Page 50 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
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5   reading • Future humans                                               5   LaNgUage fOCUs • The first conditional with if and unless • might vs. will
            Reading • Future                             I can match visual information to a text.                                 I can talk about possibilities in the future.
            humans                                     THINK!  How are you different from your parents and grandparents? Will people in the future be   The first conditional with if and unless  4   Listen and repeat the sentences.
                                                                                                                                                                     2.05   prONUNCIaTION: Sentence stress
                                                     different? Why?
                                                                                                                                1  Match 1–3 with a–c using the article on page 52.
             Aim                                     FACES OF THE FUTURE                                                          Situation                        I won’t get a job unless I study hard.
                                                                                                                                  1  Unless a catastrophe destroys the Earth,
                                                                                                                                                                   They did not want to go dancing with us.
             Match visual information to a text.                                                                                  2  If scientists manipulate human genes,  How much cheese should we need?
                                                                                                                                  3  If humans adapt to conditions on another
                                                                                                                                    planet,                      might vs. will
                                                     Humans have adapted and changed through the ages and, unless a catastrophe destroys the Earth, we’ll probably   Result
            THINK!                                   survive and continue to change. Scientists are already saying that children born now might live until they’re 150.   a  will people pay to have healthier children?  5  Study the examples and read the rules.
                                                     Further into the future, perhaps people won't die but simply buy new body parts as they get older!  b  the human race won’t look the same.  Which situation does the writer think is more
            Read out the questions and elicit a few   What other changes are possible in the years ahead?                         c  we will probably survive.     likely?
            ideas from individual students. Ask more   A           B           C            D           E                       2  Choose the correct options to complete the rules.  Children born now might live until they’re 150.
            questions, if necessary, to help students                                                                                                              People will continue to change.
            think of ideas, e.g. How are things different                                                                        rULes                            rULes
            for your generation in education? What                                                                              1  We use the first conditional to talk about a   We use might to make predictions when we
                                                                                                                                  possible event and its result in the future / past.
            about people’s working lives? What about                                                                            2  We introduce the situation with if or unless +   aren’t certain.
            their social lives? What about technology?                                                                            present / past simple.         We use will to make predictions when we are
                                                                                                                                3  We describe the result with will and won’t /   certain.
            Put students into pairs and give them two                                                                             do and doesn’t + infinitive without to.
            minutes to think of as many differences as   1  Homo Informaticus  If we continue   2  Neo-humans  If there’s a   3  Homo Perfectus  If scientists   4  We use unless to say if ... not / if ... when.  6  Choose the correct options.
            possible between their generation and their   to use computers and screens   terrible war or an epidemic,   manipulate human genes,   5  When the if clause is first / second, we use   1  Lauren won't / might not get a new bank
                                                                                                                                  a comma. When the if clause comes first /
                                                      more and more, our eyes and
                                                                           survivors might leave the cities
                                                                                                will some people pay to have
            parents’ and grandparents’ generations.   brains will probably get bigger   and live in caves. They’ll become   children who are better looking,   second, we don’t need a comma.  account. She's happy with the one she has
            Bring students’ ideas together into a brief   in order to process more   stronger, hairier and more agile.  healthier and more intelligent   If the Earth gets too crowded, we’ll move to other planets.  2  I’ll / I might live to be 100.
                                                                                                than ‘normal’ humans?
                                                                                                                                  We’ll move to other planets if the Earth gets too crowded.
            class discussion.                                                                                                                                      3  One thing’s for sure – people will / might
                                                                                                                                                                     continue to write about the future.
             ANSWerS                                  4  Cyborgs  Soldiers of the future might be part    5  Space humans  If the Earth gets too crowded,   3  Complete the sentences with the first   4  I won’t / might not buy that. I’m not sure.
            Students’ own answers.                    human, part machine, with super-strong body   humans will move to other planets. If they adapt to a   conditional form of the verbs in brackets.   5  Liverpool will / might win. You never know!
                                                      parts, auto-zoom eyes and a brain connected by
                                                                                     different atmosphere and gravity on another planet,
                                                                                                                                  Then rewrite sentences 4–5 using if.
                                                      Wi-Fi to super computers.      they won’t look the same as humans on Earth.   If we (survive), our brains (get) bigger.  7    Use IT!  Work in pairs. Ask and answer
            exercise 1                               Which possibilities do you think are most likely?                            If we survive, our brains will get bigger.  the questions with your own ideas.
            Ask students to read the title of the article.   Comments                                                             1  If people    (live) on other   1  If I tell you a secret,
                                                                                                                                                    (miss) the Earth.
                                                                                                                                    planets, they
            Then focus on the pictures and ask: What                                                                              2  He       (get tired) if he                                ?
            do they show? Why do you think people might   1  Read the article on the future of human beings.   3  VOCaBULarY pLUs  Use a dictionary to   (not rest).  2  What will happen if    ?
            look like this in the future? Elicit a few ideas.  Match paragraphs 1–5 with pictures A–E.  check the meaning of the words in blue in   3  We    (not look) the same if we   3  If you’re rich in the future, will you
                                                                                         the text.                                          (live) on Mars.
            Ask students to read the introduction    2    2.04   Read and listen to the text again                                4  You      (miss) the bus unless you                        ?
            and first paragraph of the text (Homo       and answer the questions.     4     Use IT!  Work in pairs. Which of the   5  There    (get up) now.       4  Will you be unhappy if    ?
            Informaticus). Ask: Which picture matches   1  Who might live to be 150 years old?  ideas in the article do you think will happen   a catastrophe unless    5  If there are trips to other planets, will
            this paragraph? Elicit the answer (E) and    2  What will probably cause our brains to get   in the future? Compare your ideas.  we                                                ?
            ask students to tell you why they chose     3  What will people possibly do as the result   I doubt that we’ll look the same.  (protect) the
            this picture.                                of an epidemic or war?              I think computers will do everything for us.                         What will happen if you learn to speak English perfectly?
                                                        4  What are the possible ways the children of
            Ask students to read the rest of the article   the future will be different from now?                                                                                I might move to Australia.
            quickly and match the paragraphs with       5  What might happen if the Earth gets
            the pictures.                                overcrowded?                                                                                                                Years ahead  53
            Allow students time to compare their   52  Years ahead
            answers in pairs, then check answers with
            the class. Discuss any paragraphs that                                 exercise 3 VOCABULArY PLUS
            students found difficult to match to.  Optional activity: reading      Students use a dictionary to check the
             ANSWerS                            Write the following sentences on   meaning of the blue words. With stronger
            1  E    2  C    3  B    4  A    5  D  the board:                       classes, you could encourage students to
                                                1  In the future, our body parts will last   try to guess the meaning from the context
            exercise 2  e 2.04                    for longer.                      first then check in a dictionary. Check that
            Allow students time to read through the   2  Neo-humans will be better at   students understand all the words.
            questions, then play the audio. Students   climbing than humans now.
            read and listen and answer the questions.   3  Cyborgs will carry powerful   ANSWerS
            Check answers with the class.         computers with them.             Students’ own answers.
                                                                                     Workbook page 36 exercise 5
             ANSWerS                            4  Space humans will only live on
            1  Children born now might live to be   planets with the same atmosphere   exercise 4 USe IT!
              150 years old.                      as Earth.                        Allow students time to read through the
            2  Using computers and screens more   Students work in pairs to read the   article again individually and decide which
              and more will probably cause our   text again and decide if the sentences   ideas they think will happen. Put them into
              brains to get bigger.             are true or false. Check answers with   pairs to compare and discuss their ideas.
            3  People will possibly leave cities   the class.                      Ask some pairs to tell the class which ideas
              and live in caves as the result of an                                they agree on. With stronger classes,
              epidemic or war.                   ANSWerS                           you could elicit students’ own ideas about
            4  Children of the future might be   1  false (We will be able to buy new   things they think will happen in the future.
              better looking, healthier and     ones.)    2  true    3  false (Their
              more intelligent.                 brains will be connected to super   ANSWerS
            5  If the Earth gets overcrowded,   computers.)    4  false (They might   Students’ own answers.
              humans will move to other planets.  live on planets with a different   More practice
                                                atmosphere and gravity.)
                                                                                    Workbook page 36
                                                                                    Practice Kit  Reading 5
      T60  Unit 5
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