Page 80 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 80
8 Vocabulary and listening • Films and books: verbs and nouns 8 language focus • Present and past passive: questions
Vocabulary and I can ask and answer questions about films and books. I can ask questions using the passive in the present and past.
Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and
listening • Films and THINK! What jobs do you associate with a) the film industry and b) writing fiction? 1 Underline the verb forms and circle the 5 answer the questions in exercise 4. Answer in
subjects in these sentences.
books: verbs and 1 1 Which film was director James Cameron awarded 1 Was the book adapted for film? complete sentences.
2 What is the series of books called?
nouns an Oscar for? 3 Where was the film made? 6 writes three questions about books using
Use IT! Work in groups. Each group
4 Is the actor nominated for an award every
a Avatar
to answer. The group with the most correct
c Titanic
Aim quiz! 2 2 b The Terminator 2 Match the sentences 1–4 in exercise 1 with passive voice, then reads out for the others
answers is the winner.
Who was the graphic novel series The Dark Knight
Ask and answer questions about films written by? rules a–d. Who was The last leaf written by? ,
and books. a Stan Lee rULes When was the poem Mùa xuân nho nho written?
b Frank Miller Passive questions in the present are formed with …
c Neil Gaiman
3 3 The spy James Bond was played by which actor in a am / is / are + subject + past participle. The first question is …
THINK! Spectre? b a question word + am / is / are + subject + past I think the answer is …
Read out the question and, as a class, a Jude Law Passive questions in the past are formed with … Finished?
b Daniel Craig
brainstorm the jobs associated with each c Matt Damon c was / were + subject + past participle. Introduce to the class your favourite book
d a question word + was / were + subject + past
industry. If necessary, ask more questions 4 4 These three stars have received Oscar nominations participle. using the passive voice.
to give students ideas, e.g. Who holds the for Best Actor / Actress. Which one of them has
actually won an Oscar?
camera and does the filming? Who helps a Bradley Cooper Delicious
the actors with costumes? Who does the b Robert Downey Jr. Who was the film directed by? books
dangerous scenes in a film? See how many c Jennifer Lawrence Which award was she nominated for?
different jobs you can think of as a class, You’ve read the books, seen the films, now eat
and write them on the board. Ask: Which Spectre 3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. the cakes! The Edible Book Festival was started
job would you like to do? Why? 1 What he was given as a prize? in 2000. It is held every year around 1 April.
2 Is this crime novel written last year? 1 The latest books are made into cakes and
ANSWerS 1 2.31 Study the words in blue in the quiz. 3 What was award to the actor? are displayed at events all over the world.
Students’ own answers. Which are nouns and which are verbs? Write 4 Who was the film directed for? We all know The Hunger Games is a series of
the noun and verb forms for each word. 5 Were this book written by a man? three books that was adapted for film. But
Listen and check. have you seen the amazing Hunger Games
exercise 1 e 2.31 director (n) direct (v) 4 Read the description on the right. Write trilogy cake? It was
Students work in pairs to write the noun 2 Do the quiz. questions in the passive about the made by Crystal
Watanabe. Edible
information in blue.
and verb forms for each word in the quiz. When ? books for Game of
2.32 Listen to the recorded quiz to check
They can use their dictionaries to help. 3 your answers. Correct any wrong answers. 5 2.33 prONUNCIaTION: /g/ and /dʒ/ When was the Edible Book Festival started? Thrones and Wool,
which was written by
Play the audio for students to listen and Listen and repeat. 1 What ? ? Hugh Howey, were
2 Where
check their answers. Check answers. 4 2.32 Listen again and answer the 1 manga 5 largest 3 Was ? also made by her for
questions. 2 guess 6 gossip the festival! So what
ANSWerS 1 How many Oscars was Titanic awarded? 3 original 7 intelligence 4 Who ? happens at the end
5 Are
4 game
8 generosity
director (n), direct (v); award (v), award 2 When was the first story in The Dark Knight of the festival? The
graphic novel series published?
books are eaten,
Use IT! Work in pairs. Nominate your
(n); writer (n), write (v); actor (n), act (v); 3 How many times has Robert Downey Jr. 6 favourite book, actor, film, director or writer of course!
adaptation (n), adapt (v); winner (n), received an Oscar nomination for Best for an award.
win (v); star (n), star (v); nomination (n), 4 How many Oscar nominations have I nominate … for an award because …
nominate (v) Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper I think that … should win an award because …
received in total?
exercise 2 82 On screen On screen 83
Students do the quiz. With weaker
classes, students could work in pairs
for this. Encourage students to use their exercise 5 e 2.33 PrONUNCIATION: Optional activity: Vocabulary
general knowledge to guess any answers /g/ and /dʒ/ Write these categories on the board:
they are not sure about. Do not check Model the pronunciation of the two
answers at this point. consonants . Play the audio, pausing after 1 an American director and a director
each word to elicit which consonant from Việt Nam
exercise 3 e 2.32 students hear. Play the audio again, 2 someone who was awarded an Oscar
Play the audio for students to listen and pausing after each word for students to last year
check their answers to the quiz. See who repeat. 3 an actor in the Harry Potter films
got the most answers right. 4 a star of at least five films
exercise 6 USe IT!
ANSWerS 5 someone who was nominated for an
1 c 2 b 3 b 4 c Allow students time to prepare their ideas award, but didn’t get it
individually, then put them into small Put students into small groups and set
exercise 4 e 2.32 groups to express their ideas and try to a time limit for them to name people
Read through the questions with the persuade their classmates of their point for as many categories as they can.
class and check that students understand of view. Ask groups to agree on one actor, Tell them they cannot use names
everything. Point out that each question film, director and writer to nominate to from the quiz on this page. Check
asks for specific information. With weaker the class. answers, and see which group named
classes, elicit the kind of information Ask groups in turn to tell the class about the most people correctly. If there are
(a number or date) required for each the people and films they would like to any disagreements, check students’
question. Play the audio again. Students nominate and why. You could end with a answers online.
listen and answer the questions. Check class vote for each category.
answers with the class. More practice
Workbook page 52
1 eleven 2 1987 3 two times Assessment
4 eleven Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
T88 Unit 8