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y 1898: a Belgian expedition stayed in Antarctica Questions 7–13
over 5 . 7 banking ‘politics’ and the idea of a ‘royal house’
‘stayed’: so, this must be something that will work might be tempting, but the source of the family’s
with the verb ‘to stay’ wealth was ‘banking’.
‘over’: so, this must be something that works with
the adverb ‘over’ 8 windows ‘walls’ might be tempting but doesn’t
y 1898: 6 were used for transport make sense in this context, but ‘windows’ makes
sense in terms of making the valuable collection
for the first time safe and secure.
‘for transport’: so, this must be some form of
transport 9 illustration ‘birds of paradise’ provides distraction
‘for the first time’: so, this had not been done before here but the text about proving other researchers
2 1 islands ‘seals’ might be tempting but doesn’t wrong does not make sense in this space because they
were Worm’s contemporaries. Only the ‘illustration’ of
work with ‘rocky’ the great auk was of value to later scientists.
2 seals ‘dogs’ might be tempting but it isn’t 10 pottery She translated ‘books’ but did not collect
possible to hunt them at sea them. Only her ‘pottery’ was left to a museum.
3 fossil ‘seals’ might be tempting but doesn’t work 11 lectures The text does not say what happened to
with the grammar Mayer’s collection after he died. But his legacy was
4 science ‘winter’ might be tempting but doesn’t the public ‘lectures’ that he funded.
work with the grammar 12 fossils She donated most of her other collections to
5 winter ‘storms’ might be tempting but doesn’t a museum, but not her ‘fossils’.
work with ‘over’ 13 stress The phrase ‘model ships, coins and artworks’
6 dogs ‘walking’ might be tempting but it wouldn’t provides distraction, but none of these objects were
be the ‘first time’ and doesn’t fit the grammar relevant to his job as president.
Exam Practice READing PASSAgE 2
Questions 1–6
1 TRUE: According to Dr Richter, ‘in the very first years of Useful strategy: identifying key words and phrases
life, we form emotional connections with lifeless objects
such as soft toys’ and these relationships ‘are the 1 ii A survey investigating the reading preferences of
starting point for our fascination with collecting objects’. a range of subjects
2 TRUE: The text states that, ‘Only by collecting sufficient y a survey: so, not an experiment or other form of
food supplies . . . could our ancestors stay alive. . .’ research
3 FALSE: The text states that Woolley’s plan when he y reading preferences: so, how people like to read
travelled to Ur was ‘only to excavate the site of a y a range of subjects: so, different types of
palace’. However, ‘to his astonishment’ he found an people, perhaps of different ages
old museum instead. iii Two research experiments that reached
4 TRUE: The text states that accompanying some contrasting conclusions
of the artefacts, Woolley found ‘descriptions like y Two: so, not one or three, etc.
modern-day labels’. These are referred to as ‘texts’, y experiments: so, not a survey or other form of
i.e. ‘writing’. research
5 nOT giVEn: The text states that ‘very little else y contrasting: so, different or opposing
is known about Princess Ennigaldi or what her y conclusions: so, not methodology or other
motivations were for setting up her collection’. Her aspect of research
motivations are not known, hence Not given is correct.
6 FALSE: The texts states that Cabinets of Curiosities iv Viewpoints of companies that manufacture
electronic screens
‘typically included fine paintings and drawings’.
However, ‘equal importance was given to exhibits y Viewpoints: so, more than one view or opinion
from the natural world’. y companies that manufacture: so, people
working in industry, not academics
y electronic screens: so, the makers of these items