Page 75 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 75

I can explore two sides of an argument in a formal essay.
 7  speaking • Supporting a point of view
      7   writing • A discussion essay                                           Language point: References
 I can give reasons to support my opinions.
          I can explore two sides of an argument in a formal essay.
   THINK!  Do you think we should recycle our rubbish? Why / Why not?            and pronouns
         THINK!  What problems can mobile phones cause?
 Louise  Hi, there. Would you mind helping me                                    exercise 3
 with a  1   ?  1  Read the essay and answer the questions.
 Hugo  What’s it about?  1  What are the arguments for a ban on mobile           Point out the blue pronouns in the
 Louise  It’s about what types of recycling people   phones?                     phrases. Elicit or explain that we use
 do every day. We believe we must recycle   2  What are the arguments against a ban?  pronouns to replace nouns, to avoid
 our  2   and we want the   3  In which paragraph does the writer give a
 government to make it necessary   personal opinion? What is it?                 repetition. Students find the phrases in the
 everywhere.                           Language point: References and pronouns   essay and decide what the pronouns refer
 Hugo  But don’t people already recycle?  2  Find the key phrases in the essay. Which phrases …  3  Find phrases 1–5 in the essay. What do the
 Louise  Unfortunately, not   3   does, as   1  introduce the writer’s opinion?  pronouns  in blue refer to?  to. Check answers.
 people can choose not to recycle. If the   2  help to list reasons and arguments?  1  they are a nuisance
 government made it necessary, this   3  help to contrast ideas?  2  for and against this rule  ANSWerS
 would lead to everyone recycling their   3  if one rings, it disturbs the whole class  1  mobile phones.
 rubbish.  Key pHrases                   4  they say that it is worse if students have access    2  to ban mobile phones
 Hugo  But won’t this perhaps be too difficult to    Louise  Hugo  Writing a discussion essay  to the internet
 4   ?                                                                           3  a mobile phone
 Louise  The main reason for recycling is to save   One of the arguments for … is …  5  students can use apps on their phones to help   4.  cyberbullying.
                                           them with schoolwork
        On the one hand, …  On the other hand, …
 the planet. It might need a lot of    In addition, …
 5   , but it’s definitely worth   3    Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.  For instance / example, …  5.  students
 the  6   .  However, …                4     Use IT!  Follow the steps in
 Hugo  I suppose you’re right. OK, I’ll answer   4    Work in pairs. You want to start a   Personally, I am (not) in favour of …  the Writing Guide.  Optional activity: Writing
 your questions.  competition on making environment-friendly   WrITINg gUIde
 products at your school. Think of three   10:16                                  Ask students to look at paragraph 3 in
 reasons why it would be a good idea. Then   Mobile phones should be banned from schools.   a TasK  the essay again and find two examples
 compare your ideas with the class.  Discuss.  Write a discussion essay on this topic:
 1       2.27  Complete the dialogue with   1                                     of reported speech. Elicit the answers
 the words in the box. Then listen and check.   One reason for making environment-friendly products is...  Our school plans to ban mobile phones   All young people should do two weeks    and point out that it is useful to use
 What does Louise want the government to   because many teachers complain that they are   of compulsory work for the community   reported speech in an essay to report
 do? Does Hugo agree with her in the end?  a nuisance. There are arguments both for and   every year (such as street cleaning, planting
                                          trees or helping old people). Discuss.
        against this rule.
  Use IT!   Work in pairs. Read the
 effort everyone organise    5   situation, prepare and practise a new   2  One of the arguments for the ban is that   opinions that support your arguments.
 rubbish survey work  people say that phones cause problems at   B THINK aNd pLaN
 dialogue. Use the key phrases and the   school. Students forget to turn their phones off   ANSWerS
 dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.  during class, and if one rings, it disturbs the   1  What will be the consequences of this rule   One teacher explained that her
 2       2.27  Cover the dialogue and complete   whole class. Outside the classroom, phones   if it is introduced?  students used their mobile . . .
 the Key Phrases. Watch or listen again and   Student A: You want your school to give its   can also cause more serious problems, such   2  How would young people feel about this rule?
 check.  as cyberbullying. They say that it is worse if   3  Do you think that doing compulsory work   Many of my friends told me that they
 unwanted food to homeless people. Present   would make students more responsible? Why?
 your argument to Student B.  students have access to the internet at school.  4  Is there a better way to encourage young   used apps on their phones . . .
 Key pHrases  3  On the other hand, phones can be a great   people to help their community?
 Building an argument  Student B: Listen to Student A. You’re not   resource for students. For instance, students   C WrITe
 We believe we must  1   rubbish.  convinced – you think it will be very difficult   use their mobiles in class to research   Paragraph 1: Introduction  exercise 4 USe IT!
 We want the government to  2   .  to organise. Respond with questions.  information online. In addition, students   Paragraph 2: Ideas for one side of the
 This would lead to everyone  3   .  can use apps on their phones to help them   argument  Read the task with the class, and make
 The main reason for  4   is to    with schoolwork, for example by creating   Paragraph 3: Ideas for the other side of the   sure students understand the meaning
 5   .  homework reminders.               argument
 It’s  6   the effort.  4  Personally, I am not in favour of banning   Paragraph 4: Conclusion and your opinion  of compulsory and community work. Ask a
       mobiles completely as students need them                                  few questions to elicit some opinions on
       before and after school. However, I think   d CHeCK                       the topic, e.g. Do you think all young people
       students should agree to keep their phones on   •  phrases to present / contrast arguments
       silent and in their bags.          •  references and pronouns             should do community work? Why? / Why
                                                                                 not? In what ways could communities and
 76  Big ideas                                                Big ideas  77
                                                                                 young people benefit from this? Students
                                                                                 read part B and plan their essays. Students
                                                                                 then write their essays. This can be set for
          Writing • A discussion              1  They disturb the class if they ring;   homework. Remind them to use pronouns
          essay                                 cyberbullying.                   to avoid repeating nouns and the key
                                              2  They are great resources for students;   phrases. Remind them also to check their
           Aim                                  they need them before and after   grammar and spelling carefully.
           Explore two sides of an argument in a   school.                        More practice
           formal essay.                      3  The final paragraph; the writer is   Workbook page 49
                                                against banning mobile phones at   Practice Kit  Writing 7
          THINK!                                                                  End-of-unit activities
          Focus on the photo and elicit what it   exercise 2                      * Vocabulary and language focus worksheets,
          shows. Read out the question and elicit a   Students read the essay again and find the   Teacher’s Resource Disk
          few possible answers. Ask more questions   key phrases, then decide which function   ** Vocabulary and language focus worksheets,
          if necessary to prompt students, e.g. When   they match. Check answers, and check   Teacher’s Resource Disk
          can phones cause problems? At home?    that students understand all the phrases.  *** Vocabulary and language focus
          At school? At meal times? In a cinema?                                  worksheets, Teacher’s Resource Disk
                                              ANSWerS                             Speaking worksheet, Teacher’s Resource  Disk
           ANSWerS                            1  Personally, I am (not) in favour of …
          Students’ own answers.              2  One of the arguments for … is … ; In
                                                addition, …; For instance / example, …
          exercise 1                          3  However, … On the one hand, …
          Explain the meaning of ban and        On the other hand, … In addition, …
          cyberbullying if necessary. Students read
          the essay and answer the questions. Check

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