Page 68 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 68

REviEw 4 (UNiTS 10-11-12)

          lANGUAGE                                           5   Write  conditional  sentences  –  type  1,  using
                                                                 the suggested phrases in the box.
                                                                  condition                 Possible result
          1  circle the word with the different underlined                                -  have breathing
             sound. listen, check and repeat the words.        1.  continue to              problems
                                                                 pollute the air
          1.   A. calm   B. hand         C. plastic    D. cat  2.  prevent                -  save a lot of
          2.   A. town   B. cow           C. snow     D. how     deforestation              materials
          3.   A. hat   B. many        C. bad     D. apple     3.  recycle more           -  help animals
                                                                                            and the planet
          4.   A. bought  B. couch       C. sound     D. mouth
          5.   A. banana  B. camera     C. fantastic   D. passenger
                                                             6   read e-mails from nick and Phong. Fill each
          Vocabulary                                             gap  with  might  +  the  verb  in  brackets  or
                                                                 will + the verb in brackets.
          2   complete  each  sentence  with  a  suitable
             word from the box.

             air           noise      soil      deforestation

          1.   _______ is bad for our planet.
          2.   __________ pollution can cause breathing
             problems for some people.
          3.   A plane engine can make a lot of noise, so the
             new airport will increase ______ pollution here.
          4.   We can’t plant  any trees because the levels of
             __________ pollution here  are  very high.

          3   choose the correct words.
          1.   I couldn’t recognise/ understand him in his
          2.   A robot recycles/ guards their house every night.
          3.   Don’t forget to do/ make the bed before you go
             to school.
          4.   It’s your turn to make/ do the dishes, Nick!
                                                             Everyday English
          Grammar                                            7  match the sentences (1-3) to the responses (a-c).

          4  complete the text using the  verbs from the
             box and the correct form of will.                1. If we use reusable    a. Oh, I see. I’ll buy
                                                                 bags, we’ll help the    some reusable bags
             be       not need   not be         bring        use  environment.           for my mum.

             By the end of this century, we
             will have to explore the Moon                                             b.  I don’t agree with
             to  find  important  minerals.                   2. I’m drawing my dream    you. If they do all
             It  (1)_________  dangerous                         house.                  of our work, we’ll
             for  people  so  we  (2)______                                              become very lazy.
             robots  instead  of  humans.  It  (3)________
             very  expensive  because    robots  (4)______     3. I think in the future we
             money, food, air or water. They will only use solar    should make robots do  c. Wow! It’s so big!
             energy. Robots will get minerals from the Moon      all of our work.
             and they (5)_______ them back to the Earth.

        68  Review 4                                                                                                                                                                                              Review 4   69
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