Page 56 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 56
Unit summary 6 Learn Culture p95 3 listen to three people
2.11 Watch or
Vocabulary • Schools and exams
Vocabulary I can express opinions by agreeing or disagreeing. Language focus reference p104 talking about school and
answer the questions.
Schools and exams: boarding school, THINK! What are the best and worst things about 1 What type of school
does Emma prefer?
school holidays, homeschool, school going to school? 2 What does Max say is more important than
leavers, mixed school, primary school, 1 2.09 Use the word school and the words in the 4 Study getting good results?
school rules, secondary school, single-sex box to make compound nouns. Listen and check. 3 What is Elizabeth’s opinion of
Which types of school can you see in the photos?
school, school uniform; do homework, boarding school Plan your
enrol in, fail exams, get a qualification, get boarding holidays home leavers ideal school! Key pHrases
good marks, get into college, go to lessons, mixed primary rules Expressing opinions .
I definitely think that
obey rules, pass exams, take classes secondary single-sex uniform What is your ideal school like? I’m not sure I agree .
Courses and careers: apply for a job / 2 2.10 Check the meaning of the phrases in the Choose from these ideas. It all depends on .
a course / a position, attend university / box and complete the questionnaire. Listen and That’s a good point. .
check. Then ask and answer the questions with a
I like the idea of
college / school, do a course / an partner.
apprenticeship / a degree, get the right do homework enrol in fail exams 4 Use IT! Work in pairs. Give your opinions
qualifications / a job / good marks, study get a qualification get good marks on these statements using the key phrases.
get into college go to lessons
engineering / science / management, obey rules pass exams take classes
train to be an engineer / a physicist / Age of school-leavers to increase to 19
a lawyer; construction, engineering, 1 Type of school
entertainment, journalism, IT, law, All secondary schools will have
management, nursing, science, teaching uniforms by September
Language focus 5 Rules School holidayS will be reduced
to three weekS in Summer
can, could, be able to 2 Subjects
have to / need to / must / should 3 Timetable All schools will become single-sex schools
Speaking Some people aren’t interested in doing exams and
going to college, so I definitely think that changing
I can ask for and give advice. the school-leaving age to nineteen is a mistake.
That’s a good point.
Writing 6 School- leavers
I can order opinions in an essay.
Use the key phrases to tell a partner about your
Vocabulary • Schools ideal school.
and exams
Aim 58 59
Express opinions by agreeing or
Check that students understand all the to ask and answer the questions in the
compound nouns. questionnaire.
Ask: Do you like school? What do you like ANSWerS ANSWerS
about it? What things do you dislike? Elicit a Compound nouns boarding school, school 1 enrol 2 classes 3 lessons
range of answers from individual students. holidays, homeschool, school leavers, 4 homework 5 obey 6 pass
Read out the question and put students mixed school, primary school, school 7 a qualification 8 fail 9 good marks
into pairs to discuss it. Set a time limit and rules, secondary school, single-sex 10 into college
ask them to agree on the three best and school, school uniform Optional activity: Vocabulary
three worst things about school. Ask pairs Photos mixed school, single-sex school,
in turn to report back to the class, and bring primary school, boarding school, Ask students to close their books and
students’ ideas together on the board. homeschooling write on the board one word for each
phrase in exercise 2, e.g. homework,
ANSWerS exercise 2 e 2.10 marks, etc. Divide the class into teams.
Students’ own answers. Read out the title of the questionnaire Teams take it in turns to choose one
and make sure students understand they of the words on the board and make
exercise 1 e 2.09 can choose answers to create their own a sentence using the correct phrase.
Remind students that in English we can ideal school. Read through the phrases If their answer is correct, award them a
combine nouns to make new words, e.g. and check students understand them. point and cross the word off the board.
maths teacher (= a teacher who teaches Students read the questionnaire and If their answer is not correct, don’t give
maths). Read out the first two words in the complete it with the correct phrases. With the correct answer, but move on to the
box and elicit how they can combine with weaker classes, students can work in next team. Continue until all the words
school (boarding school, school holidays). pairs. Play the audio for students to listen are crossed off the board. See which
Students work in pairs to combine the and check. Check answers, and check team has the most points.
words, then decide which ones they that students understand everything in
can see in the photos. Play the audio for the questionnaire. Students work in pairs
students to listen and check their answers.
T66 Unit 6