Page 63 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 63

6  speaking • Asking for and giving advice  6  writing • An opinion essay
          I can arrange opinions in an essay.
 I can ask for and give advice.
                                                                                 Language point: Ordering
   THINK!  Who do you ask for advice about problems at school?    THINK!  What ways can people learn outside the classroom?  information
 Daisy   Hi, Neil. Is anything the  1   ? You   Is school the best place to learn?  exercise 4
 look really  2   .
 Neil  I’m really concerned about the   There are many alternatives to school, such as homeschooling or studying online. But is   Focus on the blue words in the essay and
 engineering course I’m doing. It’s too    school the best place for young people to learn?  check that students understand them.
 3   and I’m really not enjoying it.
 I know I’m not going to pass.  In my opinion, it’s better to learn in school for several reasons. Firstly, in school, students   Point out the comma after each word.
        often have to work together, so they learn from each other and become sociable.
 Daisy   Have you spoken to your teachers about it?  Secondly, school students must obey rules. This provides a structured day where   Elicit which word lastly can replace.
 Neil  No. I’m so worried, I haven’t told
 4   . What would you do if you   students attend classes in a wide variety of subjects. They learn the importance of doing   ANSWer
        work on time and preparing for exams. This teaches them how to behave in society and
 were me?  future jobs. Finally, at school, students have the chance to participate in team sports and   ‘Lastly’ can replace ‘Finally’.
 Daisy   My advice is to get help now. If you don’t,   other projects that involve a group of people.
 things will only get  5   .
 Neil  I don’t know what to do. I think an   To conclude, students learn many things and in many ways at school. All in all, I think   exercise 5
 apprenticeship would be better for me,   school is the best place to learn.
 but it’s too  6   now.                                                          Students write sentences with their own
 Daisy   Don’t panic. It’s never too late, but you   6    Use IT!  Follow the steps in the Writing   ideas. With weaker classes, students
 need to speak to someone about it.  Daisy  Neil  1  Study these ways of learning. Which ones   Guide.
 Neil  You’re  7   . I’ll go and talk to my   help you to learn? Why?            could work in pairs. Ask some students to
 teacher now. Thanks, Daisy.             WrITINg gUIDe                           read their sentences to the class.
 Daisy  No problem.  doing things I enjoy drawing pictures 
 4    Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.  listening to teachers making notes    a TasK
            moving around reading on my own    Write an opinion essay with this title:   Optional activity: Writing
                talking to my classmates   Should school holidays be shorter?
 1       2.17  Complete the dialogue with the   5    Use IT!   Work in pairs. Ask for and give    With books closed, write the following
 words in the box. Then watch or listen and   advice for each situation. Which piece of   B THINK aND pLaN  words on the board in a jumbled order:
 check. What’s Neil’s problem? What does   advice was the best?  2  Read the essay. What is the writer’s   1  How long are school holidays in your
 Daisy advise Neil to do?  1  I cheated in a test.   conclusion about school?  country?  a   all   as   my   conclude   all   in   to   in
 2  Another student is bullying my best friend.   2  Why do we have school holidays?
 anyone difficult late matter    3  I’m always late for school.   3  What do you do in the holidays?  result   opinion
 right upset worse  3  Which key phrases can you find in the essay?   4  Do the holidays create any problems? If   Put students into pairs and give them one
 I cheated in a test. What should I do?
        Key pHrases                         so, what are they?                    minute to sort the words into four phrases
 2     2.17  Watch or listen again and underline   You need to tell your teacher.  5  Would you like the holidays to be
 the phrases Daisy and Neil use to:  Giving your final opinion  longer or shorter? Why?  to use in an essay. Check answers.
 1  express feelings   3  give advice  All in all, …   In my opinion, …   C WrITe  ANSWerS
 2  ask for advice   6    Use IT!   Work in pairs. Read the   As a result, …   To conclude, …   Paragraph 1: Introduce the question in
 situation, prepare and practise a new   I feel / believe / think …   So, …       all in all, in my opinion, as a result,
 3  Cover the dialogue in exercise 1 and read the   dialogue. Use the key phrases and the   the title.  to conclude
                                           Many people think …
 Key Phrases. Which two key phrases aren’t in   dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.  Paragraph 2:  Give your opinion.
 the dialogue?   Language point: Ordering information  In my opinion, … Firstly, … Secondly, … Finally, …
 Key pHrases  Student A: Ask your partner what the   4  Study the words in blue in the text. Which   Paragraph 3: End the essay by answering   exercise 6 USe IT!
                                           the question directly.
 problem is: he / she looks tired. Listen, find
         word can lastly replace?
 Asking for and giving advice  out some more information, then offer some   All in all, …  Read the task with the class, and ask: Do
 What should I do?  advice.  5  Write three sentences on school that    D CHeCK  you agree with this idea? Why / Why not?
 What would you do if you were me?  express a different opinion from    •  number of paragraphs   Elicit a few ideas. Students answer the
 Have you spoken to (your teachers) about it?  Student B: You’re not sleeping well and you’re   those in the model essay.     •  ordering of information
 Can you give me some advice?  always tired. You’re worried that your school   Use the ordering words.  •  key phrases  ‘Think and plan’ questions and prepare
 Don’t panic.  work is getting worse. You listen to music and   Firstly, …   •  can, could, be able to  their ideas. With weaker classes, you
 You need to (speak to someone).  text your friends when you should be asleep.  Secondly, …   •  have to, need to, must, should
 My advice is to (get help now).                                                 could do this with the whole class.
         Lastly, / Finally, …
                                                                                 Read through the paragraph structure
 64  Learn                                                       Learn  65       with the class and make sure students
                                                                                 understand everything. Students then
                                                                                 write their opinion essay. This can be set
          Writing • An opinion                Point out to students that different people   for homework. Remind students to use
                                                                                 some of the key phrases, and to check
          essay                               learn in different ways, and each of them   their grammar and spelling carefully.
                                              should be aware of what helps them to
                                              learn. Allow students time to prepare their
           Aim                                ideas individually, then put them into pairs   More practice
           Order opinions in an essay.        to compare their ideas. Ask some students   Workbook page 43
                                              to tell the class about their discussion.  Practice Kit  Writing 6
          THINK!                              exercise 2                          End-of-unit activities
                                                                                  Cumulative Review, Workbook page 58
          Ask the question to the class and elicit   Students read the essay quickly and   * Vocabulary and language focus worksheets,
          a range of answers. Ask more questions to   answer the question. Check the answer   Teacher’s Resource Disk
          encourage students to think about how   with the class.                 ** Vocabulary and language focus worksheets,
          they can learn outside school, e.g. What                                Teacher’s Resource Disk
          can you learn by doing sports? What can   ANSWer                        *** Vocabulary and language focus
          you learn by doing drama or music? What   Students learn many things and in many   worksheets, Teacher’s Resource Disk
          can you learn by volunteering for a charity?   ways at school, and it is the best place   Speaking worksheet, Teacher’s Resource Disk
          Encourage students to think about   to learn.
          qualities they can learn such as patience,   exercise 3
          understanding and maturity, as well
          as skills.                          Students read the essay again and find
                                              some of the key phrases. Check answers,
           ANSWerS                            and make sure that students understand
          Students’ own answers.              all the phrases. Point out the use of
                                              a comma after the phrases.
          exercise 1
          Read through the ideas in the box and   ANSWerS
          check that students understand them all.   All in all, In my opinion, To conclude

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