Page 73 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 73

7  Vocabulary and listening •  Personal qualities  7  language focus • The second conditional
 I can understand people talking about qualities they admire.
           I can talk about impossible and unlikely situations in the present.
                                                                                  Language note
   THINK!  What personal qualities are important?  6   2.25   prONUNCIaTION: Diphthongs    1  Read these sentences and find out what   3  Complete the text. Use the second conditional   We use the past simple, NOT would,
    Identify the diphthong sounds and put the   tense the bold verbs are.  to write the verbs in the correct form.
 1   2.23   Match the adjectives with   words in the correct columns. Listen and repeat .  1  If more people were like Robert, the world   in the if clause of second conditional
 explanations 1–8. Listen and check.  would be a better place.  If I ruled the world …  sentences: If I had a lot of money, I would
 //aɪ//  /aʊ/  /əʊ//  /eɪ//  2  If those people had jobs, they wouldn’t   What changes  1   (you / make) if you
 confident generous heroic    need to sell baby gorillas.  ruled the world? Here’s what some people said:  give more to charity. (NOT If I would
 honest organised patient   3  If I had to choose just one person,                have a lot of money, I would give more
                                          ‘If I
 sympathetic thoughtful  it’d be a grandmother …  government, I  3   (be) a member of the   to charity.)
                                                              (support) the poor.’
 Someone who …  now change chose kind wildlife     4  If I were you, I’d start thinking of       Ana, 16
 1  remembers your birthday  wasting mountain homeless  other ideas.  ‘I  4   (stop) bullying in schools if I
 2  is not shy  7    Use IT!  Work in groups. Using the ideas   5   (have) the power.’   Jez, 15  exercise 3
 3  listens to your problems  below, talk about people you admire. Use   If I were you, I’d start thinking of   ‘If I  6   (be) president of the world, I
 4  does very brave things  adjectives in exercise 1.   other ideas. (not ‘If I was you…’)  7   (stop) teachers giving homework!’  Students read the text and complete it
 5  plans things carefully                                          Kara, 14     with the correct second conditional verb
 6  gives people more than they need  •  a member of your family  ‘I  8   (allow) young people to vote if I
 7  waits for others  •  a person during the COvID-19 pandemic  9   (can) make changes.’  Andreas, 16  forms. With weaker classes, students
 8  returns a lost wallet  •  a person at your school  10                        could work in pairs for this.
                                                         (be) up to me, I
 2  Which words can you use to describe   I really admire my cousin because he’s so clever.  ‘If it    (introduce) taxes on junk food.’
 yourself? Which adjectives do you think are                         Fin, 15     exercise 4  e 2.26     page 117
 important qualities for these people?
 a teacher  a friend a mother                                                    Play the audio for students to listen and
 She / He’s so kind.                     4   2.26   Listen and check your answers. Then   check their answers to exercise 3. Students
 3   2.24   Listen to three students having a   She / He’s such a generous person.   tell a partner which changes you would make.
 discussion with their teacher. What are they   I admire him because he’s really / very /   then work in pairs to discuss which
 talking about?  extremely brave.        5  Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas.  changes they would make. With stronger
 4   2.24   Listen again. Write the adjectives   1  If I did nothing all day, …  classes, students use their own ideas as
 the students use to describe each person.  2  Why is it a clever idea?  2  If they closed all schools, …  well as the ones in exercise 3. Ask some
 1  Robert Lee  3  What animals was Edwin Sabuhoro trying   3  I would help my neighbour if …  pairs to tell the class what changes they
                                           4  My parents would support me if …
 2  Edwin Sabuhoro  to protect?            5  The world would be a better place if …
 3  Marilyn Price  4  How does his eco-tour company provide a                    would make.
 good solution to problems in Rwanda?
 5   2.24   Answer the questions. Listen again   5  What opportunities do the bike trips give   6    Use IT!  Work in pairs. Take turns to   ANSWerS
 and check.  to city kids?                 ask and answer questions using situations   1  would you make     2  were    3  would
 1  Where does Robert Lee get the unwanted   6  In what countries can you find Marilyn   1–4 and your own ideas. Use the second   support    4  would stop     5  had
 food from?  Price’s programmes?
        2  Study the rule and choose the correct options.  What would you do or say if you …   6  were    7  would stop     8  would allow
 Robert Lee  Edwin Sabuhoro  Marilyn Price  1  found money in the street?        9  could    10  were    11  would introduce
         rULe                              2  saw someone in danger?
                                           3  met your idol?                     Students’ own answers.
        We use if + present / past simple to describe   4  suddenly became rich?
        a(n) likely / unlikely situation, then would
        with a verb without to to describe the result /   If you found 5 million VND in the street, what would you do?  exercise 5
        location.                                                                Read out the first sentence beginning and
                                         If I found 5 million VND in the street, I’d give it to the police.
                                                                                 elicit some possible endings. Students
           If I became a volunteer, would I have to work   Finished?             then complete the sentences using their
           in the evening?               Talk with your partner what changes he / she   own ideas. With weaker classes, students
           Would I have to work in the evening if I   would do if he / she ruled the world.    could work in pairs. Ask some students to
           became a volunteer?                                                   read their sentences to the class.
 74  Big ideas                                                 Big ideas  75     ANSWerS
                                                                                 Students’ own answers.
          Language focus • The                bold verbs are. Check answers with the   exercise 6 USe IT!
                                                                                 Allow students time to prepare their
          second conditional                  class and check that students understand   answers to the questions individually, then
                                              the sentences. Read the information in
                                              the Remember! box with the class. Point   put them into pairs to ask and answer the
           Aim                                out to students that this structure is an   questions. Ask some pairs to tell the class
           Talk about impossible and unlikely   exception, and students need to learn it.  about some of their partner’s answers.
           situations in the present.         ANSWer                             ANSWerS
                                              The verbs in bold are all past simple.  Students’ own answers.
          Warm-up                             exercise 2                         Finished?
          Refer students back to the three people                                Refer fast finishers to the Finished?
          on page 74. Ask: If you had to choose one   Students study the rule and choose the   activity. Allow fast finishers time to think
          person for an award, who would it be?   correct options to complete it. Check   about the topic. Then talk with their
          Write the question on the board and elicit   answers with the class. With weaker   partner what changes he / she would do if
          answers from a few students. Focus on   classes, read out the rule and elicit the   he / she ruled the world.  Alternatively, ask
          the question and ask: Does it refer to a real   answers from the class. Read out the   some fast finishers to read to the class the
          or imaginary situation? (imaginary – i.e.   information in the Remember! box with   changes they would make.
          you are imagining that you could choose   the class. Point out that either clause
          someone). Explain that this type of   can come first in second conditional   More practice
          sentence is called the second conditional.   sentences, but if the if clause comes first,   Workbook page 47
          Ask students to translate the question into   there is a comma between the clauses.  Practice Kit  Grammar 15
          Vietnamese.                         ANSWerS                             Assessment
                                              past, unlikely, result
          exercise 1                                                              Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
          Students work in pairs to study the
          sentences and decide what tense the

                                                                                                           Unit 7  T81
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