Page 74 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 74
7 speaking • Supporting a point of view
Speaking • Supporting I can give reasons to support my opinions.
a point of view THINK! Do you think we should recycle our rubbish? Why / Why not?
Louise Hi, there. Would you mind helping me
Aim with a 1 ?
Hugo What’s it about?
Give reasons to support your opinions. Louise It’s about what types of recycling people
do every day. We believe we must recycle
our 2 and we want the
THINK! government to make it necessary
Read out the questions and elicit some Hugo But don’t people already recycle?
answers and some reasons. If students are Louise Unfortunately, not 3 does, as
people can choose not to recycle. If the
struggling for ideas, ask more questions government made it necessary, this
to start them thinking, e.g. What would would lead to everyone recycling their
happen if everyone recycled their rubbish? Hugo But won’t this perhaps be too difficult to Louise Hugo
What would happen if no one did? 4 ?
Louise The main reason for recycling is to save
ANSWerS the planet. It might need a lot of
Students’ own answers. 5 , but it’s definitely worth 3 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.
the 6 .
Hugo I suppose you’re right. OK, I’ll answer 4 Work in pairs. You want to start a
exercise 1 r e 2.27 your questions. competition on making environment-friendly
Students read the dialogue and complete products at your school. Think of three
reasons why it would be a good idea. Then
it with the correct words. With weaker compare your ideas with the class.
2.27 Complete the dialogue with
classes, students could work in pairs for 1 the words in the box. Then listen and check. One reason for making environment-friendly products is...
this. Play the video or audio for students to What does Louise want the government to
watch or listen and check their answers. do? Does Hugo agree with her in the end?
Use IT! Work in pairs. Read the
Check answers with the class, then ask the effort everyone organise 5 situation, prepare and practise a new
questions about Louise and Hugo to the rubbish survey work dialogue. Use the key phrases and the
class and elicit the answers. dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.
2 2.27 Cover the dialogue and complete
ANSWerS the Key Phrases. Watch or listen again and Student A: You want your school to give its
1 survey 2 rubbish 3 everyone check. unwanted food to homeless people. Present
4 organise 5 work 6 effort Key pHrases your argument to Student B.
Louise wants the government to make Building an argument Student B: Listen to Student A. You’re not
it necessary for people to recycle. Yes, We believe we must 1 rubbish. convinced – you think it will be very difficult
to organise. Respond with questions.
Hugo agrees with her in the end. We want the government to 3 2 . .
This would lead to everyone
The main reason for 4 is to
exercise 2 r e 2.27 5 .
It’s 6 the effort.
Put students into pairs and ask them to
cover the dialogue in exercise 1. Students
try to complete the key phrases from
memory. Play the video or audio again for
students to check their answers. Check 76 Big ideas
answers with the class and check that
students understand all the key phrases.
You could ask students to translate exercise 4 Optional activity: Speaking
the key phrases into Vietnamese to Read out the task and elicit one or two Put students into pairs and ask them
check understanding. reasons for making environment-friendly to think of another change they would
products, e.g. to raise students’ awareness
ANSWerS like to make at their school. Ask them to
1 recycle our on protecting their living environment. think of reasons to support their idea.
2 make it necessary everywhere Put students into pairs to think of more Put pairs together into groups of four.
3 recycling their rubbish reasons and express them using the key Ask pairs in turn to present their ideas
4 recycling phrases. Elicit ideas from the class and to their classmates. Their classmates
5 save the planet make notes on the board. Have a brief should not be convinced, and should
6 definitely worth class discussion about which reasons are respond with questions. Ask some
the most convincing and why. Encourage students if their classmates managed to
Optional activity: Key phrases students to use the key phrases to give convince them of their idea.
Before students practise the dialogue, reasons for their opinions. ANSWerS
play the video or audio again, pausing ANSWerS Students’ own answers.
after the key phrases. Ask students to Students’ own answers.
repeat, copying the pronunciation and
intonation that they hear. exercise 5 USe IT! More practice
Read through the situation with the class Practice Kit Speaking 7
ANSWerS and make sure students understand
Students’ own answers.
everything. Students work in pairs to
prepare a new dialogue. Ask some
exercise 3 students to perform their dialogues for
Students work in pairs to practise the the class.
dialogue. ANSWerS
Students’ own answers.
T82 Unit 7