Page 61 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 61
6 Vocabulary and listening • Courses and careers 6 language focus • have to / need to / must / should
I can talk about obligations and necessity.
I can distinguish between certainty and doubt.
THINK! What job do you want to do when you leave school? What qualifications are necessary for this job? 1 Study these sentences. Then complete rules 3 Study these situations. Write sentences 1 must 2 don’t have to, must
1–4. describing the solution using the verbs in 3 mustn’t 4 must 5 should
A B You have to be a really strong swimmer. brackets. exercise 3
Lee wants to be a doctor. He spends all his
I must get really good marks.
Do you want ? ? C I don’t have to make a decision right now. time watching TV. (need to) Read out the example situation and
Do you want
Lee needs to study more.
My friends say I should become a nurse.
to work in …
to work in … You mustn’t do something you aren’t sure about. 1 Chad has an interview for sentence. Put students into pairs to
I don’t need to do an apprenticeship. college on Monday. He has a
busy weekend planned with his read the remaining situations and write
rULes friends. (shouldn’t) sentences. Check answers with the class.
F E 1 We use to say something is 2 Rea is studying to be a physicist.
She isn’t very good at maths.
necessary because of a situation or a rule. (have to) POSSIBLe ANSWerS
We use and need to when the 3 Marina talks too much in class. 1 Chad shouldn’t go out with his friends.
speaker feels that it is very important to do She failed her last history test. 2 Rea has to practise maths.
something, or when we talk about written rules.
2 We use and its negative form (mustn’t) 3 Marina mustn’t talk in class.
G to give advice, or to say 4 Aidan is a homeschooler. He wants 4 Aidan should go to school.
to have more friends. (should)
H I something is a good or bad idea. 5 It’s the summer holidays. Nicola’s still 5 Nicola doesn’t have to study.
J 3 We use to talk about something studying. (don’t have to)
that is prohibited.
4 We use and to say 4 2.16 prONUNCIaTION: Silent letters exercise 4 e 2.16
something isn’t necessary.
Listen. Which letters are silent? Practise PrONUNCIATION: Silent letters
2 Complete the school rules using the verbs in saying the sentences. Play the audio once for students to listen
exercise 1. 1 You mustn’t speak during the exam.
1 2.13 Complete the phrases with the 4 2.15 Listen and write true or false. Correct 2 Jo should apply for this course. and decide which letters are silent. Check
words in the box. Then listen and check. the false sentences. answers with the class, then play the audio
1 Aisha wants to be an engineer. School RuleS 5 Use IT! Work in pairs. Talk about the
a degree good marks a lawyer again, pausing after each sentence for
management a position school 2 Aisha thinks that she will get good marks rules at your school. Which rules would you
in her exams. change? Would you add any? Decide which students to repeat.
1 attend university / college / 3 Mia used to want to be a nurse. two rules are the most important.
2 do a course / an apprenticeship / 4 Mia doesn’t want to go to university. 1 Students arrive at school ANSWerS
5 Max’s mum says he should be a before the bell rings. At our school, we don’t have to do homework. 1 First ‘t’ in mustn’t 2 ‘l’ in should
3 study engineering / science / professional sleeper. 2 Students
4 train to be an engineer / a physicist / 6 Max has applied for an apprenticeship in uniforms, but they wear school I think more people actually do their homework
computing. smartly. dress because they know it helps them to learn better. exercise 5 USe IT!
5 get the right qualifications / a job / Read the task with the class and check
5 2.15 Listen again and decide who is the 3 Students cheat in exams. The two rules we think are most important are …
6 apply for a job / a course / most certain about their future. What words 4 Students do their homework that students understand everything.
2 2.14 Match the words in the box with help you to identify this? on time. Elicit a few rules at the students’ school
photos A–J. Listen and check. Which careers 5 Students ask for help if Finished? as examples. Put students into pairs to
would you like to do a course in? Rate them from 6 Use IT! Work in groups. Ask and answer they feel they’re not making progress. discuss which rules at their school they
1 to 10 (1 = like the least, 10 = like the most). questions 1–5 about the jobs in exercises 2 Imagine there’s a new person in your class.
and 3. Then tell the rest of the class which Write a list of your school rules for him / her. would change, and which are the most
construction engineering entertainment jobs are most popular in your group. important. Discuss as a class which school
journalism IT law management 1 Which careers involve helping people?
nursing science teaching 2 Which careers are more physical? rules are the most important and why.
3 Which careers can make you more money?
3 Find out the job titles of the people who do 4 Which careers involve studying for many ANSWerS
the jobs in exercise 2. Can you add other jobs years at university? Students’ own answers.
and people to the list? 5 Which job would you like to do?
nursing – nurse Finished?
Learn 63
62 Learn Refer fast finishers to the Finished?
activity. Students can write their rules
Language focus • have to / the sentences. With weaker classes, do individually, then compare them with
need to / must / should the exercise with the whole class. another fast finisher. Alternatively, ask
some fast finishers to read their rules to
ANSWerS the class. Ask other students which of
Aim 1 have to; must the rules they would change, and which
Talk about obligation and necessity. 2 should; shouldn’t are important.
3 mustn’t
4 don’t have to; don’t need to More practice
Warm-up Workbook page 41
Refer students back to the jobs on Language note Practice Kit Grammar 13
page 62. Ask: What do you have to do to Must, have to and need to have similar Assessment
become a scientist? Write on the board: You meanings in the affirmative: To apply for
have to do a degree to become a scientist. this job, you must / have to / need to have Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
Ask: What about to become a builder? a degree. In the negative, however, they
Elicit the answer and write on the board: have different meanings: You don’t have
You don’t have to do a degree to become a to / don’t need to have a degree. (= it isn’t
builder. Underline the modal verbs and ask necessary) You mustn’t be under eighteen.
students to translate the sentences into (= it is prohibited)
Write must and should on the board and
elicit examples using these modal verbs. exercise 2
Read out the first rule and elicit the
exercise 1 correct verb. Students then complete
Students read the sentences, then read the remaining rules. Check answers with
the rules and complete them with the the class.
correct verbs. Check answers with the
class and check that students understand
Unit 6 T71