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8 reading • Film trivia blog
Reading • Film trivia I can identify the opinion of the author of a text.
blog THINK! Have you heard of the Guinness World Records? Do you know any film records?
Aim Film records home posts blog contact me
Identify the opinion of the author of
a text. The record books One truly unbelievable film record was set
are full of great by a man called Ashish Sharma in Mathura,
film trivia, but only gossip about stars is usually India, in 2008. He sat in a cinema and
THINK! heard. I like the gossip, but what about the film watched films for an incredible 120 hours
trivia we aren't told about? Some film records and twenty-three minutes – that’s
Ask: Who is the fastest runner in the world? are much more interesting. For example, did forty-eight films in total.
What’s the highest mountain? What is the you know that Robert Downey Jr. was paid Another film-related record from India
most popular film of all time? Elicit a few more than any other actor for his role as Iron is about the world’s largest film poster.
Man in the Avengers films (the huge sum of
answers. Read out the questions and eighty million US dollars)? And I bet you can’t It was made to advertise India’s biggest
explain that the Guinness World Records is guess which film has the record for the most action film of 2015, B ˉahubali. The size of
it is extraordinary! At nearly 5,000 square
a list of world records, including standard tickets sold. I was amazed! Well, apparently metres, it’s more than half the size of a
more cinema tickets were sold for Gone with
ones such as the fastest runner, but also the Wind, a 1930s romance, than for any professional football pitch! It wasn’t
made in the usual way. It was
more unusual records such as the longest other film. I haven’t even seen it but it sounds designed by the film’s director
hair ever recorded. Elicit some examples of terrible! The classic science fiction film Star Wars S. S. Rajamouli and it was made by a
comes a close second, and I’m sure that it’s a
records that students know. much better movie. team of thirty people who worked
around the clock for three days.
Students’ own answers. 1 Quickly read the blog and find the author’s
opinion on the following names?
exercise 1 1 Robert Downey Jr.
2 Gone with the Wind
Teach the word trivia (small, unimportant 3 Ashish Sharma
facts). Read out the task and emphasise 4 Bãhubali sTUdy sTraTegy
that students need to find the author’s 2 2.30 Read and listen to the blog again. Reading out loud
opinion on each topic, not facts about Choose the correct answers. Reading out loud will improve your
it. Students read the blog to find the 1 The writer believes that gossip about film pronunciation and speaking.
author’s opinion on each topic. Allow stars …
a is usually only about awards that stars win.
students time to compare their answers b is less interesting than some other film 3 Read the Study Strategy. Practise reading the
in pairs, then discuss the answers with the facts. blog out loud.
c isn’t interesting.
class and discuss how students know the 2 Gone with the Wind …
author’s opinions. a is not a modern film. 4 VOCaBULary pLUs Use a dictionary to
check the meaning of the words in blue in
b holds many film records.
ANSWerS c made eighty million dollars. the text.
1 The author thinks the amount Robert 3 Ashish Sharma … 5 Use IT! Work in pairs. Which record did
Downey Jr. was paid is huge. a plans to watch the film that will be 120 you find the most interesting? Why?
hours long.
2 The author thinks Gone with the Wind b has watched forty-eight films in his lifetime.
sounds terrible. c has had a film record for several years.
3 The author thinks Ashish Sharma’s 80 On screen
record is truly unbelievable.
4 The author thinks that the poster of
the film Bãhubali is an extraordinary Optional activity: reading exercise 4 VOCABULArY PLUS
size. Students use a dictionary to check the
Write the following on the board: meaning of the blue words. With stronger
exercise 2 e 2.30 1 three days classes, you could encourage students to
Allow students time to read through the 2 S. S. Rajamouli try to guess the meaning from the context
sentences and possible answers. Point out 3 Star Wars first, then check in a dictionary. Check
that for this exercise they will be looking Ask students to scan the text quickly that students understand all the words.
for details in the text. Play the audio. and write a sentence saying what the Elicit that the words are all adjectives that
Students read and listen and choose the text says about each person or number. writers can use to express their opinion
correct answers. Check answers. Check answers. about films or books.
1 b 2 a 3 c 1 People worked for three days Students’ own answers.
exercise 3 to make the poster for the film Workbook page 54 Exercise 5
Read the study strategy with the class. 2 He is the director of Bãhubali. exercise 5 USe IT!
Students could work in pairs and take 3 Star Wars is the film that has sold Allow students time to prepare their
turns to read a paragraph out loud to the second most tickets, after Gone answers individually, then put them into
their partner. Alternatively, you could go with the Wind. pairs to ask and discuss their ideas.
around the class, asking each student in
turn to read out a short section of the Ask some students to tell the class which
text. Encourage students to focus on of their opinions were similar, and which
pronunciation and speaking clearly. were different.
More practice
Students’ own answers. Workbook page 54
Practice Kit Reading 8
T86 Unit 8