Page 49 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 49

5  Years ahead  CLIL p94                                                         Optional activity: Key phrases

 Language focus reference p103
 Vocabulary • Uses of get
 I can talk about different ages and life events.  5              8               Play the video or audio again, pausing
         30 – 49 years                  70 – 100 years                            after some of the key phrases. Ask
   THINK!  Do you like being the age that you are now?   At this age, many people are married.   People are getting older. In 1900, the average life   students to repeat, copying the
 Why / Why not?  According to scientists, if you get married,   expectancy in Europe was forty-three. What is it now?  pronunciation and intonation that
         you’ll probably … .
 1  Check the meaning of the phrases in the box.   a  be happy  a  About seventy  they hear.
 Decide in which age group you are most likely to   b  About eighty
 do each one.  b  die younger           c  About ninety                           ANSWerS
         c  live longer
 10 – 16  16 – 20  20 – 30  30 – 40  40 – 50  50+
                                                                                  Students’ own answers.
 get a bank account get a boyfriend / girlfriend     2.03   Watch or
 get a degree get a driving licence    3
 get a job get a new hobby get a pension    6  listen to five people             exercise 4 USe IT!
 get a phone get a social media account    50 – 59 years  talking about their
 get married get old get rich             opinions on different                  Allow students time to prepare their
         People often become grandparents at   ages. Which person
 3       this age. What is the record number of   thinks they will get a         questions individually, then put them into
 2   2.02   Do the quiz. Compare your answers    grandchildren to one grandparent in    good job?
 with a partner's. Then listen and check.   13 – 19 years  the world?            pairs to ask and answer their questions.
                                         Mitchell  Emma  Zara  Joe  Paul         Ask pairs in turn to tell the class two things
 Most teenagers have got a social media   a  99  b  140  c  247
 1  account nowadays. How old do you                                             they and their partner agree on, and two
 0 – 5 years  usually need to be to get a social media   KeY pHrases             things they disagree on.
 Which of these things can   a  Thirteen  b  Fourteen  c  Fifteen  7  Making predictions about the future
 children normally do before   60 – 79 years  1  Hopefully, I’ll    .   .        ANSWerS
                                        2  I’ll definitely
 they’re five?                                                                   Students’ own answers.
         When people get a pension, they often lead   3  I definitely won’t    .
 a  Get a new hobby  a quiet life, but not always! In the Senior   4  I’m pretty sure that I’ll    .
 b  Read and write a 200-word story  Olympics event in the USA, for example,   5  I might    .    Finished?
 c  Get a bank account  4  older people compete in every Olympic sport.   6  Maybe I’ll    .
 20 – 29 years  What’s the world record for the women’s    7  I doubt that I’ll    .    Refer fast finishers to the Finished?
         100 metres for women over seventy?  8  I don’t think I’ll    .
 When they have got a degree or finished                                         activity. They can prepare their ideas
 2  their studies, people in their twenties often   a  10.6 seconds  4    Use IT!  Work in pairs. Complete the   individually, then compare with another
 6 – 12 years  get a job. Which of these things can’t you   b  14.6 seconds  questions with phrases from this page and your   fast finisher. Alternatively, ask fast finishers
 do in the UK until you’re twenty-one?
         c  20.6 seconds
                                          own ideas. Then ask and answer the questions.
 Surveys show we are happiest    a  Get a driving licence  Use the key phrases in your answers.  to explain their ideas to the class. Ask
 around nine to ten years old. Why?
 b  Adopt a child                         1  What’s the best age to    ?         other students if they agree or disagree,
 a  It’s when we get rich.  c  Get a boyfriend or girlfriend  2  Do you think that you’ll    one day?
 b  It’s when we get a pension.            Why (not)?                            and why.
 c   It’s when we have the most fun and the fewest worries.  3  What do you want to do when    ?
                                          4  When do you think you’ll    ?        More practice
                                                                                  Workbook page 32
                                        Look again at the age groups in exercise 1.    Assessment
                                        Which one do you think is the best age? Why?  Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
 50                                                                    51

          exercise 3  r e 2.03    page 114
                                               Optional activity: Video
          Read out the question, then play the   Write these questions on the board:
          video or audio for students to watch or
          listen and answer the question. Check the   Which person … ?
          answer with the class.               1  is happy not to be married
                                               2  believes that people will live longer
           ANSWer                                in the future
          Mitchell thinks he’ll get a good job.
                                               3  expects to have a car by the age of
                                               4  doesn’t think that having a lot of
                                                 money is important
                                               Play the video or audio again for
                                               students to watch or listen and answer
                                               the questions. Check answers with
                                               the class.
                                               1  Emma    2  Paul    3  Mitchell    4  Joe

                                                                                                           Unit 5  T59
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