Page 68 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 68

Unit summary                            7      Big ideas                              Culture p96
                                                           Vocabulary • Verbs: taking action
                                                                                                  Language focus reference p105
              Vocabulary                                   I can talk about suggestions for change.                             SAVE    sea  turtles
              Verbs: taking action: an aim, a ban, a                                                                                   CÔN ĐAO   island
              belief, a boycott, a campaign, a donation,     THINK!  Do you believe strongly in something?
                                                   Have you, or someone you know, ever campaigned
              an end, a proposal, a protest, a signature,   about an issue? What was the campaign about?                        We want to protest about the commercial
                                                                                                                                hunting of turtles for their shells and the
              a supporter, a volunteer            1   2.20   Match the verbs in blue in the text with   Do you want            pollution in their natural habitat. We aim to   4      2.21   Listen to
              Personal qualities: confident, generous,   the noun forms in the box. Listen and check.  to campaign for change?   raise awareness about sea turtle conservation   four people Yana, Zara,
                                                                                                                                                                   Will and Mitchell talking
                                                                                                                               on Côn Đảo Island, Việt Nam.
              heroic, honest, organised, patient,   an aim a ban a belief a boycott a campaign                                                                     about petitions they
              sympathetic, thoughtful                 a donation an end a proposal a protest                                                         learn more >  have just signed.
                                                       a signature a supporter a volunteer  Everyone CAN make a difference,                                         Which verbs in exercise 1 do Yana,
                                                                                                                                                                   Zara and Mitchell use?
                                                    campaign – a campaign                 and you don’t need to donate
              Language focus                                                              money or volunteer. You simply                  sign the               5      2.21   Watch or listen again and fill in
                                                  2  Read the online petitions and decide if you support                                  petition                 each blank with ONE word.
              Reported speech                       the ideas. Then work with a partner and explain   need to sign a petition online.                               Names        Petitions
              The second conditional                why you agree or disagree with each.  Here are a few active campaigns                                           Yana  An anti- 1   petition
                                                                                              from the internet …
                                                  3  Use the verbs in exercise 1  to create your own                                                                Zara  To end  2     fishing
              Speaking                              petition. It can be serious or funny. Can you                                            72% of target reached  Will  To persuade local  3    to let
                                                    persuade anyone in the class to sign it?
                                                                                                                                                                               people live in empty houses
              I can give reasons to support my     BAN LITTERING                                                                                                    Mitchell  To propose a new law to let people
                                                                                                                                                                               from  6
              opinions.                             IN STREETS!  Support our campaign
                                                                 for free  ice cream!
                                                                                                                                                                  Key pHrases
              Writing                                                                                                                                             Suggesting changes
                                                                                                                                                                  1   I think people should (support victims more)
              I can explore two sides of an argument                                                                                   How supermarkets see       2  We need to …
              in a formal essay.                                                                                                       fruit and vegetables:      3  I think it’s the best thing to do.
                                                                                                                                                                  4  I hope they introduce (a law against it soon).
                                                                                                                                                                  5  Let’s create a petition.
                                                                                                                                                                 6     Use IT!  Work in pairs. Use the words
            Vocabulary • Verbs:                                                                                                                                    in exercise 1 and the key phrases to make
                                                                                                                                                                   suggestions for the problems below. Decide
            taking action                               We should ban the use of                                                     perfect          Ugly         which two changes you would make.
                                                        orcas for entertainment.                                               Supermarkets reject 20–40% of fruit and vegetables   •  People litter a lot in Nhiêu Lôc canal.
                                                                                                                                                                   •  People don’t use the bins on the street.
             Aim                                        We believe that these   sign the                                       because they aren’t ‘perfect.’ We propose that   •  There’s too much traffic in the city centre.
                                                        intelligent, sociable   petition                                       supermarkets sell ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables at
             Talk about suggestions for change.         animals should not be in                                               a lower price. Help us end food waste and allow   •  There’s a lot of food waste in buffets.
                                                        captivity. We’d like people                                             more people to buy cheap, healthy food. Please   We must campaign to encourage people to put litter in the bins.
                                                        to boycott the shows and                                                                        learn more >
                                                                             94% of target reached                              support our campaign.                              Let’s create a petition.
                                                        sign our petition. Please
            THINK!                                      support our cause!
            Ask: What can people do if they want to               learn more >                                                                                    Finished?
            change something in their country? Elicit                                                                                          sign the           Write a letter to the principal to request a
                                                                                                                                                                  change to one of the environmental problems
            the idea of campaigning and check that                                                                                             petition           in your school. Explain what the problem is
            students understand the word campaign.                                     CHANGE                                                                     and what you think the school should do.
            Read out the questions and elicit a few   70                                                                                         47% of target reached                          71
            answers. Ask more questions to encourage                             CHANGE
            students to say more, e.g. How did you
            campaign? How many people took part?   ANSWerS                         Ask pairs or groups in turn to present
            What effect did it have? What things would   campaign – a campaign, donate –   their petitions to the class. After each
            you like to campaign about? What things   a donation, volunteer – a volunteer,   presentation, ask: Would you sign this
            make you feel angry? What things do you   sign – a signature, ban – a ban,   petition? See which petition would attract
            think your government should do? Elicit a   believe – a belief, boycott – a boycott,   the most signatures.
            range of answers.                  protest – a protest, aim – an aim,
                                               propose – a proposal, end – an end,   Optional activity: Vocabulary
            Students’ own answers.             support – a supporter                With books closed, write the following
                                                                                    gapped sentences on the board:
            exercise 1  e 2.20                 exercise 2                           1  They’re campaigning ___ animal rights.
            Check that students understand petition.   Students read the petitions again and   2  She donates money ___ a charity.
            Read out the phrase Petition power! and   decide if they agree or disagree with the   3  They want a boycott ___ the shows.
            elicit what it might mean (if a lot of people   ideas they express. Allow students time to   4  There was a protest ___ the hunting
            sign a petition, together they have the   prepare their ideas individually, then put   of turtles.
            power to bring about a change). Use the   them into pairs to compare and discuss   5  I’m a supporter ___ this charity.
            photo to check that students understand   their ideas. Ask some pairs to tell the class
            orca. Put students into pairs to read the   about their discussions.    Students work in pairs to complete the
            petitions quickly and match the nouns   ANSWerS                         sentences with the correct prepositions.
            with the verbs. Play the audio for students   Students’ own answers.    Check answers with the class, and
            to listen and check their answers. Check                                remind students that when they learn
            answers with the class, and check that   exercise 3                     new nouns and verbs, they should
            students understand all the nouns   Read out the task, and read out the   also learn the prepositions that go
            and verbs.                         example petitions.                   with them.
                                               Put students into pairs or small groups   ANSWerS
                                               to create their own petition and prepare   1  for    2  to    3  of    4  about    5  of
                                               some notes to explain it to the class.

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