Scissors. Freeze
The winner gets a chance to answer the challenge
question. In this activity, students listen carefully and arrange
themselves as you instruct.
Everybody Stop!
Fruit Salad
Have the class stand along one wall of the room while You will need one Picture Card or word card per
you stand across from them, facing the opposite wall.
As you say the target language, students try to move student. Have students sit in a circle. Have each student
toward you without being seen by you. When you select a card. Call out two of the words. The students
holding those two cards stand and switch places. Call
suddenly turn around, anyone you see moving is out.
Students who get caught moving can rejoin the activity out pairs of words until all students have had a chance
to change places. After a few more rounds, call out Fruit
after a round, starting with backs to the wall again.
“Caught” students can also be given jobs to perform as Salad! All students stand and change places.
the activity continues, such as helping to round up the
newly “caught” students. More confident students can be
invited to take over your role as the speaker.
26 Games and Activities
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