Page 81 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 81
8 language focus • Present and past passive: questions
I can ask questions using the passive in the present and past.
exercise 3
1 Underline the verb forms and circle the 5 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and Students find the errors in the sentences and
subjects in these sentences. answer the questions in exercise 4. Answer in correct them. With weaker classes, students
1 Was the book adapted for film? complete sentences.
2 What is the series of books called? could work in pairs. Check answers.
3 Where was the film made? 6 Use IT! Work in groups. Each group
4 Is the actor nominated for an award every writes three questions about books using ANSWerS
year? passive voice, then reads out for the others 1 What was he given as a prize?
to answer. The group with the most correct 2 Was this crime novel written last year?
2 Match the sentences 1–4 in exercise 1 with answers is the winner.
rules a–d. 3 What was awarded to the actor?
Who was The last leaf written by? ,
rULes When was the poem Mùa xuân nho nho written? 4 Who was the film directed by?
Passive questions in the present are formed with … 5 Was this book written by a man?
a am / is / are + subject + past participle. The first question is …
b a question word + am / is / are + subject + past I think the answer is … exercise 4
participle. Check that students understand edible.
Passive questions in the past are formed with … Finished? Focus on the first blue prompts in the
c was / were + subject + past participle. Introduce to the class your favourite book
d a question word + was / were + subject + past using the passive voice. text and read out the example question.
participle. Students work in pairs to write the
remaining questions. Check answers.
Delicious POSSIBLe ANSWerS
Who was the film directed by? books
Which award was she nominated for? 1 What are made into cakes?
2 Where are the cakes displayed?
You’ve read the books, seen the films, now eat 3 Was the Hunger Games series made
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. the cakes! The Edible Book Festival was started into a cake?
1 What he was given as a prize? in 2000. It is held every year around 1 April. 4 Who were the Hunger Games trilogy
2 Is this crime novel written last year? 1 The latest books are made into cakes and and Wool cakes made by? / were
3 What was award to the actor? are displayed at events all over the world.
4 Who was the film directed for? We all know The Hunger Games is a series of the Hunger Games trilogy, Game of
5 Were this book written by a man? three books that was adapted for film. But Thrones and Wool cakes made by?
have you seen the amazing Hunger Games 5 Are the ‘books’ eaten at the end of
4 Read the description on the right. Write trilogy cake? It was the festival?
questions in the passive about the made by Crystal
information in blue. Watanabe. Edible exercise 5
When ? books for Game of Students prepare their answers to the
When was the Edible Book Festival started? Thrones and Wool,
1 What ? which was written by questions individually. Then put them into
2 Where ? Hugh Howey, were pairs to ask and answer. Check answers.
3 Was ? also made by her for
4 Who ? the festival! So what POSSIBLe ANSWerS
happens at the end
5 Are ? 1 The latest books are made into cakes.
of the festival? The
books are eaten, 2 They are displayed all over the world.
of course! 3 Yes, it was.
4 It was / They were made by Crystal
5 Yes, they are.
On screen 83 exercise 6 USe IT!
Brainstorm some possible passive questions
about films and books. You could write
Language focus • 1 Was the book adapted for film? some question stems on the board, e.g.
Present and past 2 What is the series of books called? Who was … written by? / Who was …
directed by? / Who was the role of … played
passive: questions 3 Where was the film made? by in the film … ? / Which award was given
4 Is the actor nominated for an award to … for the film … ? Put students into
Aim every year? groups to prepare their questions. If they
have access to the internet, they can check
Ask questions using the passive in the exercise 2 facts online. Ask groups in turn to read their
present and past. Students work in pairs to match the questions to the class. The other groups can
questions to the rules. Read out the discuss and write down the answers. Check
the answers, and see which group got the
Warm-up information in the Remember! box. Point most correct answers.
Refer students back to questions 1 and out that we use by to refer to the person or Finished?
2 in the film quiz on page 82. Ask: Do thing that does the action of the verb, but Refer fast finishers to the Finished? activity.
the questions use active or passive verbs? we can use other prepositions to express Students can write their questions and then
(passive) Do they use the present or past other ideas, e.g. He was nominated by the compare them with another fast finisher.
tense? (past) Ask students what they public for an award. Students can write their description and
notice about the word order in the passive ANSWerS then compare it with another fast finisher.
question. Elicit that was comes before the 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 a Then ask them to read their descriptions
subject (director). to the class, without saying the book title.
Language note See if other students can guess the books.
exercise 1 In passive questions, the subject comes
Students work in pairs to underline between the form of be and the past More practice
the verbs and circle the subjects in the participle: When was the film made? Workbook page 53
questions. Check answers with the class, (NOT When the film was made? When Practice Kit Grammar 16
and check that students understand was made the film?) Assessment
the questions. Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
Unit 8 T89