Page 52 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 52

5   Vocabulary and listening • Lifestyle choices                          5   language focus • will and be going to • Future continuous
            Vocabulary and                               I can talk about lifestyle choices for the future.                        I can talk about what I will be doing in the future.
            listening • Lifestyle                      THINK!  How old will you be in ten years’ time? Where do you think you will be?  will and be going to      Future continuous
                                                                                                                                1  Complete the sentences from the online
                                                                                                                                                                 4  Study the sentence from the online
            choices                                Where do YOU see                                                               forum on page 54. Which sentence refers to   forum on page 54. Then choose the
                                                      YOURSELF in            LOVE      FUN     MONEY    TRAVEL  HEALTH            a general prediction and which refers to a   correct options in the Rules.
                                                                                                                                  definite plan or intention?
             Aim                                     ten years’ time?                                                             a  I’m          start up my own   In two years, I hope that I’ll be doing
                                                                                                                                                                   my black belt and I’ll be happy.
             Talk about lifestyle choices for the future.                                                                           business.                      NOT I’ll be being happy.
                                                                                                                                  b            retire young.
                                                WORK                                  Marcus                          JOY
                                                   I see myself finishing university first. Then I’m going to get a good
                                                                                      Where are you going to earn money to get to Australia?
            THINK!                                 job, settle down and have a family. Can’t wait!                              2  Choose the correct options. Then ask and   rULes
                                                                                      Earlybird                                   answer the questions with a partner.  1  The future continuous predicts or describes
            Read out the questions and elicit a few   Earlybird                       I’m going to start up my own business, make a million dollars   1  Do you think you will / are going to travel   an action which we think will be finished /
            answers. Ask more questions to encourage   Why do people tie themselves down? Why not take some time   in two years, and then I’ll retire young and travel the world.   into space?  will be in progress at a specific point in the
                                                                                      Why waste time working all your life?
                                                   out? Go travelling while you’re young!
            students to say more, e.g. Do you think you   FRIENDS                     Marcus                        FAMILY        2  How many people will / are going to live   2  We use / don’t use continuous tenses with
                                                                                                                                    on Earth in 2100?
            will have a job? Will you have a car? Do you   That’s what I think! I don’t want a good job. I want to have fun.    I think it’s important to look after yourself – but what about   3  Do you think that one day you’ll / you’re   state verbs such as be, seem...
            think you will be married?             I’ll take up a sport like karate or skydiving and enjoy myself. In two   others? I’d like to get involved with a charity and spend some   going to be famous?
                                                   years, I hope that I’ll be doing my black belt, and I'll be happy.  time abroad helping people.  4  Who will / is going to take up a new sport
             ANSWerS                               Earlybird                          DeeLee33                                      this summer?                 5  Order the words to make sentences. There is
                                                                                                                                                                   one extra word in each sentence.
            Students’ own answers.                 Me, too! I’m going to travel around Australia and teach myself to surf.  I totally agree. Good luck with that, Marcus!  5  Will you / Are you going to watch TV   1  watching TV / you / be / will / been / this
                                                                                                                                                                     time tomorrow / ?
            exercise 1  e 2.06                                                         4   2.07   Listen again and write true or false.   3  Complete the dialogue with the correct   2  the match / won’t / don’t / we / be /
                                                                                                                                                                     watching / on Sunday
                                                          2.06   Read and listen to the online forum.
            Read out the header of the online forum   1   Check the meaning of the phrases in blue.   Correct the false sentences.  form of will and be going to and the verbs in   3  will / staying / you / are / in a hotel / be /
            and elicit what the question means (What    Which do you think are good ideas for a   1  Speaker 1 thinks that having money is the   brackets.  1        this time next week / ?
                                                                                          most important thing.
                                                                                                                                  Joe   I’ve decided that
            do you imagine your life will be like ten years   healthy life?              2  Speaker 2 has been to university.         (I / teach) myself the guitar.   4  studying here / I / be / won’t / to / when
                                                                                                                                                                     I’m older
            from now?). Ask students to read the forum   sTUdY sTraTegY                  3  Speaker 3 is ambitious.               Sam  Great! That   2   (be)      5  humans / living / live / be / will / in the
            and check the meanings of the phrases in   Remembering new vocabulary        4  Speaker 4 thinks education is important.  fun. When  3       (you /      future / on Mars / ?
                                                                                                                                      start) learning?
            blue. Discuss the meanings with the class.   Writing your own examples helps you   Language point: Reflexive pronouns  Joe   I’m not sure. I don’t think that    6    Use IT!  Work in pairs using the future
            Students then work individually to read   remember new vocabulary more easily.  5  Find five sentences with reflexive pronouns   4    (my mother / buy)   continuous and words from the boxes. Ask
            the forum again and decide which ideas                                       in the online forum. Then complete           me a guitar, so first of all  5      and answer the questions about your future.
                                                                                         sentences 1–3 with the reflexive pronouns in
            they think are good. Discuss the ideas with   2  Read the Study Strategy. Complete the   the box. There is one extra pronoun.  (I / buy) myself a cheap guitar. Then    What   do   in fifty years’ time
                                                        sentences with your own ideas. Compare
                                                                                                                                                  (I / visit) the
                                                                                                                                                                                this time tomorrow
            the class.                                  your ideas with a partner's and try to   himself myself ourselves yourself    outdoor music festival next month    How   live   on Saturday morning
                                                        remember the best sentences.                                                  to practise with other people.  Do  study   on TV tonight
             ANSWerS                                    1  I enjoy myself when I    .    1  I saw     in the mirror.              Sam  Oh, that’s a good idea. I’m sure    watch   later
            Students’ own answers.                      2  When I’m older, I’m going to travel around   2  He sent    an email.       7           (you / enjoy)           wear   next year
                                                                     and other countries.  3  We always enjoy    on holiday.          yourself there.                     work
            exercise 2                                  3  I want to take up a sport like      6    Use IT!  Work in pairs. Tell each other   8 be) good, do you think?   What do you think you’ll be doing on Saturday morning?
                                                                                                                                                  (the weather /
            Read the study strategy with the class.     4  Don’t waste time     .        about your plans and ideas for the future.   Joe   I’ve no idea, but  9          Do you think humans will be living longer
                                                                                         Use the phrases in blue in the online forum
            Students work individually to complete      5  To look after yourself, you should      to help you.                       (I / not change) my plans.               in fifty years’ time?
            the sentences with their own ideas. They                                    I’d like to take time out and travel around the world.  Sam  I’m sure  10      Finished?
                                                                                                                                      (you / learn) quickly.
            compare their sentences in pairs and      3   2.07   Listen to the four people from exercise 1     I think it’s a good idea to take   Joe  I hope so.   Write what you’ll be doing in ten years'
            decide which are the best sentences to      talking about their future plans and lifestyle   up a sport and enjoy yourself.                             time.
                                                        choices. Which order do they speak in?
            remember. Ask students to close their
            books, and ask some students to say one   54  Years ahead                                                                                                                Years ahead  55
            of their sentences from memory.
             ANSWerS                           exercise 4  e 2.07    page 115      ANSWerS
            Students’ own answers.             Allow students time to read the sentences.   I see myself finishing university …
                                               Play the audio again. Students listen and   Why do people tie themselves down?
             Optional activity: Vocabulary     decide if the sentences are true or false,   I’ll take up a sport … and enjoy myself.
             Ask students to close their books and   and correct the false sentences. With   … teach myself to surf.
             write on the board one word for each   stronger classes, students could decide   … it’s important to look after yourself.
             phrase in exercise 1, e.g. tie, family, etc.   from memory, then listen to check. Check   1  myself    2  himself    3  ourselves
             Divide the class into teams. Teams take it   answers with the class.
             in turns to choose one of the words on                                exercise 6 USe IT!
             the board and make a sentence using   1  false (Speaker 1 thinks that life is about   Ask a confident student to read out the
             the correct phrase. If their answer is   enjoying yourself.)     2  false (Speaker 2   examples. Elicit one or two more plans or
             correct, award them a point and cross the   hasn’t been to university, but he is going   ideas that students have for their future.
             word off the board. If their answer is not   to take some time out before he goes.)       Allow students time to prepare their ideas
             correct, don’t give the correct answer, but   3  true    4  true      individually. Remind them to use phrases
             move on to the next team. Continue until                              from exercise 1. Put students into pairs to
             all the words are crossed off the board.   Language point: Reflexive   talk about their ideas and plans. Ask some
             See which team has the most points.                                   students to tell the class something they
                                               pronouns                            learned about their partner.
            exercise 3  e 2.07    page 115     exercise 5                          ANSWerS
            Focus on the names in exercise 1 and tell   Ask students to find five sentences with   Students’ own answers.
            students they will hear four of these people   reflexive pronouns in the online forum.   More practice
            speaking. Play the audio. Students listen   Check answers, and check that students   Workbook page 34
            and note down the order of the speakers.  understand all the reflexive pronouns.   Practice Kit  Vocabulary 5
                                               Students then complete the sentences
             ANSWerS                           with the correct reflexive pronouns. Check   Assessment
            DeeLee33, Marcus, Earlybird, Decklen  answers with the class.           Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
      T62  Unit 5
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