Page 76 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 76

Unit summary                            8      On screen                              Culture p97                     F
                                                                                                  Language focus reference p106
                                                           Vocabulary • Film and book genres
              Vocabulary                                   I can discuss different types of films and books.
              Film and book genres: action,                                                a
              adventure, animation, comedy, crime,     THINK!  Name three types of books or films that are
                                                    popular in your country.
              drama, fantasy, graphic novel, horror,
                                                                                                                                 WhiCh Book

                                                                                                                                                                           2.29   Watch or
              manga, musical, mystery, romance,    1   2.28   Study the words in the box. They describe                          WhiCh Book                          4   listen to four people:
              science fiction, thriller               books, films, or both. Complete the table with the                                                                Will, Emma, Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                anD Film gEnrEs
                                                      words. Listen and check.                                                  anD Film gEnrEs                         and Alicia talking
              Films and books: verbs and nouns: act,   action adventure animation comedy crime                                                                          about their favourite
                                                                                                                                 Do YoU PrEFEr?
              actor, adapt, adaptation, award, direct,   drama fantasy graphic novel horror manga                                Do YoU PrEFEr?                         books. What genre(s) is
              director, nominate, nomination, star, win,   musical mystery romance science fiction thriller                                                             each book?
              winner, written                        Films      Books     Books and films                                                                             Key pHrases
                                                     action                             B                                                     10.34 a.m.     78%      Talking about films and books
              Language focus                                                                                                      1                                   1  The films are really good, but they’re
                                                                                                                                                                       not quite as good as the books.
              Present and past passive: affirmative                                                                                   a  doing puzzles  b  doing sport or exercise  2  It’s really (original and entertaining).
              and negative                                                                                                            c  listening to music           3  It’s a (crime novel).
                                                                                                                                                                      4  It’s about (a missing woman).
              Present and past passive: questions  2  Look at film photos A–F. Choose the correct words                                                               5  In the end …
                                                      in exercise 1  to describe each film.                                       2
                                                                                                                                                                           Use IT!  Work in groups. Take turns
              Speaking                             3  Do the quiz. Then compare your answers with a                                   a  The moon  b  The top of a mountain  5   to describe a famous book or film using
                                                      partner's. Do you agree with the result?
              I can recommend films and books and                                                                                     c  A beach at sunset              the key phrases. Guess other people’s
              say which ones I prefer.                                                                                                                                  books and films.
                                                  C                               D                                               3              b  Intelligence       It’s an animation and a musical. It’s fantastic.
                                                                                                                                                                     It’s about a princess who goes on a long journey to
              Writing                                                                                                                 a  Imagination                 find her sister. In the end, she finds her sister and
                                                                                                                                      c  Humour
                                                                                                                                                                             saves her country.
              I can identify and use details to
              support ideas.                                                                                                      4                                          Is it Frozen ?
                                                                                                                                       a           b  PE / Maths
                                                                                                                                       c  Art / Music
            Vocabulary • Film and                                                                                                  5                                  Write a description of your favourite film.
            book genres                                                                                                                a  Private detective  b  Formula One driver  Read your description to your partner for
                                                                                    E                                                  c  dance instructor            him / her to guess.
             Aim                                                                                                                   6
             Discuss different types of films and                                                                                                                        KEY
             books.                                                                                                                    a  Zombies  b  Spies
                                                                                                                                       c  Princes and princesses  Mostly a answers:    Mostly b answers:    Mostly c answers:
                                                                                                                                                          Mystery and fantasy are  Adventure and drama   Comedy and romance
                                                                                                                                                          your favourite genres.   are your genres. You   are your genres, and you
            THINK!                                                                                                                                        You like reading horror   enjoy reading thrillers   love watching a good
                                                                                                                                                          stories and watching
                                                                                                                                                                     and you love watching
            Read out the unit title and explain the   78                                                                                                  science fiction films.  action films.    79
            meaning (on screen refers to films, TV and
            video sites such as YouTube, etc.). Teach
            the word genre. Focus on the photos   with the class, and check that students   B  horror
            on pages 78 and 79 and ask students if   understand all the words.     C  romance
            they recognize any of the films. Read out   Point out that some of the genre words   D  comedy
            the statement and elicit answers from   are used in combination with another     E  musical
            individual students. Ask questions, if   noun such as book, novel, film or story, e.g.     F  action
            necessary, to help students with ideas, e.g.   a horror film / novel / story, but other words
            What about scary films? What about films   are used on their own, e.g. an animation,   exercise 3
            with music and singing?            a comedy.                           Ask students to quickly read through
             ANSWerS                            ANSWerS                            the quiz title and the statements and
            Students’ own answers.             Films:  action, animation, musical  questions. Check that they understand
                                               Books:  graphic novel, manga, mystery  everything. Students work individually to
             Background                        Books and films:  action, adventure,   do the quiz and read the results for their
             The films are: A Avengers: Age of Ultron   comedy, crime, drama, fantasy, horror,   answers in the key. Put students into pairs
             (2015), B The Wolfman (2010), C The Age   romance, science fiction, thriller  to compare their answers and say whether
             of Adaline (2015), D Em là bà nội của anh                             they agree with the results. Ask some pairs
             (2015), F Mamma Mia! (2008), F Fast and   exercise 2                  to tell the class whether their results were
             Furious 6 (2013).                 Focus on film poster A and elicit some   similar or different, and why.
                                               words to describe it, e.g. adventure, fantasy.   ANSWerS
            exercise 1  e 2.28                 Allow students time to prepare their ideas   Students’ own answers.
            Put students into pairs to check the   individually, then put them into pairs to
            meaning of the words in the box. They   compare and discuss their ideas. Discuss
            can use their dictionaries to help. Students   the answers with the class, encouraging
            then complete the table with the words.   students to give reasons for their answers.
            Play the audio for students to listen and   ANSWerS
            check their answers. Check answers   A  fantasy, adventure

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