Page 69 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 69

SkillS                                              2.   According  to  the  passage,  which  of  the
                                                                 following is NOT true about our future houses?
          reading                                                A.   They will be more eco-friendly.

          1   read the advertisement and choose the correct      B.   They will use electricity.
             answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps.           C.   They will use wind energy.
                                                              3.   We  will  be  able  to  control  our  future  houses
             OUR KITTY 2012 MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER!              ______________________________.
             This new home robot has three programmes:           A.   with our voices
             it can (1)______ the house, it can clean the        B.   by clapping our hands
             floor and it can interact (2)______ people. Kitty      C.   with a mobile phone
             2012 is fast and intelligent. When we’re away,   4.   Why  will  we  have  to  build  cities  in  the  air,
             it can listen for certain noises and (3)______      on other planets, and underground?
             signals to our mobile phone if there’s trouble      A.   Because  we  won’t  have  enough  land  to
             or danger. It can move (4)______ the house              build houses on.
             and climb steps to find dirty places and clean      B.   Because living there will be more comfortable.
             them. It has cameras in its eyes so it can watch
             people and react to them.                           C.   Because life on Earth will become boring.

          1.   A. guard     B. wake      C. look   D. prevent  Speaking
          2.   A. to      B. with        C. on   D. at        3   Work in pairs. you are going to design your
          3.   A. bring     B. pass        C. send   D. take     future houses. Discuss the questions below.
                                                              -   Where will your house be located?
          4.   A. away     B. above    C. for   D. around
                                                              -   What type of house will it be?
          2   read the text and choose the correct answer     -   How big will it be?
             a, b or c for each of the gaps.                  -   What will there be in front and behind it?
                                                              -   What will it have? (example: helicopter,
                    WhAT WILL OUR hOUSES In ThE
                          FUTURE bE LIKE?                        swimming pool, zoo, gym...)
                                                              4   Work  in  groups. take  turns  describing  your
          Scientists  predict  the
          places and the ways we                                 future house and try to persuade your group
                                                                 members to live in it. Who has the best future
          live will change a lot in                              house in your group?
          the future.

          Our  houses  in  the                               listening
          future  will  be  more
          eco-friendly.  We  won’t                           5   listen and tick what people from the youth
          use  electricity  in  our  houses.  We  will  use  wind    Eco-Parliament  advise  us  to  do  for  our
          energy or solar energy instead.                        environment.
                                                             1.   Recycle more rubbish (for example, glass,
          We will be able to control our future houses with our   paper and plastic, ...).
          voices. Doors and windows will open and lights will   2.   Give your old clothes to charity instead of
          go on when we ask them to. It will make our lives      throwing them away.
          easier and more comfortable.                       3.   Pick up rubbish in parks or in the street.
          In the future, there will be underwater or underground   4.   Grow your own vegetables.
          cities.  There  will  be  cities  in  the  air  and  on  other    5.   Save energy - turn off lights and TVs when
          planets too. We’ll have to build cities there because   you’re not using them.
          there will be so many people and not enough land to   6.   Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.
          build houses or buildings on.                      Writing

          1.  The scientists predict where and how we live in   6   Write about what you think we should do to
             the future ______________________________.          improve the environment. use the ideas from
             A.   will change a lot                              5 or your own ideas.
             B.   will not change much
             C.   will change only a little

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