Page 64 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 64

prOgress reVIeW 3
            Progress review 3    page 66
                                                                 MY EVALUATION  Check your progress. Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluation.
            1  1  old
                                                                          I need to try this again.      I am happy with this.
              2  account                                                 I could do this better.      I can do this very well.
              3  licence
              4  pension                                         VOCABULARY Uses of get     LANGUAGE FOCUS The first conditional
                                                                 1  Complete the sentences.  with if and unless; might vs. will
              5  degree                                            1  Dominic is getting    . He’ll be   3  Complete the sentences with if, unless or the
            2  1  destroy                                           sixty on his next birthday.  correct form of might or will.
                                                                   2  I first got a bank    when I was   1  We    spend some time in
              2  manipulate                                         twelve years old.           Portugal next summer, but we aren’t sure.
              3  process                                           3  You won’t get a driving    unless   2  You’ll be exhausted    you relax
                                                                                                this weekend.
                                                                    you pass your test.
              4  adapt                                             4  My grandma doesn’t work any more. She   3  I    see you later, but I hope I do.
                                                                    gets a
                                                                                                        get rich because he works
                                                                                              4  He
            3  1  might                                            5  Mike studied at university for five years to   extremely hard.
                                                                    get a     in medicine.    5  We      win the match. The other
              2  unless                                                                         team is better.
              3  might not                                       I can talk about different ages and life events.  6  Will you go to the party    Leo
                                                                                                invites you?
                                                                         MY EVALUATION 
              4  ’ll                                                                         I can talk about possibilities in the future.
              5  won’t                                           READING Future humans               MY EVALUATION 
              6  if                                              2  Match the words with the definitions.
            4  1  Jasmine                                           adapt destroy manipulate process  VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Lifestyle
              2  abroad                                            1  damage something so that it can’t be used   4     2.18  Listen to Jasmine and Liam talking
              3  weeks                                                                        about their summer holiday. Choose the
                                                                   2  control something so that it behaves as we   correct words.
              4  August                                             want it to                1  Liam / Jasmine is calling his / her friend.
              5  will                                              3  use and analyse information with the help   2  Jasmine is going to spend the summer
                                                                    of a computer
                                                                                                abroad / in England.
              6  take up a sport                                   4  slowly change something so that it works   3  Jasmine will be travelling around South
                                                                                                America for a few months / weeks.
                                                                    better in a new situation
            5  1  This time next week we will be travelling around Italy.                     4  Liam’s dad wants to take some time out in
                                                                 I can match visual information to a text.  July / August.
              2  I’m going to take up tennis. It’s such a great sport.   MY EVALUATION        5  Liam’s dad will / won’t earn a lot of money
              3  Tomorrow at 5 o’clock, Callum will be getting ready for                      6  Jasmine says Liam should take up a sport /
                   the party.                                                                   watch TV.
              4  I think we’ll win this game.                                                I can talk about lifestyle choices for the future.
              5  Jamie says he isn’t going to work in the summer.                                    MY EVALUATION 
            6  1  got   2  time   3  hope                     66 prOgress reVIeW 3
              4  forget   5  leaves   6  me
            7  1  similar
  prOgress reVIeW 3 quickly
              3  for
              4  more                                           LANGUAGE FOCUS will and be going to;   WRITING A blog post
                                                                Future continuous
              5  including                                      5  Tick (✓) the correct sentence.  7  Read the blog and complete it with the
                                                                                             correct words. There are two extra words.
              6  natural                                          1     This time next week we will be   more for than including similar
                                                                     travelling around Italy.
              7  take                                                  This time next week we will travel   natural take advanced create
                                                                                                    troubles quickly
                                                                     around Italy.
              8  than                                             2      I’m going to take up tennis. It’s such a
              9  create                                              great sport.
                                                                       I’ll be taking up tennis. It’s such a
                                                                          great sport.
                                                                  3     Tomorrow at five o’clock, Callum will   Dave23
                                                                     get ready for the party.   If we were to
                                                                       Tomorrow at five o’clock, Callum will be   set off for a new
                                                                                               home besides
                                                                     getting ready for the party.  Earth, it would be very likely that the planet
                                                                  4    I think we’ll be winning this game.   must have had a very  1 
                                                                      I think we’ll win this game.   atmosphere compared to our homeland.
                                                                  5      Jamie says he isn’t going to work in   It would not be hard for us to  2 
                                                                     the summer.               adapt to the environment there. With the
                                                                      Jamie says he won’t work in the summer.  advanced technology nowadays, it is even
                                                                                               possible that we can create an artificial
                                                                I can talk about what I will be doing in the future.  sun  3    lighting, as well as day
                                                                        MY EVALUATION          and night system. Depending on the
                                                                                               ecosystem there, we may choose the best
                                                                SPEAKING Making arrangements   ways to develop  4    in terms of
                                                                                               agriculture or industry.
                                                                6  Choose the correct words. Then practise with   As we are settling down on a new place,
                                                                  your partner.                our life will be surrounded with lots of
                                                                  Mum   So, Leah, you’ve  1  have / get / got a   work,  5    growing and finding
                                                                      busy day ahead.          edible plants and vegetables, exploiting
                                                                  Leah  I know, it’s crazy. And I’ve got a   the planet's essential  6 
                                                                      basketball match tonight, too.  resources for recreating a new society. It will
                                                                  Mum   What  2  time / day / hour does it start?  7    a lot of time to rebuild a new
                                                                  Leah  It starts at six. Are you coming to watch?   society, but with the great intelligence of
                                                                  Mum   Yes, I  3  plan / hope / want so. Don’t   human beings nowadays, that process will
                                                                      4  remember / remind / forget that   be much shorter  8    before.
                                                                      we’re going to London tomorrow.  In addition, people may also discover
                                                                  Leah   What? Why?            new materials that can be used to
                                                                  Mum   Remember – it’s your cousin’s   9    extremely advanced
                                                                      wedding. The train  5  leaves / leaving /   inventions and techniques that can help
                                                                      left at seven, so we can’t be late.  our lives on a new planet become much
                                                                  Leah  Cool. Can you remind  6  my / I / me to   more comfortable.
                                                                      get him a present later?
                                                                  Mum   Right – I’m reminding you now to   comments
                                                                      get your cousin a present. OK?
                                                                  Leah   OK. Thanks, Mum.
                                                                I can make future plans and arrangements.  I can link ideas to express purposes.
                                                                        MY EVALUATION               MY EVALUATION 
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