Page 77 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 77

8  On screen  Culture p97  F                                                    exercise 5 USe IT!

 Language focus reference p106
 Vocabulary • Film and book genres
                                                                                 famous book or film, using some of the
 I can discuss different types of films and books.                               Give an example of a description of a
                                                                                 key phrases, e.g. It’s a science fiction film. It’s
   THINK!  Name three types of books or films that are                           very entertaining and sometimes quite scary.
 popular in your country.                                                        It’s about a Jedi called Luke Skywalker …
        WhiCh Book
                                                   2.29   Watch or

 1   2.28   Study the words in the box. They describe   WhiCh Book  4   listen to four people:    (Star Wars).
 books, films, or both. Complete the table with the   Will, Emma, Elizabeth      Allow students time to prepare their ideas
        anD Film gEnrEs
 words. Listen and check.  anD Film gEnrEs     and Alicia talking                individually, then put them into groups
 action adventure animation comedy crime       about their favourite             to describe their films or books using
        Do YoU PrEFEr?
 drama fantasy graphic novel horror manga   Do YoU PrEFEr?  books. What genre(s) is
 musical mystery romance science fiction thriller  each book?                    the key phrases and guess the ones their
                                                                                 classmates are describing. Point out that
 Films  Books  Books and films               Key pHrases                         they should wait until their classmates
 action  B           10.34 a.m.     78%      Talking about films and books       have finished their descriptions before
         1                                   1  The films are really good, but they’re    they guess. Ask some students which of
                                               not quite as good as the books.
             a  doing puzzles  b  doing sport or exercise  2  It’s really (original and entertaining).   the films or books they would most like to
                                             3  It’s a (crime novel).
             c  listening to music           4  It’s about (a missing woman).    read or see and why.
 2  Look at film photos A–F. Choose the correct words    5  In the end …
 in exercise 1  to describe each film.  2                                        ANSWerS
 3  Do the quiz. Then compare your answers with a    a  The moon  b  The top of a mountain  5    Use IT!  Work in groups. Take turns   Students’ own answers.
 partner's. Do you agree with the result?      to describe a famous book or film using
             c  A beach at sunset              the key phrases. Guess other people’s
                                               books and films.                   Optional activity: Vocabulary
          3             b  Intelligence       It’s an animation and a musical. It’s fantastic.   Put students into pairs to think of a film
              a  Imagination
                                             It’s about a princess who goes on a long journey to
                                            find her sister. In the end, she finds her sister and   or book that they know and that they
              c  Humour                             saves her country.            can mime to the class. Pairs take turns
          4                                          Is it Frozen ?               to tell the class if it is a film or book, and
                                                                                  say what genre it is. They then mime the
              a            b  PE / Maths                                          film for their classmates to guess.
              c  Art / Music                                                      ANSWerS
          5                                  Write a description of your favourite film.   Students’ own answers.
                                             Read your description to your partner for
                           b  Formula One driver
              a  Private detective
                                             him / her to guess.
 E            c  dance instructor
          6                                                                      Refer fast finishers to the Finished?
              a  Zombies  b  Spies              KEY                              activity. Students can write their
              c  Princes and princesses  Mostly a answers:    Mostly b answers:    Mostly c answers:    descriptions and then compare with
                                 Mystery and fantasy are  Adventure and drama   Comedy and romance
                                 your favourite genres.   are your genres. You   are your genres, and you   another fast finisher. Alternatively,
                                 You like reading horror   enjoy reading thrillers   love watching a good   ask some fast finishers to read their
                                 stories and watching   and you love watching   musical.
 78                              science fiction films.  action films.    79     descriptions to the class. Ask other
                                                                                 students to guess the ones their
                                                                                 classmates are describing.
                                              in pairs, and, if necessary, play the video   More practice
           Optional activity: Vocabulary      or audio again for them to check and   Workbook page 50
           Put students into pairs and ask them   complete their answers. Check answers   Practice Kit  Vocabulary 8
           to think of an idea for a new film. They   with the class.             Assessment
           should think of a title and decide what   ANSWerS                      Five-minute test, Teacher’s Resource Disk
           type of film it is, and what it is about.   Will:  crime
           They could also decide on the main   Emma:  science fiction
           actors if they like. Put pairs together into   Elizabeth:  science fiction graphic novel /
           groups of four to present their film ideas   romance
           to each other and discuss which would   Alicia:  drama
           be more successful. Ask some students
           to present their film ideas to the class.
                                               Optional activity: Key phrases
            ANSWerS                            Play the video or audio again, pausing
           Students’ own answers.              after each of the key phrases. Ask
                                               students to repeat, copying the
                                               pronunciation and intonation that
          exercise 4  r e 2.29     page 117    they hear.
          Read out the question, and point out   ANSWerS
          that three of the people mention the   Students’ own answers.
          genre, but one does not, so students
          will need to deduce the genre from the
          information they hear. Play the video or
          audio for students to watch or listen and
          note down the genre of each book. Allow
          students time to compare their answers
                                                                                                           Unit 8  T85
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