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            v  One academic who is campaigning for screens to         A is wrong because Marie Dubois talks about a
               be redesigned                                          ‘variety of results’, not ‘encouraging’ results, and
                  y one: so, not two or three, etc.                   she speculates that future research may require
                  y academic: so, not someone working in industry     an ‘alternative approach’.
                  y campaigning: so, someone who is trying to   Useful strategy: identifying what type of information
                  change things                                 is missing
                  y screens to be redesigned: so, a modification to   1  2  y   on the screen itself: so, not in the room around
                  the design of screens                                 the screen
            vi  The way the eye gathers information and                  y colour combination: so, this is a colour or shade
               transmits it to the brain                                 y a strong contrast: so, this must be contrasting
                  y the way: so, how something happens                  with white
                  y the eye gathers information: so, the process by      3  y   regular breaks: so, this must be something you
                  which the eye collects information                    do on a break
                  y transmits it to the brain: so, the process by        y stretch: so, this must be a body part you can
                  which information goes from eye to brain              stretch
                                                                         y reduce fatigue: so, this activity must help
          Useful strategy: identifying words with a similar             reduce tiredness
          meaning                                                  4  y  having: so, this is something you have or own
          1  1  B Our company = Here at Household Electronics            y properly designed: so, this is something that
               spent large sums of money = invested heavily             can be designed well or badly
               cannot find any evidence = shows no connection            y posture: so, this must relate to how you stand
               between                                                  or sit
               our products = the screens we manufacture           5  y   glasses or contact lenses: so, this must relate to
               harmful to health = headaches, eye problems or           these items
               other such issues                                         y correct: so, this must be something that can be
               A is wrong because Olivia Downey works at a              incorrect
               laboratory, not a company, and her research has           y optometrist: so, this must relate to the work of
               found some evidence that screens may cause               an optometrist
               health problems.                                 2  1   light (‘black’ might be tempting but it would not
            2  A The results of the research = the findings           distract the eye)
               not reliable = invalid                              2  black (‘yellow’ might be tempting but it would not
               sample = subjects                                      provide a contrast)
               the study = the experiment                          3  shoulders (‘head’ might be tempting but you
               too small = so few                                     cannot stretch it)
               B is wrong because Professor Lannighan explains     4  workstation (‘glasses’ might be tempting but
               why a small sample size was used, but does not         doesn’t fit the grammar)
               mention the results of the research.                5  prescription (‘examination’ might be tempting but
            3  A possible to change = be able to alter                doesn’t fit the grammar)
               public opinion = the views of ordinary people    Exam Practice
               but it will only happen = If                     Questions 14–19
               facts and statistics = data                      14  Paragraph A iv
               widely available = broad range of different media       y The headings refer to a ‘number of criticisms’.
               B is wrong because Mei Tan is talking about a past     Three criticisms are identified in paragraph A:
               event, not a future possibility.                       Dr Fischer’s; the fact that no-one could agree
            4  B The research done so far = the studies to date       on a definition; and the ethics of filming
               encouraging = some very positive results               without consent. These criticisms apply to all
               too early = until more work has been completed         documentaries in the 20  century.
               firm conclusions = know for sure
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