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3   reading • An epic adventure                                           3   LANgUAge fOCUs • Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
            Reading • An epic                            I can identify an author’s audience and intention.                        I can talk about actions which have been in progress.
            adventure                                   THINK!  What’s the longest journey you’ve ever done? What’s the longest time you’ve been away   1  Study the examples of the present perfect simple   4  Complete the sentences with the correct
                                                                                                                                  and continuous from the blog on page 32. Then
                                                                                                                                                                   present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
                                                      from your home?
                                                                                                                                  complete rules 1–3.              1  I          (swim) in the Atlantic.
                                                                                                                                                                     I remember it clearly.
             Aim                                                       Rachel Ridley                                              Present perfect simple           2  They          (run) for hours, so
                                                                                                                                  She has stopped off in Mexico …
             Identify an author’s audience and                                                                                    ‘I’ve worked hard.’                they’re feeling tired.
             intention.                                                  HOME   ABOUT   CONTACT   FOLLOW                          ‘It hasn’t been always easy or fun.’  3  We      (visit) Argentina a
                                                                                                                                  Present perfect continuous
                                                                                                                                                                     couple of times.
                                                                                                                                  Liz Clark has been living that dream …
                                                                          Follow the dream                                        I’ve been following her inspirational blog …  4    (you / sit) in the sun for
            THINK!                                                        Hey! Do you dream of exotic places? Of trips to distant deserts and   Adverts on Liz’s blog have been paying for her   long? Your face is very red.
                                                                          mountains? Do you dream of adventure? Well, Liz Clark has been   trip.
            Read the questions with the class and                         living that dream, and I’ve been following her inspirational blog.                     5     Use IT!  Work in pairs. Ask and
            elicit answers from individual students. Ask                  After finishing university, Liz learned to sail as one of her old   rULes                answer questions using the present perfect
                                                                                                                                                                   continuous, the words in the box and the
            more questions to encourage students           23  March, 3.29 p.m.  professors offered to lend her his yacht for as long as she wanted it.  1  The present perfect continuous is formed by:    ideas below.
            to say more about their experiences,                          In October 2005, she set off on her journey. Liz found it hard to   subject + have(n’t) /   (n’t) +   do feel listen live speak use
                                                                                                                                          + verb + -ing.
            e.g. Where did you travel to? Who with?                       leave behind her friends and family, but she's been travelling to many   2  The present perfect simple / continuous
                                                                          fascinating places for over fifteen years. Among other countries, she has
            What did you most enjoy about the trip?                       stopped off in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and the Galapagos Islands.   describes general life experiences or recent   … English recently?   What music … to recently?
            Encourage as many students as possible                            When she stops somewhere, she surfs, does yoga and writes   3  The present perfect simple / continuous also   … in this town for long? How … lately?
                                                                                                                                                                   What … all day?
                                                                                                                                                                                How long … this book?
            to join in and talk about their experiences,                      her blog. Adverts on Liz's blog have been paying for her trip.   describes events in the past that are still
            and encourage them to ask each other                              There are beautiful beaches, crystal clear water and perfect   happening now. It emphasises the duration   Have you been speaking a lot of English recently?
                                                                              surf in her photos.
            questions to find out more about                                   But life on the ocean can also be difficult. 'It feels so great to   of the activity.
            their journeys.                                                    inspire others to live their dreams,' says Liz, 'I've worked hard                     Yes, I have. I’ve been talking to my pen pal online.
                                                                               and it hasn't always been easy or fun.'          2   1.26   prONUNCIATION: /æ/ and /ə/
             ANSWerS                                                           She also gets very lonely, but she keeps going. She's looking   Listen to the examples. How do we
                                                                                                                                  pronounce have and has when they are weak
            Students’ own answers.                                             for some company on the boat to stay with her as she carries   forms?
                                                                               on her journey around the world. Liz, I think I'll join you!   Have (/ə/) you been travelling?
            exercise 1                                                         Does anyone else want some adventure?              Yes, I have (/æ/).
                                                                                                                                  Has (/ə/) it been fun?
            Focus on the photos and ask: Who do                                                                                   Yes, it has (/æ/), but it    Sophie
            you think the person is? What do you think   1  Read the blog post and answer the questions  3  VOCABULAry pLUs  Use a dictionary to   hasn’t (/æ/) been easy, and
                                                        to identify the purpose of the text.
            her blog is about? Elicit a few ideas and   1  Who is writing? Why?       check the meaning of the phrases in blue in   the weather has (/ə/) been
                                                                                      the text.
            encourage students to speculate. Read       2  Who is the author writing for?
            through the task and the three questions    3  What question does she want her readers   4    Use IT!  Work in  pairs. Think of three
                                                         to answer?
            with the class and check that students                                    advantages and three disadvantages of going   Some verbs that aren’t possible
                                                                                      on a trip on your own.
            understand purpose. Elicit some different   2   1.25   Read and listen to the text again                            in the continuous form:
                                                                                                                                be have got know like 
            kinds of purpose that a writer might have   and answer the questions.                                               love hate                21 likes
            when they write, e.g. to inform or entertain   1  How long has Liz Clark been travelling?                                                  Sophie Hey George, how are you? We’re still on
                                                                                                                                                       our trip in Kenya and  it’s been / it’s been being
                                                        2  How did she get her yacht?
            people, persuade them of their point of     3  What does Liz do when she stops                                      3  Read the text and choose   fantastic.  I’ve been sitting / I’ve sat in a jeep for
            view or advertise a product or an event.    4  How does Liz pay for her trip?                                         the correct form of the   the last three hours and the animals don’t seem
                                                                                                                                                        shy.  I haven’t been using / I haven’t used
            Point out to students that it is useful to   5  Why does Rachel offer to join Liz on her                                                    binoculars because they come very close. Look
            understand a writer’s purpose in order to    journey?                                                                                       at this photo which  I’ve been taking / I’ve taken
                                                                                                                                                        from the jeep. This is such a great experience –
            get a better understanding of the text.                                                                                                     5  we’ve had / we’ve been having a great time.
                                                                                                                                                        I don’t want it to end!
            Students then read the blog post and   32  Adventure                                                                                                                      Adventure  33
            answer the questions. Check answers with
            the class.
             ANSWerS                            Optional activity: reading         first then check in a dictionary. Check that
            1  Rachel Ridley, she’s recommending   Write these sentences on the board:   students understand all the words.
              a blog                                                               ANSWerS
            2  her blog audience                1  Liz learned to sail before finishing   Students’ own answers.
            3  Does anyone else want some         university.                        Workbook page 24 exercise 5
              adventure?                        2  She found it difficult to say goodbye
                                                  to her friends and family.       exercise 4 USe IT!
            exercise 2  e 1.25                  3  There are sometimes problems when   Allow students time to prepare their ideas
            Allow students time to read the questions,   Liz is at sea.            individually. They then discuss their ideas
            then play the audio. Students read and   4  Liz never feels alone.     in pairs and agree on three advantages
            listen and answer the questions. Check   Students work in pairs to read the   and three disadvantages of travelling
            answers with the class.             blog again and decide if the sentences   alone. Have a brief class discussion and
             ANSWerS                            are true or false. Check answers with   end by having a class vote to see who
            1  For over fifteen years.          the class.                         would like to go on a trip on their own.
            2  One of her old university professors   ANSWerS                      ANSWerS
              lent her his yacht.               1  false (after finishing university)       Students’ own answers.
            3  She surfs, does yoga and writes   2  true    3  true    4  false (She gets
              her blog.                         very lonely.)                       More practice
            4  She has adverts on her blog.                                         Workbook page 24
            5  Because she wants some adventure.                                    Practice Kit  Reading 3
                                               exercise 3 VOCABULArY PLUS
                                               Students use a dictionary to check the
                                               meaning of the blue words. With stronger
                                               classes, you could encourage students to
                                               try to guess the meaning from the context
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